
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Kikoskia plays Silent Bomber - Part 22 of 23

The final battle with Benoit begins...and it can be particularly nasty.

You'll want to destroy the chess pieces from far away. You only need one bomb to destroy them, but there's also the problem with the firepower that they blast out. 

Just like in real chess, pawns just move vertically one side from the other. Knights move in an L-shaped pattern and can follow you all around the board. Rooks move only in vertical and horizontal straight lines while bishops can only move diagonally. One usually appears with the other The queens move like a rook and a bishop combined, and usually appears with knights. 

Unlike real chess, however, the knights here will produce green beams of light that will pack a punch if you get too close. The rooks and bishops move around before stopping to fire purple lasers all around. The queen has a four-way laser shot, but it can be jumped over. (Ironically, the knights that follow the queen have attacks that are harder to dodge.)

While you can drop bombs and detonate them when the pieces are nearby, it's better to use the Lock-On Unit and get the bombs to explode from there, as you can wipe out multiple chess pieces at once if you can get pieces to stay next to each other.

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