
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Rainiac plays Kickmaster - Part 4 of 8

In this entry, we head to the mountains and fight the local wildlife. We also fight a chimera, which is also not surprising.

Sector 4: The Bottomless Crevasse

At Level 3, you'll learn the Double Front Kick. Hold Up-Left or Up-Right on the D-Pad, then press B to perform a double kick. 

The enemies that look like gorillas wearing golden capes (with skulls as shoulder pads) can be easily taken down quickly enough, as they slowly move forwards.

The mages that stay in place in the air and throw a fireball downwards can be a little tricky. They disappear and warp to a different position after dropping their projectile, so see if you can hit them before then. If they're lower than usual, hit the knee drop. Watch the projectile, as it travels across the ground towards you unless there is a wall in the way. 

The buzzards track you horizontally. Wait for them to drop down a bit, then hit them with the knee drop.

Yes, you can get the magic you see when you start seeing the buzzards. Just walk into it. This is the Life 2 magic, which fills up four bars of HP at the cost of 90 MP. Use it when fighting bosses.

Watch out for stalagmites that pop in and out of the ground, as they will do a lot of damage and potentially knock you into a nearby pit.

The mini-boss is some sort of blue wizard that shoots projectiles at you. Just keep hitting her(?) with upwards kicks in mid-air and she(?) will go down. Just watch out for the stalagmite that goes in and out of the ground.

After this, you'll fight a chimera. Jump over the fireball and hit it with a knee drop when it's moving around. Just watch out for that charging attack if you're good a distance away. If it's directly above you, use the Lightning spell to do some real damage.

Beating the chimera will net you the Pulse Wave spirit. For just 5 MP, you can create waves of energy that damage enemies on contact. This is best used against groups of enemies.

After this, you get your password, then it's on to Sector 5.

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