
Saturday, October 5, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Chrono Trigger (Super NES) - Part 37 of 70

In this entry, we get a clone of Crono from the Millennial Fair, then undertake the trek to Death Peak.

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Go back to the hallway you went through to get the Epoch. This time around, you'll receive instructions from Belthasar on what to do with the Chrono Trigger from the creature guarding the door where you first saw the Epoch. Before you talk to the creature, however, you'll want to pick up the sparkle on the floor just before the door. It's a Magic Tab.

When you talk to the creature, it will tell you that you will find the power to restore life on Death Peak. In order to activate this power, however, the individual in question to be revived must be important to the space-time continuum. Since Crono is obviously part of the efforts to save the world from Lavos, he obviously fits the bill there. In addition to the Chrono Trigger, you must also have an identical clone of that person. You'll then be told to head to Norstein Bekkler's tent to play the "Simon Says" game for a Crono Clone, and while you could get it early enough if you were good at the game, this is where the game requires you to do it.

By the way, you can rename Epoch at the computer at the Keeper's Dome entrance, if you wish.

From here, head to the Millennial Fair in Leene Square and enter the tent northeast of where you enter and talk to Norstein Bekkler. You'll automatically play the "Simon Says" game with a clone of Crono. L raises the left arm, R raises the right arm, Y performs a laugh and A performs a surprised expression. You'll need to press the correct button to match what Crono is doing, and the more times you do it successfully and the longer the game goes, the faster you have to press the right button. The better you do, the less money you'll have to pay for a Clone. If you're really good, you can get it for free.

Head back to Crono's house. Crono's mom will be in Crono's room upstairs (which makes me wonder where Crono's mom sleeps). Talk to her, and after a slightly awkward conversation (what with Crono being gone), you'll be able to take the Clone.

Head back to the Keeper's Dome in 2300 A.D. and talk to the creature. He will go into the door and execute three programs in the form of three blue Pozoyo dolls, which then rocket to certain points on Death Peak. You'll then be able to head back to Death Peak, and the creature will ask you to let it rest eternally by flipping the switch on its stomach. This is completely optional, but if you walk up to the creature and press A afterwards, you'll get a choice to flip the switch. You can then flip the switch to let the creature sleep beyond the flow of time.

When you enter Death Peak, talk to the Pozoyo doll you see. It will tell you to walk when the wind is not blowing and hide behind the trees when it is, then create two trees to use as cover from the gale-force winds. When the wind kicks up, you'll not only want to hide behind the tree while also walking into it, essentially walking in place into the the tree while behind it. Otherwise, the wind will blow you off Death Peak and you'll have to re-enter. You can even hold the B button so that your lead character is behind the tree while shaking their head. That works, too. Incredibly, the game does not hint that this is what you need to do, and forces you to figure this out on your own.

When you finally make it past the first screen, you'll then be in Death Peak proper. The Krakkers are like more powerful Egberts from the Sewer Access area and can absorb more than 100 HP if they eat you and spit you out, and the Macabres, while carrying scythes that can do a good amount of damage, are highly susceptible to magic attacks.

Along the way, you will face Lavos Spawns. To defeat them, you'll want to hit the yellow eye part at the front of the creature and only the yellow eye. Do not do anything to the shell at all; attacking it or casting any Tech on it will cause it to attack your party with powerful needle attacks that will do a lot of damage. You can charm the yellow eye part for an Elixir, but the shell will give you nothing. 

Along the way, you'll find the Giga Arm for Robo and the Brave Sword for Frog, which does double damage to magic-based enemies. You'll also find a Magic Ring, which increases Magic by six points, a Dark Helm that cuts Shadow-based damage by half, and a Wall Ring that increased Magic Defense by ten. 

You'll eventually reach a dead end on a cliff. At the north end of this cliff, there is a sparkle. If you press A at the sparkle, you'll open a cave across from the Save Point on Death Peak.

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