
Friday, October 27, 2017

newfiebangaa plays Mega Man IV - Part 5 of 7

Now that we've taken care of the Robot Masters, it's time to head back to space!

All maps by TerraEsperZ.

Charge Man (continued)

The robot mice can be destroyed with a charged shot.

After the third section on the top of the train, you can use Rush Coil to go left and get an Energy Tank.

The Y will be in plain sight just before the last rooftop segment. Jump to get it.
You can use Power Stone to beat Charge Man. There's just one problem: using Power Stone to hit him is more of a science than it should be, especially when he follows you around and shoots fireballs from the steampipe on the top of his head that drop down on you.

Instead, use the Mega Buster and hit him with fully charged shots. Whenever he dashes towards you, he's invulnerable to any attacks you throw at him until he stops.

Beating Charge Man gives you the Charge Kick. To use this attack, you'll have to slide. Your slide will have attack properties when this weapon is equipped. Of course, it's kinda weak.

Wily Fortress 2

This stage isn't long. Since you have the four Wily medals, you should be able to go in. If not, go get them and come back here. Go get an S-Tank, which allows you to refill your weapon as well as all of your weapons.

You'll get some weapons pick-ups and an E-Tank prior to fighting Ballade. Shoot down the magnets so they don't hurt you.

Ballade powers up this time around. He moves around like he usually does, but he'll lay the bombs down in addition to shooting them. He's still easy to beat with the Mega Buster.

Beating Ballade will give you the Ballade Cracker. It's a bomb you can toss in four directions. Before you can celebrate, you'll have to avoid the destruction of the fortress that's right behind you. Use the Ballade Cracker to destroy all the missiles that are in your path.

Wily Spaceship 1

Wily will escape to his spaceship, and Mega Man chases him down. You'll be able to make items with P-Chips before you leave.

Avoid the missiles at the start.

To take out the giant Mettaur turret, stand on the barrel of the gun and shoot the Met's face.

Use fully-charged shots to take care of the flying robots with the drill legs as well as the Sniper Joes in the spacecraft.

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