
Saturday, December 24, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City - Part 8 of 12

We go further into the factory, and oh boy, does getting around get a little harder...


Level 3

You can take care of the enforcer just after the green key door by getting real close, ducking and then hitting him with the basketballs. Since he won't have time to block your shots at close range, you'll be able to bean him repeatedly until he dies.

The steel white platforms that look almost like clean slates will spin around, causing you to fall straight down after you stand on them long enough.

Unlike the claws in the first level, the claws here act as platforms you can grab onto with Up+B.

The grey wheels can be hit with basketballs to drain the slime below you, allowing access to more of the level. You'll want to be quick as you go through this level, as the slime will rise back up after a little while.

Be sure to look around in the upper-left corner of the level after you've drained the slime. You'll be able to find the hostage.

Level 4

There really isn't much new to this level, but this is probably where you'll start getting lost more easily for the first time.

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