
Thursday, October 3, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest V for NES - Part 2 of 7

Your first challenge is the desert. Yeah, that's gangsta, Sierra.

West of where you met the bear is the desert itself. We're going in.

If you go south from the screen west of the beehive, you will be stung by a scorpion and you will die.

Go west until you reach an oasis two screens in. Switch to the hand icon, then press A on the oasis to drink from it. Sadly, the "Nectar of the gods!" line is edited out due to Nintendo of America's policy on religious reference in games published for the system. You will always want to drink from an oasis every so often; otherwise Graham will die of thirst. If you ever see vultures show up, you'll know you went too long without water. Thankfully, the game will warn you beforehand. Take the warning seriously.

From here, go north two screens until you hit a wall, then go west two screens. Hide much of Graham behind the nearby rock as much as possible, or else you will die. A bandit will show up. You'll watch him open the door, go in, grab something and leave. Drink from the small pool of water near the rock (you'll need to do this to keep from dying from thirst in the desert area), then go east one screen and south three. On the way to the oasis, you will see some sun-bleached bones and what looks like a boot. Use the hand icon to grab the boot. Go south one more screen to find another oasis. Drink the water here.

Go south one screen, then keep going west until you reach a set of tents. You'll see a guy show up. It's that bandit, and he's been stabbed to death. If you go to the pot, you can drink some more water; I definitely recommend it here. Go into the second smaller tent and grab the staff (don't wake up the guy that's sleeping, and don't take too long!), then get out. If you enter the big tent, you will die.

Head one screen east, and keep going north until you reach an oasis. Drink from the oasis. Keep going north until you reach the rock wall again. From there, go one screen east to the temple. Drink from the nearby puddle, then go north into the temple. Use the sceptre you just picked up on the door, and the scepter will break. Grab the shining coin and the brass bottle to the left, then get out. If you take too long, you will die. If you leave without taking both items, you will make the game unwinnable.

Leave the temple, go two screens east and two screens south. Drink from the oasis here. From here, keep going east, and you'll be back at the beehive.

North of the anthill is the fortune teller's wagon. By approaching the wagon, the man standing guard tells you it will cost you one gold coin to see Madam Mushka. Thankfully, we found a gold coin in the temple, so give it to him. You'll go in to meet Madam Mushka and find out that both the castle and the royal family have been miniaturized, and that Mordack is the brother of Manannan - the main villian from King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human. Alexander turned Manannan into a cat in that game, and Mordack wants Alexander to change him back as he casted the spell and is the only one who can reverse the spell. Madame Mushka then gives you a magic amulet that protects you from evil magic. You'll leave after that. Select the amulet from your inventory, then press A after you put the arrow on King Graham. You'll automatically put it on. Do this as soon as you get it, you'll definitely need it for later.

From here, head to the inn and save your game. Go east to the bakery, stand on the right side of the screen, and get the boot you found in the desert from your inventory. A mouse will be running to the right, and a cat will chase after it and eventually catch it. Throw the boot at the cat before that happens. The mouse will thank you and tell you that he will eventually pay it forward later. If you do not do this, the game becomes unwinnable. If you fail to do this, re-load your game and try again until you do.

From here, head back to where you met the viper and go west. Talk to the young man sitting on the log. He'll tell you about his fiancee, who has gone missing. He thinks the old witch in the Dark Forest is responsible for her disappearance. Go up from here, then go to the left and talk to the weeping willow. Turns out the tree is the man's fiancee, and the old witch did get her after her husband-to-be rejected the witch's advances. You have to find her heart (which has been turned to gold) so she can become human again.

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