
Thursday, March 21, 2019

NintendoCapriSun plays Mega Man 11 - Part 2 of 7

In this episode, NintendoCapriSun takes on Block Man and Acid Man.

Block Man

Watch out for blocks following down from the top of the screen into the bottomless pits below.

The robots inside the wheels are vulnerable if you can shoot them so that the Buster Shot goes through the hole in the wheel, but you're better off jumping over them...sometimes.

The yellow cylindrical robots slowly fly towards you. They can be taken down very easily.

The skulls on the ground have hammers. Don't get too close.

The grey stone blocks can be shot down to get them out of your way.

There are conveyor belts here. The yellow arrows will point which direction they will take you.

There is a weapon select that you can use in-game where you can switch exactly to the weapon you want without pausing or cycling through weapons, but time doesn't stop when you use it, so be careful.

The mini-boss here is a totem with what looks like a spiky tire with eyes for a head on the top. When it spins, get out of the way of the four spinning sections as they drop down, and shoot at the head with Chain Blast. Using this in combination with the Power Gear will definitely save you some time. Just save some for Block Man, though. You'll eventually meet this mini-boss again, and this time, you'll be on a conveyor belt. 

Shortly after this, you'll see the blocks dropping down from the top from the beginning of the stage as well as the gray destructible blocks. When you see what looks like small debris moving on the ground, be ready to avoid something. You'll then get trapped by a wall of moving gear that materialize from behind you, and you'll have to shoot the gray blocks while traversing the solid sea foam green blocks like some sort of maze. If you use Chain Blast along with the Power Gear, you can blow them all up and speed through this section.

In the first fully vertical section, you'll see what looks like a feint tornado. If you approach it, it turns into a robot with light blue spikes around it. Just shoot it up with the Mega Buster before it shoots its eight-way shot.

Be careful when approaching extra lives that are sitting there in an easy location; some of them are evil purple Eddie look-a-likes that will run away and then jump out of your reach if you don't shoot them down fast enough. They also can run off with other power-ups, as well.

The gears help refill your Double Gear gauge. Just mentioning these now because this is when I really started noticing them.

Rush can crush the blocks that drop down in the second fully vertical section whenever you call Rush Jet. All you have to do is have the blocks drop on him before using Rush Coil.

Beating Block Man will give you the Block Dropper, which lets you drop four blocks from above, much like Block Man did. Using it with the Power Gear lets you drop even more blocks. In this game, you can try both forms out for yourself, and you'll learn that using the Power Gear is like a temporary version of the X-Buster upgrade that powers up special weapons from the X series. The try-it-yourself weapon demo does not end until you press Start.

Acid Man

If you pay attention to the window at the beginning of the stage, you'll eventually see Acid Man swimming around.

The spider robots will come down when you get close enough. There are also mini-spiders that are pretty fast, but can easily be hit with a fully-charged Mega Buster shot. Sometimes the big spiders will spawn small ones. Also, the green water will hurt you.

The syringe robots will shoot acid drops upwards in an attempt to attack you, and if they hit the blue water, they will turn it yellow. If more of their acid is dropped, it will turn red, and then turn green after one more drop. If it is green, it will hurt you.

The shield robots come back here. Shoot them from behind as they fly away.

The doors that lead in and out of the underwater sections will open automatically when you get close. When in the water, you'll be pushed back by the current (watch out for spikes!), and the current will also blow robots in your direction. In later sections, the current will push you somewhere other than to the side...

The circle-shaped robots that move back and forth can easily be destroyed.

The mini-boss is a circular robot with four wheels that will swim at you. It will spin around and create circle-shaped robots. Hit it in the core with Block Dropper, but be sure to save some for Acid Man.

The wheels in the background have platforms that move in a circle along with it. Time your jumps to make getting around easier.

Sometimes, an enemy will drop a power-up that randomly switches between all the power-ups you can pick up in the game. Whatever it is when you run into it is yours. If you're lucky, you can even get an E-Tank for recovering your energy this way!

Beating Acid Man will net you the Acid Barrier. It's a shield weapon, but you can also shoot acid bullets. Using it with the Power Gear creates a bigger, more powerful shield that can also destroy enemies to the touch.

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