
Sunday, December 25, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City - Part 10 of 12

In this episode, we head to Riverview, where the game throws us for a loop.


The first thing you'll notice as soon as you start Riverview is that there is no map screen. Instead, all of these maps will be done back to back, so if you need lives and power-ups, you'd better go back to earlier stages and get them before you come here.


Okay, I officially love this stage. The music is actually pretty eerie, and it really gives off that funhouse atmosphere. Heck, there's an advertisement for a giant brain baby whose head looks more like a tumor than a giant brain.

The first captive is immediately to the right of the silver keys. Just take the spring nearby and fly to the right. He'll be in one of the doors.

The door with the sparkles in it is the entrance to the next level. Take care not to enter a new level until you've found the captive.

The levels here are all in one central hub rather than a map screen, and you won't be able to tell what the levels look like unless you play them for yourself, play this game from memory, or actually draw it out on pen and paper.

Haunted House

The door at the beginning leads to the Haunted House. The ugly faces that act as backboards give power-ups.

There are quite a few secret passages in the walls that you can access by walking (or jumping) into them. Not surprisingly, one of them leads to the captive.

The skeletons sneak up on you if you face away from them, and they can only be destroyed with the quake balls. Hope you brought the maximum of nine before coming to Riverview.

Also, I officially take the comment about the giant brain baby's head looking like a tumor. If you talk to the captive, you'll find out the Giant Brain Baby is in fact Dr. Cranium as a baby. He grew up in the circus but wanted to play sports. You can just taste the bitterness.

The paintings are a reference to "The Scream" by Vincent Van Gogh. The eyes even follow you.

Be careful near the end, as you'll have to deal with platforms on rails much like in the Mario games.


The big doors are the level entrances, while the smaller ones will contain powerups.

To the left of where you came out is the funhouse.

The gold key to unlock the funhouse door will be to the left of the door. Just take the platforms to get them.

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