
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Saturn Bomberman - Part 5 of 12

Our trek through the Dino World will take us through the jungle and into the mountains, and it will definitely take more than one video to get through.

Dino World

Stage 4-1

The plant enemies go down in one hit and are unimpressive. The small purple dinosaur enemies will leap over soft blocks - which are the plants here - whenever they feel like it.

Also, the music here is some of the best in the game.

Stage 4-2

Love the ride on the turtle between the first two stages.

The big green bushes hide bear traps. They do not kill you; they only stun. Be sure to hold the direction you want to go as you eventually wait to be freed after a few seconds, so you

The lizards on their hind legs tend to approach you when they see you, and they will also run to the south after getting hit before eventually disappearing.

The bridges stop the path of any and all bomb explosions, and you cannot place bombs on them either. Enemies can still use them, however.

Stage 4-3

The steel egg will hatch a not-so-friendly looking bird before you enter this stage.

The blue dinosaurs take two hits to kill, and will swipe its claws at anything to the side in an attempt to get you should you be nearby.

The tree here will keep spawning one-eyed fruit enemies that take one hit to kill, but if you keep laying bombs at the tree, you will eventually destroy it.

Stage 4-4

The between-stages entrances are getting more and more interesting. A dinosaur helps you to the other side.

The black bone bridges will disappear temporarily if hit by any part of a bomb explosion. This can be used to keep enemies away from you for a little while.

The small purple dinosaurs can jump over the small gaps in the lava crevices.

Boss: Egg Birdon

To beat the boss, always keep two bombs within close proximity of each other. This allows you to hit the boss more easily and also get rid of the hatchlings that will spawn every so often.

The boss can shoot out an energy waves that can explode your bombs.

Sometimes a green bird will show up. It will spit fire, so be ready to destroy it.

When you beat this boss, you'll get the fourth and final crystal necessary to defeat Crator. Unfortunately, a volcanic eruption that creates an ice age will occur. 

Stage 4-5

The snowballs will move around and also bury themselves in the snow to avoid your bombs.

The snowmen have jetpacks and can fly over the ice crystals that serve as the soft blocks for the next couple of stages.

The snowballs will move when hit with an explosion, and can be used to defeat enemies.

If a snowman is behind a hole in a wall, you can hit him with an explosion to stop him from shooting snowballs into the air and knock them upside down. If you hit them with another explosion, they'll be right-side up and shooting snowballs again. Be sure to watch for shadows if they shoot snowballs. Thankfully, the snowballs will only briefly stun you.

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