
Sunday, July 28, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Super Back to the Future Part II AGAIN - Part 6 of 6

Let's get the almanac and get out of here!

Round 6-1

Password: WINK

Love the music in here. It's really adrenalizing and it kinda puts the whole "race against time" message in perspective.

As soon as you start this stage, large brown balls (either giant oranges, meatballs or balls of manure...I can't tell) start falling from the sky. You'll be spin jumping your way through the stage for a bit while avoiding bikers and other enemies.

Once you see the ceiling, you'll be jumping from platform to platform while trying not to get hit by cannonballs from below.

After the two springs, you'll be dealing with balloons again, followed by more platform with a few rotten apples among them that repeatedly perform their little vanishing act. Cute.

After a rather short easy section, you'll see those giant brown balls again. You'll have to use those to spin jump your way forward, then you'll have to spin jump into some bikers, go down a long hill, then jump over (or defeat) some homeless guy throwing things into a flame barrel to summon fireballs.

Hey, guess what? You'll have to do that thing one last time.

Go all the way down and make your way to the right. You'll have to do the "spin jump off stuff to make your way up" trick to get past this part.

If you can somehow manage to pull that off, it's just a short run to the goal.

Round 6-2

Password: BIFF

This is just way too easy.

Just spin jump on Biff's head a couple of times. That's it. He'll give up the almanac after a few hits.

It's just you, him, a car with a tractor trailer and a truck in front of him shooting objects everywhere.

The only thing to be really careful about here is Biff getting up from the car seat and jumping out at you...even though you'll probably attack him so fast you won't give Biff a chance to breathe.

Once you beat him, you'll see Biff crash right into a manure truck. Then the credits roll.

Well, at least this was somewhat of an enjoyable game. It's not without its faults, but at least it's better than the stuff we got back in America from LJN...

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