
Friday, December 23, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City - Part 6 of 12

We finish off the Laboratory and get the second cardkey.


Level 5

You'll need to go down the ladder to the right of the start and get past all of those electric barriers on the way down to find the captive, which is where some invincibility shoes nearby come in. You'll find out Dr. Cranium has a new creation. Hope you have some fire balls.

The boss here is a Frankenstein monster with orbs for a body. When the body turns into four orbs that surround the head when it flies away, stay on the move and watch the eyes. When they blink, they shoot balls of electricity that will try to home in on you but don't seem to do a very effective job.

When the boss raises his arms, run all the way to the left so you don't get shocked.

When you beat the boss, you'll get the yellow cardkey.

El Train 2 and 3

There are three El Train levels in the game, and they all go the same way: attack the paparazzi, get power-ups, avoid the steel when you're on top of the trains and make your way to the end.

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