
Saturday, May 5, 2018

HCBailly plays Secret of Evermore - Part 14 of 31

In this entry, we finally wrap up the Great Pyramid and take care of some other things.

All maps by Grizzly.


You may be wondering where to go next.

Go back to the maze where you entered the Pyramid as The Boy and take the right path south at that fork. You'll take a stairway up to the roof of the pyramid. Have The Boy stand on one floor switch and The Dog on the other. It will open a gate at the top of the pyramid that leads to a boss fight.

Boss: Eye Of Rimsala

Take care of the statues. They cast Flash, but they usually target it at The Dog. Nevertheless, they're annoying. Get rid of them.

As for the Eye of Rimsala, take it down with leveled-up Bronze Spear attacks and the Crush spell. If you've leveled up Fireball, this spell will also work wonders. Just don't let the Eye get near you or The Dog.

The best way to take care of the Eye of Rimsala is to get it on screen, target it with Crush, then keep hitting it with spells. Level 3 Dog Attacks can deal a good amount of damage, if you can keep The Dog alive.

When you beat Rimsala, you'll get 1000 Jewels and the other Diamond Eye. You'll also leave the Pyramid and end up near the entrance at the bottom. There's nothing else to do here.

Horace's Camp

Horace will commend you for finding one of the Diamond Eyes. Now it's on to the Pyramid, where you'll find the other Diamond Eye as well as some more awesome stuff.

Now that you have one of the Diamond Eyes, talk to Madronius again and he'll give you the Escape forumla. This is basically an alchemy version of the Wings.

1 Wax, 1 Vinegar

Right Bank

That Bronze Axe will also work on the rock wall blocking the cave on the east side of the Right Bank area. Break the wall with the Bronze Axe, then go inside and you'll meet an Alchemist. He'll give you the Drain formula, which works like the HP Absorb spell in [i]Secret of Mana[/i] - it drains the enemy's HP and transfers it to you.

1 Ethanol, 2 Roots


If you buy the Amulet of Annihilation for 10,000 from the guy in the item shop, you'll get the Chocobo Egg for free. The Chocobo Egg increases your HP by a small amount.

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