
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Alien Syndrome (Game Gear) - Part 4 of 5

As we go deeper into the ship, everything goes from bad to worse.

Round 4: Command Room

Despite the more natural appearance of the level on the map, the actual appearance of this level is that of a hellscape.

The two enemies for this round are red worms and white heads with tails. The worms come out of the red circles in the room, and they won't go down until all of the individual segments do. Once again, the laser will come in handy. The white heads with spawn out of where the white faces in the wall are.

The southwest corner of the round is the toughest part to get around in, due to the narrow floors near bottomless pits and the white head enemies spawning in very strategic points. You'll need to be ready to aim, shoot and immediately move forward after. Also, the one room with the hostage in the southeast corner is also hard to get around in, and you may get hit by an enemy while getting the hostage here at least once.

To be the boss, run around the room clockwise and shoot at the boss while also shooting down the worm enemies that the boss spawns. Once again, you'll want the laser here, as the laser will tear the worm enemies apart. 

If you beat this round on the Normal difficulty, the game ends with a bad ending. If you beat this round on the Hard difficulty, however, you'll get one last round.

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