
Monday, August 1, 2016

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 5 - Part 2 of 9

Half done with the Robot Masters already?

Crystal Man

The first enemy you'll see are the ball robots being propelled by cans on legs. Destroy the ball to get rid of this enemy completely; otherwise the ball will start bouncing around like crazy and careen into you.

The best time to jump over the pits with the crystals coming down from directly above is usually right after one comes down. Some of them will trick you, though. If you need to, use Star Crash and you can nullify them.

The Crystal Joes are only vulnerable when they shoot their crystals. Avoid their attack and hit them with charged shots.

The yellow street sweeping robot moves back and forth and shoots a three-shot into the air. As long as you're not jumping around and have your Mega Buster fully charged, you should be fine.

The one-wheeled robots are easy to destroy compared to the last game. Speaking of which, the flying shields make a return appearance in this game, and once again they're only vulnerable from the rear.

The flying green robots drop skull bombs when you're directly under them (or over them). Use the slide to avoid the bombs.

The Energy Tanks are back! You also get the M tank here, which refill your weapons energy for all weapons, including the Mega Buster.

The robot mice can be destroyed with a charged shot.

After the M tank, you'll be dropping down a chasm with some spikes. Be close to left and center on the first screen, so you can get the V.

The cones with the flashing lights fold down and move in for the kill when you get close enough. Thankfully, they go down in one hit and a charged shot will get rid of a whole line of them.

Crystal Man bounces around and shoot a crystal orb at you. When this orb hits the wall, it will split into four smaller orbs that bounce off the walls and ceilings for a little while before they disappear. Thankfully, they're not impossible to dodge. He also has a blaster that complements this weapon, but he only uses it if the crystals are still on the screen. Use the Gyro Attack to take off as much health as possible from each strike. If you get close and shoot him before he lands on the ground, you'll be able to do a lot of damage.

Beating Crystal Man gives you the Crystal Eye, which works much the same way as Crystal Man's weapon does. The only difference is that this version splits into three orbs instead of four.

Napalm Man

The tiger robots pounce around when they see you, and can be easily rid of with a charged shot.

The bats make another appearance here (and look slightly different), while the Mettaurs are on turrets that can be very easily destroyed. Don't worry, you'll find the plain Mettaurs soon enough.

The spike drills that come towards you can be easily destroyed with charged shots.

When you climb up the ladder after the first set of spike drills, you can leap into the left wall and follow the simple path inside to get the Energy Can.

The currents from the waterfalls will move you around, much like in other games where we've seen them (such as Ninja Gaiden III and Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2). You'll also see the Flying Joes, which are Sniper Joes in mini-helicopters that move around in some sort of bowtie pattern and shoot at you as they relentlessly follow you around.

The big red robots that stand there and shoot missiles can only be beaned in the head. Also, only two missiles from these robots can be on the screen at any given time, so fighting one of these guys isn't very annoying. At least the missiles are so easily destroyable it's not even funny.

After that second red missile robot, drop down and immediately move to the left to get the N, which is impossible to miss on your way through the stage.

Watch out with the missiles. When you shoot one down, it splits into four pieces of shrapnel that all travel diagonally.

The jumping robots shoot balls out of their heads that fall directly onto you like ammo out of a mortar cannon. Avoid the balls and their explosions (which have a short radius that comes off as an annoyance) and shoot the robot.

The grey missiles that pop out of the pits when you get close enough to them slowly make their way down after they show up. Looks like you'll have to be careful near pits in this game, too.

Napalm Man will jump around and fire grenades at you. You can do the most damage by firing the Crystal Eye at him, but using the rebounding shrapnel properties of this weapons works as well, since you can bean him from behind if you know and where to fire the missile from. When a Crystal Eye hits the wall, one piece of shrapnel will stay perfectly horizontal while the other two go up and down much like the diagonal bullets in a three-way shot, bouncing off walls and ceilings at 45-degree angles. If the diagonal shots don't hit Napalm Man, you can stand on the ground and wait for the third one to blast him in the back after he lands, which makes concentrating on dodging easier.

Beating Napalm Man gives you the Napalm Bomb.

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