
Monday, June 6, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Scrapyard Dog (Lynx) - Part 5 of 7

I don't really say it here, but this world is probably the most interesting one due to the ghost town and some of the random things that show up, like the gas pump, the teepees and the palm trees.

Desert 1

Most of the enemies you'll see here are the wildlife that you've seen before.

The tumbleweeds stun you, but cannot kill you. If you've been taking care of enemies as they came, this shouldn't be much of a problem. The gopher holes will hurt you if you land on them. Amazingly, the cacti don't.

If you hold Up at the stagecoach door, you can buy Tri-Lasers.

Jump up to the envelope for 2500 bonus points.

Desert 2

When the eagles reach the ground, there will be nowhere else for them to dive to.

Hold Up on the teepee entrance for $5.

Watch out for coconuts. Even if they are on the ground, they will still hurt you.

Jump straight up on the gas pump for $5.

Duck down at the note for 2500 bonus points.

Desert 3

For the first screen, you'll want to make your way to the cave in the lower-left corner. This is easier said than due to the platforming you'll have to do. I just take the quick and dirty way to do it because of that. 

For the second screen, The mine in the lower-left corner sells armor. It's the same as the shield, but more expensive at $35 a pop. No wonder the shopkeep is fed up. The opening in the upper-right corner just takes you back to the start; instead, enter the opening in the lower-right. Don't go too high up or else you might get hit by rolling boulders.

For the third screen, there will be boulders rolling around. The teepee sells stun guns. If you stand on the gravestone with black text just under the ghost town sign and jump straight up, you'll find $5. If you press down in front of the skeleton arm with the phone, you'll get 2500 bonus points.

Desert 4

The ghosts stun you, and they will move up and down in place before advancing towards you. Hope you brought the stun gun; it'll definitely come in handy here.

Duck down to avoid the huge wooden door that flies out from the left.

Jump straight up at the center of the bank windows for red money bags. The higher road is the safe road at this point. Be careful for the door that flies out from the left as you approach the jail (spelled "gaol" here). The jail sells ice gun ammo. The chest contains a gun.

Desert 5

The boss is a ghost sheriff. Stay all the way to the left, get your shots in on the ghost ahead of time as it flies around and keeps fading in and out, and always duck down when you're not firing to avoid getting shot yourself. 

After this, you'll get another extra life and head into a winter wonderland.

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