
Sunday, September 29, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Secret of Evermore - Part 30 of 35

We finally get to fly around and explore previous worlds! Too bad it's so late in the game.

All maps by Grizzly.

When you're ready, head into the Windwaker at Tinker's Lab.

Flying Around

Remember the Flammie controls from Secret of Mana? They're exactly the same in Evermore. A and B let you ascend and descend, and the Control Pad lets you move around. The R button lets you switch from behind the Windwalker to a top-down view. If you go low enough while descending, you will enter a top-down view. If you need an in-game map, press Select to toggle it on and off. The big red dot is you, the smaller dot is the direction you're facing, and the flashing dots are the fire pits. 

Sometimes you'll have to go in reverse before you can go forward as soon as you're finally in the air. I don't know if it's a glitch in the game or what, so keep that in mind. It's a flying machine, Square. Not a car.

Here's another glitch...if you land just off the coast of the fire pit near the beach area where Blimp's Cave is, you'll end up back in the balcony of Tinker's workshop...minus the Windwalker. If this happens, reset the game. You were warned. 

The first place you want to head to the one of the fire pits in Prehistoria. Consult the world map if you need help finding it. (You can also press Select to pull a black-and-white map of sorts up, but having a color one is much easier.)

There is one fire pit in the Volcano Path. If you land there, you'll find the remnants of the Sacred Dog statue in the landing pad. You also won't be able to access the swamp maze anymore, and you also won't be able to go through the inside of the volcano, either. There is also another one near the village on the path leading to the quicksand fields leading to the Bugmuck.

Fire Eyes's Village

If you go to Fire Eyes's Village (which isn't shown here) and meet with Fire Eyes, she'll clue you in as to what's going on and she'll help you out on your quest. She'll also tell you to go meet Strong Heart, who has an awesome new spell for you.

Crash Landing Site/Strong Heart's Hut

Head back to the southern jungle and find Strong Heart. Talk to him and he'll give you Miracle Cure, which is a combination of Cure and Heal. Yeah, you'll be replacing Cure and Heal with this, leveling this sucker up, then farming money and alchemy ingredients to get more, because this thing is just awesome. That is, if you want to. You'll probably have Heal adequately leveled up. But it's worth getting just in case.

Miracle Cure
2 Root, 1 Vinegar

Strong Heart will also be selling Vinegar from this point on in the game.

Also, talk to Strong Heart as The Dog and you'll get the Spot's Collar, which is the dog collar for Omnitopia (the space world) absolutely free! Equip this sucker on The Dog immediately, it's much better than the Defender Collar.

By talking to Fire Eyes, you'll learn that some debris from the volcano landed on the volcano slope as well as in the Bugmuck when the volcano erupted. We'll be going to the volcano first.

Volcano Path

Remember how you got to the top of the Volcano and got the Levitate spell? Do it again. Now that the volcano has blown its top, the old man and the floor he was standing on is gone...and you'll land on that ledge with the gourd that you couldn't reach at the beginning of the game. Open the gourd up and you'll get the Gauge. You're done.

It is possible to get the Gauge to re-spawn after collecting it. Believe it or not, collecting three Gauges is the same as collecting all three rocket parts due to a bug in the game. We're going to do it the honest way, however.

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