
Saturday, December 24, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City - Part 7 of 12

In this episode, we finally enter the factory on Goose Island and gum up the works!


Level 1

The slimes will be the first new enemy you'll see, and you'll see them right away. Their movements seem a bit random, and they'll split apart like the spiders. Once again, you can use the fire balls if you need to, or the gold homing balls if they're being especially pesky. Don't try to outrun them unless you absolutely can, since the smaller slimes aren't forced to patrol a specific area like the smaller spiders are.

The slime at the bottom of the level hurts you if you jump into it.

You've probably figured it out earlier, but the rubber ball can split in two whenever necessary and cover more area while bouncing off walls.

Junk will shoot out of the chutes, and it will hit anything that it comes in contact with. You'll also have conveyor belts to go against the flow with as you try to run past crushers and claws. The black and yellow chevrons on the conveyor belts show which direction they run.

If you have to fight an enforcer from a ladder, you can hit them in the foot for an easy victory.

The fans will push MJ in the direction they're facing. You'll need one of them for a jump, interestingly and cleverly enough.

There is one jump near the end that involves jumping off the edge of a conveyor belt, and if you didn't have the instruction manual or played it blind, you would have no idea of how to do it. Here's the solution: you hold the L button and then jump. Turns out L acts as a run button, and since the L button can't be changed in the game options, you'd have no clue that it has a function. None of the captives tell you about this either, so it's like the game expects you to know about it from either the manual...which implies you have the manual (that, or reading GameFAQs).

Level 2

The slime has now been replace with lava and molten steel.

There's a fall-away floor just above the first lava pit.

You'll find out that you can hit wheel valves with a ball to drain slime pits in the next area. Also, you'll get the hint "Stay away from the high fastball and wait for YOUR pitch!" We'll find out what that means soon enough.

Watch out for the fire jets near the end. If you need to, you can destroy the nozzles with your basketballs.

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