
Monday, November 11, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays The Ninja Warriors (U.S. Version) - Part 4 of 4

Here it is: the final confrontation with Banglar!

Stage 7

Apparently the red and blue guys also have a white-clad cousin. At least he looks interesting, since he almost blends into the snow and looks like one of those guys from the Battle of Hoth.

You'll also meet a white version of the robot. Nothing much interesting here, except you have two motorcycles you can throw at it to make destroying it easier. By this point, you'll see missiles falling from the sky...again. It won't be long until you come across another base, where you'll fight off some more robots as well as more big guys.

In the next section, you'll meet a new enemy: some red-headed alien people in yellow spandex. As you fight them, they'll turn a bright white, which keeps you from putting them in a throw attack. They'll try to knee you and rush straight at you with a sliding kick.

You'll then fight four robots at once afterwards. Throw one into the other for your best bet at survival. If you can somehow get them to accidentally destroy one another with their lasers, that's great.

After taking down the four robots, you'll be making your way onto a freight elevator, where you'll be fighting enemies on your way through the horizontal shaft. You'll then be making your way towards another elevator, where you'll face some more enemies (including a few purple-jumpsuited aliens) and a big ugly green guy in a mechanical onesie who serves as the next boss.

He'll jump onto the roof of the escalator and bring it all the way down. If you stand under him, you'll be primed to get the first strike on the guy. He has a two-punches-followed-by-a-lunging low kick combo, an extending arm, and a nasty standing low spin kick. If you can fill up your blaster, do that and use it on everyone on screen. The more damage you can do on this guy at any possible time, the better. Of course, if he's blocking a lot of your attacks, don't be afraid to combo into your blaster.

Your air attacks will work quite well here, as well, since he'll try to move and/or jump towards you.

He sends a lot of henchmen after you, including the robots and the aliens. Throw people into him, combo into your blaster, use your full screen attack...whatever you can. Because this guy's nuts.

Final Stage

Go to the right at the beginning; don't go left unless you want harder enemies. Beat everyone up and you'll go to the next section.

At the end of the second section, you'll fight four big guys at the same time. If you stay at the right side of the screen here and combo into your blaster, you shouldn't have a hard time at all.

The third section is a control center with a jet in the background. After fighting a bunch of enemies, you'll fight two burly guys and two large robots. Take down the large robots first by throwing the burly guys into the robots.

After beating those guys up, you'll be doing some more fighting before you fight another clone of the Stage 1 boss.

Once you finish him off, you'll be in the next section...and so will Benglar! He'll run away again, so go towards the crate and destroy it for a full power-up. You'd better take it before you destroy the last normal enemy, otherwise you won't be able to have access to it.

The boss battle is Benglar. He'll be in some sort of battle mechanism in the forthcoming elevator. Throw the enemies into him, and watch out for the lasers that come out of the ceiling panels next to him. There are three on each side, and you can easily tell where the lasers are coming from. It's always center, right, left. After three laser attacks, all six lasers will fire at the same time, so either stay right under him or walk all the way to the nearest wall before they all fire!

When you knock Banglar off of that machine, you did it! Enjoy the ending, which I'd rather not spoil for you!

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