
Monday, January 2, 2017

DeceasedCrab plays Little Nemo: The Dream Master - Part 6 of 7

You thought this was just a game for kids? Wrong.

Dream 8

Nightmare Land


The second section is particularly nasty. The first part of it has some fire jets that get in your path as you climb up a mountain. You'll have to take a leap of faith with the lizard so that you can latch onto the wall where the frog is. Then, you'll have to keep your jumps low at the end so you don't get killed by the ceiling spikes.

The second part is just as bad. You'll have to run for your life and avoid the spiked ceiling that keeps going up and down. If an enemy gets too close, stun it with the candy before whacking it with the morning star.

The boss for this part is a flying manta ray. This creature will fly around, shooting fireballs at whatever is underneath it and diving at you several times from different directions. When it slowly flies onto the screen and stands still, that's your cue to charge up the morning star to max and let him have it. The rest of the time, you'll want to keep an eye out for it and not be underneath it when it stops diving around.

The third section is easy as long as you're careful. You'll have to get the lizard, then the bee, then the mouse. (The bee won't be able to fly to the end, so you're forced to use the mouse.) Do yourself a favor and ditch the mouse, as jumping over the fire pits complete with the rising plumes is much easier if you do. (You don't even need to attack the birds, anyway.) You'll meet a strange shadowy figure in the background who is just there watching you. This is the Nightmare King.

Take the top route and keep going to the right. You'll find a first aid kit and a 1-Up. Keep to the right as you drop down from that platform and you'll find two more 1-Ups. There's also another first-aid kits to the left of those if you need it for whatever reason. The lower-right corner leads to the Nightmare King.

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