
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Secret of Evermore - Part 35 of 35

Here's the final battle - and the ending - for this wonderful game. Enjoy.

All maps by Grizzly.

Final Preparations

Time to go through the Main District one more time. Leave the Professor's laboratory and head to the Boiler Room.

If you need Iron, go to the Shopping Center; it's the easiest place to find it. Go ahead and use the Inn and save here, while you're at it.

Get to the left end of the Boiler Room, get to the junkyard, and go west of the rocket. There will be the teleporter that takes you to Carltron. Insert the Energy Core, and you'll step onto the teleporter pad. This will take you to the room in the middle of the Main District. Go down the porthole. There's no turning back, so you'd better be prepared!

Final Boss

Fans and Speakers[

Your first order of business is to destroy all the fans and speakers on the northern wall. The fans blow you back a little less gently than normal, but the speakers quickly knock you all the way back to the other side of the room. Either way, you'll be constantly blown back, so use Energize on both characters (use it solely on The Dog and get the bazooka equipped on The Boy for best results). Take the bombs that come out of the pipes and knock them into the fans and speakers with your melee weapons. The Cryoblast bazooka ammo will also work well here, as well as with all the bosses in this final chamber. Remember, you have infinite ammo because of the programming, so use it.

When you destroy all the fans and speakers, get healed up and prepared and whatnot. Then, flick all the switches and you'll trigger a large video wall...and epic boss music!

Metal Raptors

Your first opponents in this epic battle are six, metallic blue Raptors. They'll teleport into the room from the video screen...and boy, do they pack a punch or what?

They fight just like the regular Raptors. Take to them with Energized Dog Attacks and Cryoblast. These things have a lot of hit points (as well as a really nice high metallic screech when they attack).

Whenever you destroy a monster, it turns into dust. When you defeat one wave, a cleaning robot comes in to clean up the mess. DO NOT DESTROY THE CLEANING ROBOTS. If you do, a Death Spider comes in, and those things are quite powerful, especially when you're up against more than one. If you do trigger a Death Spider, you'll have to destroy any and all of them on the screen before you can begin the next wave.

When you destroy the first two, you'll take on two more. Finish them off like you did before. Then let the cleaning robot do his thing. And you'll get one last wave. After the cleaning robot makes another pass, you'll then get...

Eyes of Rimsala

You get three of these, and just like their red and gold Antiquan cousin, these will roll all over the room. Thankfully, these things are weaker than the metal Raptors, especially since The Boy and The Dog are both Energized. This shouldn't be too hard, just keep them away from you.

Bad Boy and Dark Toaster

Once you take down the Eyes of Rimsala and the cleaning robot takes care of business, you'll fight Bad Boy. Guess what? The Level 3 Dog Attack wipes him out in one shot. Watch him turn to dust, then you'll take on the Dark evil clone of the robot dog.

Guess what? He's nothing like Bad Dawg.

This thing will attack with The Dog's laser attack, which does double-digit damage when it connects. Keep your characters healed.

Metal Magmar

The next opponent is a much more powerful version of Magmar. He has the same attacks, and the video screen acts as the lava in this face. If he leaps towards it, hit him. That'll make him change his mind really quickly. 

He also has the ability to cast Crush as well as Heat Wave, so be on the lookout for that.

Carltron's Robot

Here it is...the moment you've been waiting for!

Carltron's Robot jumps around and fires rockets at you from the north side of the wall. If you ever get close, you'll set off explosions that will cause a lot of damage.

Your best bet it to hit him while he's in mid-air. That way, you don't have to worry about trading punches every single time you attack.

When you take him down, the game is over. The video wall is destroyed with a brilliant white flash. Carltron was controlling the robot via a remote, which he still presses the buttons on when it's destroyed. Professor Ruffleberg turns him off, and then Carltron disappears.

Professor Ruffleberg holographically sends you back to Evermore, where you'll witness Evermore imploding on itself now that Carltron's influence has been destroyed. The only way to let Evermore survive is to remove the influence of both you and the people involved in the botched experiment. Your only hope is to find Elizabeth, Horace and Camellia and bring them back to the space station so that the Professor can send everyone back.

The Boy and The Dog get everyone back, and everyone returns to the real world. The Dog is back in his real form when they return to Podunk.

The Boy wonders if everything they went through was real, then return to the theatre and find that the movie currently playing is called "The Secret of Evermore." Meanwhile, the others are back at Professor Ruffleberg's abandoned mansion, wondering what will become of Evermore.

Strong Heart is the new leader of Fire Eyes' Village, Madronius is the new leader of Nobilia, and the King now rules Ebon Keep. We also see the Windwalker one last time, and the evil robot clones are now part of Percival Plank's exhibit.

When you wait a while after it says "The End," you'll find that Carltron is now a docile robot...or is he?

You'll then get another credit, and if you wait several minutes more, you'll get another one.

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