
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

newfiebangaa plays Super Ninja Boy - Part 11 of 14

In this episode, we finally face Nargi and head to new, more technologically advanced horizons.

All maps by zagato blackfist.

Now that you have the Feather Sword, head back to the sunken ship. You'll be able to fight Nargi. Strangely, you can attack Nargi with anything other than the Feather Sword, meaning that we just went through an invisible plot wall that the Feather Sword was needed to get past. Thankfully, the Feather Sword can also do a decent amount of damage Nargi is pretty strong, and can do heavy damage to both of your characters, so be sure to level up if you need to.

By beating Nargi, you'll get the Turtle Watch, which can be used to slow down enemies. You'll also be able to enter the Sunken Ship, where you will find General Bismol.

Sunken Ship

The ship isn't that big. It's also fairly straightforward. There is a wall you can use a Boo Bomb on near the start - indicated by the white butterfly bandage on it - that will take you to the lone chest in the ship, which contains a Ninja Turban. Free armor, and stronger than what you already have, too.

You'll meet some new enemies here: white fish men and green piranha men. The green piranha men fight much like the standard "walk forward and somersault" enemies you've seen, as do the white fish men. The white fish men can hold on to you and suck your energy out, however. If you take too long, a giant flying gorilla with an anglerfish's antenna will show up and move slowly from left to right, shooting in eight directions. You can either let it go about its business, or you can destroy it to get a load of experience. (If you take too long fighting smaller enemies, you can get one big one, and this can happen throughout the game. This is the first time we see something like this happen, though.)

There are also skeleton enemies on inner tubes who fly around. If you're strong enough, you can take them out in one hit with a single somersault. They also give great experience, so fight these guys if you need to.

The skeletons in the chest are your usual flying enemy, but they are pretty powerful if you're not prepared for them. Thankfully, you only need to face two of them.

The brown anglerfish samurais carry spears, which they spin for a brief moment before stabbing at you.

You'll eventually face off with General Bismol, who looks like a shark. He wans all the Auraballs, but that isn't happening Just like Nargi, you'll take him on RPG-style.

Bismol not only has a petrifying fire ring and a Spitprong that can damage both characters, but he also has an attack called the Peptodash. Sadly, it's pretty weak. He can also use Spiritizer to heal himself. Use Mighty Ball if you can, and if you run out of "M" icons, use the Feather Sword. 

When you beat General Bismol, you'll get the Silver Auraball. Head back to Moo.


Back at Moo, talk to King Atlant. He will thank you by telling you about the Auraballs, of which there are seven in various colors and have special powers. In the right hands, they can bring peace, but in the wrong ones, misery will cover the world. He will let you have the Silver Auraball after seeing you have five of them, and tells you that someone is causing problems in Futureland. This is your next destination, and it is to the northeast.

The huge, walled off area is Futureland. There is a cave in the southwest corner. You'll want to land the ancient giant near it, then get in the cave.

This leads to another sequence where you will be doing a lot of running and jumping, and punching a few of those yellow blob enemies, too. Thankfully, it's pretty short.

From there, head west. You'll head to Computown.


Computown is the control center of Futureland, and if it destroyed, the whole kingdom will be paralyzed. You'll also find out that something is happening in Grandpolis, as the town has gotten no response from them.

There isn't much you can do here. If you need supplies, you can get them at the convenience store.

The building with the "S" sign next to it is the subway, which automatically takes you across Futureland. You'll meet some new enemies, such as flying snails that will fly from one side of the screen to the other and can be killed with a single somersault. You'll also meet apes with balls and chains, and they have too attacks: a simple swing with no range and a whip attack where the ball and chain goes a little further. Do not get too close to these guys, and if they do the simple swing upwards, get near and keep attacking. You'll attack them when they come out of the swing pose.

The apes will give you quite a lot of experience, so take the subway if you need to level up at this point in the game.

You'll eventually stop at Athletown.


When you come to this town, everyone will be angry with you or afraid of you. When you speak to Oly, the mayor of this competitive, athletic city, he will tell you to give him back the Gold Auraball. Jack and Ryu try to explain, but he doesn't want to hear any of it and tells you to get out.

Here, you can buy the Ninjarmor and BB Helmet, which is by far the strongest armor in the game. Magic Mine is yet another spell, and it works like a smart bomb in battle.

You will meet B.B. Virgo, one of the Celestials. Play her card game - only 100 sen - and if you get a higher card than her six times, she will give you Magic Wind. She will also tell you that your clones are hiding in this town, but your equipment is not strong enough. She will tell you to go to Horizon Gate to get more training.

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