
Monday, April 29, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Drill Dozer - Part 9 of 28

It's time to head to the air for the first (and only) time. But just when we think we're done...

Area 4-2: Metal City Flight

In this level, you'll have to find a way up to the roof...but how.

The green turrets will shoot bullets. Be ready to drill to block the bullets before drilling into the turrets themselves.

After you get the second gear, you'll be fighting cops as well as Skullkers before facing The Magnet Sisters one more time. This time around, they will drop bombs from a magnet. Avoid the bombs, then drill into the magnet. After doing enough damage, The Magnet Sisters will bounce around the room until they collapse on the ground, in which case you'll have to drill into them again. If you get hit as they bounce around off the walls, floor and ceiling, you'll have to start the current phase over. There are three phases to the battle, and while they all go the same way, The Magnet Sisters will drop more bombs which each phase and the walls will close in, giving you less room to not only move around in, but to avoid The Magnet Sisters themselves. For the third and final phase, you'll want to find a safe corner, stay near the wall and duck.

After you beat The Magnet Sisters, you'll get the propeller, which allows you to fly in the air. Just like with the underwater level, you'll be doing this for one stage only. You'll need to activate the drill with the shoulder buttons in order to fly into the air, and shifting up will allow you to fly for longer. Also, holding one button, then pressing and holding the other allows you to hover, which lets you move from side to side without ascending or descending until you let go of both buttons. It gets even better when you reach third gear, as you'll be able to fly indefinitely. Much like with the underwater controls, however, this can also be pretty cumbersome and can take a second to get used to.

As you fly, you can break stuff to get through the sections to get chips for the shop. There are also enemies, such as the orange robots with the drills on their heads that fly back and forth. You'll also have to avoid the spiked balls as well as some stationary spikes, and your hovering skills will be put to the test as you move between the spikes.

In the fifth section of the stage (the one with the red walls), there are some metal blocks to the right. You won't be able to break those...yet.

When you reach the top, you'll have to get past more of those blue laser shooters before you can face the Skullker professor again. This time around, he will control the Drizzler, which controls the weather in Metal City. Unfortunately, the professor has taken control of it with the Red Diamond, and you'll have to do some damage to the Drizzler in order to wrestle control away from him.

There are three phases to the battle, and each one is an obstacle course. You'll need to get to the Drizzler without running into the damaging spiked walls, and each obstacle course is harder than the last. Using the hover ability will definitely help, as well as paying attention, as the machines on the walls produce clouds that obscure where you are as you fly around. When you get to the Drizzler, fly into it from below and shift up to third gear to do maximum damage.

For the second phase, the machines on the walls, will push you back in the direction they are facing, and for the third phase, the machines on the walls will shoot lasers. Stop and hover to avoid the lasers.

As you go through this battle, you'll want to keep your health high. When you beat the Drizzler, it's not over yet, as the Red Diamond gets taken away from you by the Drizzler, which is now out of control. Avoid getting hit by the rocks, and sta0y as far away as possible to avoid the laser. When the core is flashing, you'll want to drill into it from underneath. When the Drizzler is at half health, it will shoot out more rocks and it will fire the laser twice before you can hit it again.

After you defeat the Drizzler, you'll get the Red Diamond back. You'll then get a call from Grutch, even though his face is unseen and is only static. You'll then get picked up by the wrong trailer, which is manned by the police chief and is ultimately a trap. Jill gets arrested, and Grutch and Gearmo have to figure out what to do next.

After completing Area 4, you'll get the Hideout Map. This gives you access to a secret level in Area 1, and we'll be going there next time.

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