
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 5 - Part 3 of 9

If there was ever any proof that this game has some very good music, Stone Man's stage is one such shred of evidence. Also, Charge Man has some pretty good music, too.

Stone Man

When you shoot the Mettaurs down here, they'll split into three smaller ones that bounce around before they explode into tiny fireballs.

When you start seeing the cone robots, go to the lower-right corner of the room and shoot at the right-hand wall. You'll open up a corridor that you can slide through and pick up the G.

The robots that shot the explosive balls out of their heads shoot rocks in this stage. At least the rocks don't explode.

The glass dome robots with the tripod legs hang onto the ceiling and fall down when you get close enough. They're pretty fast, but if you have your Mega Buster charged up before they drop down, you can get rid of them immediately.

The first time you see these robots, go up to the middle of the stage, and shoot at the right hand-wall. You'll find another corridor that you can slide into. It doesn't lead to anything, even though the enemy in the center of the pits will probably drop a 1-Up here. (It may not, it's kinda random.)

The 1-Up trapped in the wall can be easily grabbed with Rush Coil. Just jump on Rush, then jump into the wall after Rush bounces upwards. You'll be able to walk into the wall and get the one-up. Thankfully, getting out of the wall to continue with the game is easy.

The Energy Tank after that 1-Up can be easily obtained with the use of Rush Jet.

If Eddy doesn't give you anything you want, shoot the right-hand wall again. This time around, it's easier to tell that it's a fake wall you can shoot down. Slide into the corridor to fill up both one of your weapons as well as your energy.

The Napalm Bomb works best on Napalm Man. He'll jump around and shake the ground, and he also collapses into a pile of rubble every so often to make himself invulnerable to your attacks. Hit him while he's in the air with the Napalm Bomb to ensure that you damage him. His jumps don't go very far, and he doesn't do much, making him one of the easiest Robot Masters in the game to beat with the Mega Buster. He does have a shield of stones that encircles him, but he doesn't seem to do it all that often and it has a limited range.

Beating Stone Man gives you the Power Stone. It's a shield weapon, but the stones extend towards the edges of the screen in a spiral-like pattern...and it's really hard to use.

Charge Man

The red flying helmeted robots drop missiles out from their missile pods. They drop three before flying away.

The train Mettaurs are exclusive to this stage. When they see you, they let out a toot sound before opening their eyes and shooting at you with a three-way shot, then charging at you. When their eyes are open, they've vulnerable to any weapon you have at your disposal.

In case you can't tell, the backgrounds on the moving trains utilize parallax scrolling. You're welcome.

Not only will you be on top of moving trains in this level, you'll be inside them as well. The screen shakes while you're inside, which is something we haven't seen in a Mega Man game yet.

The A in the first train car is painfully easy to get. Just use Rush Coil.

You can use Power Stone to beat Charge Man. There's just one problem: using Power Stone to hit him is more of a science than he should be, especially when he follows you around and shoots fireballs from the steam pipe on the top of his head that drop down on you. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Instead, use the Mega Buster and hit him with fully charged shots. Whenever he dashes towards you, he's invulnerable to any attacks you throw at him until he stops.

Beating Charge Man gives you the Charge Kick. To use this attack, you'll have to slide. Your slide will have attack properties when this weapon is equipped. Of course, it's kinda weak.

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