
Monday, December 26, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City - Part 12 of 12

It's showtime.



Well, we have the key. Now let's get in there.

Funhouse 2

This area is pretty straightforward. You'll have a break a wall in mid-air near the end to enter the final chamber.

Dr. Max Cranium is all too happy to see you, and he takes you on with a giant, robotic Michael Jordan mecha. Shoot the head, which is a dome protecting Dr. Cranium's head. Avoid the balls he tosses at you and pick them up when they're on the ground to use them against him.

The basketball hoops at the side provide health and coins. Why they give you coins, I'll never know, but they do give you health. They also don't break after you use them once, so you can refill on health completely...if you don't get keep getting coins, that is.

When you beat Dr. Max Cranium, you've done it! You've won!

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