
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) - Part 24 of 70

We've beaten the enemy for now...or have we?

With nothing else to do, Palom and Porom hold the walls back by Petrifying themselves before the room can crush everyone else. Tellah tries to cure them with Esuna, but since they have turned to stone by their own will, it does nothing.

Meanwhile, Golbez has noticed that two of the Four Fiends have been defeated. Also, his plans to retrieve the last crystal have hit a snag, as it is difficult to retrieve from where it is now. As a result, he decides to have Cecil and his party do all the work for him and then force him to exchange the crystal for Rosa's life. He then has Kain relay the message to Cecil.

Meanwhile, in Baron Castle, Cid opens up a secret passage leading down to the new airship, which can truly go anywhere on the world map. Before you can go anywhere, one of the Red Wings' ships shows up with Kain in command. He tells Cecil to bring the Earth Crystal from Toroia to Golbez if he wants to see Rosa alive again, then the ship flies off.

Toroia is to the northwest. Before you go, though, head back to the castle. The people in the castle will be shocked that the king was a monster the entire time and that the soldiers working with Golbez were not human. The people also consider you the only person worthy of leading Baron.

You'll also learn there is the sound of moaning under the castle. If you take the passage to the right of the first floor entrance, you'll get two Ethers, two Unicorn Horn and two Phoenix Downs out of the treasure chests at the end of the path.

The tower at the right end of the castle has more treasures that you can pick up: two Hermes' Shoes, two Bacchus' Wines, two Hi-Potions, two Ethers (one in a jar), two Tents. and an Elixir in a jar. To get the chest that is seemingly blocked and made unopenable by a set of stairs, go down the stairs, then go back up and press Up on the Control Pad. From there, you can open the chest. There is a set of stairs leading downwards to a throne, which you can only enter if you've beaten Cagnazzo. Here, you'll meet the spirit of the real King Baron, who tells you to return to this room after going to the land of the Phantom Beasts.

From here, equip a Flame Claw on Yang. From here, there will not be many enemies weak to lightning.

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