
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Happily Ever After (NES) - Part 3 of 4

We're almost there, but before we can enter the final level, we've got another hard boss battle.

Stage 3

There will be a dragon in armor carrying an ax right next to you at the start; hit him to knock him off the cliff. At this point, I start fighting a few enemies.

After the first section and its technicolor waterfalls, it's another section with the Friday the 13th music. Duck down in the chasms so the boulders don't hit you. At the waterfall, jump near the end of the bridge, then drop down and use the earthquake magic once you are standing next to the boulder. Use the geyser magic to get out.

The bats are back. They fly around in sine wave patterns, so be ready to strike with the cape when they get close.

At the volcano, watch the skies and be ready to move. If you feel you can't move past a falling rock, move away. At the cliffside afterwards, use the animal summoning ability to summon Batso the Bat and Scowl the Owl, who will carry you over the pit.

You'll then face a bird boss. You'll have to know where to stand and when to jump and strike, which will take a bit of practice. If the bird is high, you'll have to jump and strike when he dives down; if the bird is a little lower, you can jump up and strike, then duck down to avoid being hit. I had to use the rock formations in the background to figure out where to stand.

After beating the boss and going right, you'll meet Sunny, who gives you the power of sunlight, which will block the evil rays that come from the eyes of Lord Malliss. Thunderella will also give you lightning magic that is more powerful than the magic cape.

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