
Saturday, July 27, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Super Back to the Future Part II AGAIN - Part 4 of 6

Our bizarre adventure through alternate 1985 continues as we deal with street punks and find out what caused the major changes to the place we call home.

Round 4-1

Password: JACK

A lot of enemies are from Round 3-1. The first new one you'll see is pretty easy...some bald guy who looks like his head is on fire. Also worth noting is that the birds have been replaced with bats. Holy crap...welcome to alternate 1985!

The second one is a commando with a machine gun. The blast has some distance and is onscreen for a second before traveling forward, so spin jump on him earlier than usual when you see him. One of the platforms after your first encounter with that new enemy appears and disappears at random. Just letting you know. You can also destroy the machine gun fire, but you don't get any coins for it.

A little later, you'll have a choice. Either you can jump over the fence and avoid the harder low road, or you can go down there anyway and get a bunch of coins and face a bunch of bikers. Be sure to spin jump when you go downwards if you take the low road.

If you take the high road, you'll deal with four platforms that vanish in and out for the first spike pit and a moving platform for the second. There's two extra hit points before the spikes and an extra hit point after the second spike pit if you need it.

Near the end, you'll meet a bald guy with a shotgun. Turns out, this is alternate 1985 Mr. Strickland, who ends up being an angry old man with the shotgun who happens to be the street punks' worst nightmare in the apocalyptic Hell Valley in the movie...and almost blows Marty's head off upon seeing him. Once you reach the goal, you'll find out that in this altered timeline, Marty's father George was murdered on March 15, 1973. You'll then meet Doc Brown again. He'll tell you what the almanac has done to the present day, and that getting the almanac back and destroying it will make everything right again.

Round 4-2

Password: QEEN

Go right to hit the switch, then go back to the left and jump on the platform then jump to the ledge you couldn't reach at first.

A short while later, you'll have to deal with a spike pit with individual spikes moving up and down above it that will block your progress between the platforms. In the first half of this part, the platforms vanish in and out.

Drop down instead of leaping off the top of the hill after this, and hit the switch to move the spikes. You'll then see more fans followed by what look like falling mushrooms. You'll have to spin jump from platform to platform to keep from being hit by these things, but makes getting through this part a little more exciting and a bit faster.

After a while, you'll have to do this again...this time, there will be some machine gun commandos on some of the platforms. You'll have springs instead of fans bouncing you up, but thankfully this part is a little easier.

Oh, and that machine gun sound playing for is a game glitch. Guess I did something involving one of the machine gun guys...

Round 4-3

Password: KING

Jack, Queen, King. Get it?

Looks like you're en route to where Biff Tannen lives. 

There's a new commando here - one with a knife. He's pretty lame and his attack has no distance. You can defeat him rather easily.

There are multiple paths to take as soon as you take that first spring up. Some lead to dead ends, but some of these dead ends also have power-ups in them. Scout around if you need something.

There's an invincibility power-up not far from the start. Hit the vending machine and go nuts for a minute! Pick up speed and get through as much of the level as you can with it! Nothing can stop you! (Okay, I'm probably going overboard now...)

The wooden doors spit out commandos when they open, so don't hang out around them for long.

A short while later, there'll be a big room with two spikes moving around and a bunch of fans on the floor! Once again, be careful as you move all the way to the right to continue on.

You'll then meet Biff Tannen, who has a gun pointed straight after you. He is now a rich man, and he reveals that an old man gave him an almanac in 1955. He also reveals that he killed your father in this alternate timeline (even though his killer was never found) and that he's about to kill you!

Round 4-4

Password: BEAR

You'll fight Biff Tannen this time. 

The switches in this room cause electricity to flow from the wires in the foreground. Don't touch the voltage. The two top switches are almost useless unless you get lucky, but if you can reach the two at the bottom, you can shock him if he gets too close to the sides.

If the voltage touches Biff Tannen, it'll cause a load of damage and make this battle a lot easier.

This is pretty straightforward. Just spin jump on the top of his head. He'll go down after a few hits. He'll shoot his gun every once in a while, so be careful if you're going for the bottom switches.

Don't stand next to him unless you want to get his with a billy club and knocked back into the upper level. Speaking of the upper level, it is possible for Biff to jump up and grab the bar at the top of the screen. If he does that, he'll then shoot at you from above for a little while before dropping back down.

After this, Doc Brown comes in with the DeLorean and tells you that you'll have to return to 1955 to retrieve the almanac, also taking care not to mess anything up from the first trip back.

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