
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays The Daze Before Christmas (Super Nintendo) - Part 4 of 4

Well, this didn't take long.

Stage 19: North Pole

A penguin will approach at the beginning of the stage before you even move. Also, why did I say USA? I flew over Japan, for Pete's sake. USA is the end.

In this level, you just run to the right and zap everything until you fall into the cave at the end.

Stage 20: Deep Down

It's another underground cave. Once again, you have cloud platforms, not-insta-death spikes, owl enemies that now fly in straight lines back and forth, fireballs, reindeer and ice walls you can melt.

Why there is an ice cube enemy in a gift box that goes through the wall on the left, leaving a gift box unreachable, I will never know.

Stage 21: Creepy Basement

Unlike Flooded Basement, this stage is slightly easier.

You can go upwards for an extra hit point before you hit the continue point. Be sure to stay low to get to it.

After the second continue point, run to the right immediately so you don't drown.

Stage 22: Santa's House

We're back in the North Pole, for some reason. There is a main path, but there are some areas you can go for power-ups and points.

The old shoe that looks like a roller-skate slowly moves back and forth.

The pendulums on the cuckoo clocks allow you to swing across pits. Just jump into them to use them. Also, the baskets can be used as elevators. Just jump in and use Up and Down on the Control Pad. They don't stop on a dime, but they are pretty fast.

Also, why does Santa have a bottomless pit in his own home?

Stage 23: Over The USA

This time around, you're flying over the USA. You'll have to avoid helicopter rats and the helicopters, but the footballs can be the hardest thing to avoid as you fly over the Statue of Liberty. These things fly in circles, but they can fly around in groups of three and can intersect with each other.

Also, the three chimneys at the end are the hardest to drop presents in.

Stage 24: Mr. Weather

You can only move up and down. Avoid being zapped by the thunderbolts. When a thunder bolts hits a cloud, you will want to zap the resulting flashing cloud with your magic attack to send the thunder back at him. If you can get eight hits in, you win! You've saved Christmas!

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