
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

PrinceWatercress plays Kirby's Dream Land - Part 2 of 4

Time to handle the second half of the game. It doesn't get THAT difficult, but the game remains fun throughout. Definitely one to recommend!

Stage 4: Bubbly Clouds

A little bit more difficult, but not too much.

The first two sections have you moving to the right. There are a good amount of flying enemies here, so be careful. The Sparkys (the smiling things that float) explode like bombs when you shoot air pellets at them. Inhaling them just makes them mad, and they instantly become one-eyed, fanged monstersthat chase after you until the blow up.

The third stage is a maze. The flying enemies here have set movement patterns that are easy to anticipate. When you reach a fork in the road, go left for power-ups and right for the mini-boss.

Another mini-boss, and this time it's Kracko...but in a weaker form and not the spiked thunder cloud we all know and love. Fly in the upper-left to avoid both him and his cannonball shots, then quit flying and spit the Waddle Dee he spits out back at him. After three hits comes the Warp Star.

Grab the oversized lemon (whatever it is) to the left of the waterfall...then fly right and break some blocks. There are two Pep Brews and a Maxim Tomato here, so there's no excuse not to have full health at this point.

The rest of this stage is easy - eat some curry and break all the blocks to access the door, then fly to the top to meet the boss.

Kracko is now in his powered-up form. He'll attack with two beams, swoop towards you in a U-pattern, and spit Waddle Doos out. Spit them at him like before, and jump out of the way when he swoops down.

Stage 5 - Mt. Dedede

The four doors are a boss rush.

Basically, you play short sections that look like the level they're from, touch the Kirby near the door to make the Gordo blocking it disappear, and then go in the door and fight the boss. That's it, really. Also, touching the Gordo blocking the door takes off three units of health.

Anyway, why do you fight Lolo and Lala? Aren't they the protagonists of their own series? Also, come on, HAL. Give us a 3D reboot of Adventures of Lolo. Please?

Why do the Kirbys that activate the doors dance? How do they dance like that? How and why does Kirby split into three? Why am I questioning all this?

When you beat all four bosses again, fly into the picture of King Dedede to fight...King Dedede.

Fly away from him when he rushes towards you without his hammer out. He'll slide into you or try to inhale you.

When he pulls his hammer out, move a few steps back, face him and inhale the star he makes when his hammer hits the ground.

When he crouches down, he's about to jump. Get close enough to inhale one of the two stars he makes and spit it at him.

After ten hits, you'll knock him out of his castle, causing the castle to have a sad face. Dream Land is hungry no least until next time...

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