
Thursday, December 22, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City - Part 5 of 12

The laboratory adventure continues as we cover the basics of the third and fourth levels!


Level 3

The snakes are here! Knock it down with a few basketballs and move past it as it bounces around on the floor. When it's hanging on the ceiling again, you'll have to stun it once more.

The bonus area has you jumping around on springs. There's a 1-Up to the far left there.

Remember the hint involving the triangles on the floor and ceiling in the checkerboard tubes. The force fields will damage you if you stand where they appear, so be careful.

Level 4

You'll need to use the freeze balls on the silver floating eyes to get to the captive shortly after you start this level. You'll find out that (thankfully) nobody's been mutated yet.

The door above the captive runs on a combination, and you have to trigger switches so they're pulled in a certain direction. For this one, it's right, left, left, right.

If it hasn't been made logical yet, you know now. The ball has to go opposite the direction the handle on the switch is pointed in order to trigger it. If the handle is pointing to the right, the ball will have to be thrown into it to the left.

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