
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City - Part 1 of 12

You thought Shaq was the only one to get a video game?

Michael Jordan makes it to practice for an all-star charity game, but he's the only one there. He then gets a note on a basketball from one Dr. Max Cranium, telling him to go to the Egyptian Room in the Field Museum at midnight...alone.

When MJ makes it over there, he finds an underground prison hidden behind the walls of the Egyptian Room. Now it's time to free everyone and figure out what the heck is going on...

Be sure to use the info button for each level in a world, as you can get some useful information every once in a while (you'll get cardkeys for beating a level sometimes).

Holding Cells

Level 1

Well, the game looks interesting so far.

Michael Jordan attacks by shooting basketballs at his enemies. Speaking of enemies, you have bats, spiders, evil eyes that float around, and zombie basketball players with basketballs for heads. You'll want to take out as many enemies as you can, especially since some enemies will carry important items, including keys you'll need for the level.

The silver and gold basketball tokens are your "coins." Grab 100 of them for a one-up. Silver is worth one token, gold is worth five.

The set of silver keys will unlock all the doors with the silver locks. Obviously, you'll need a set of gold keys for the gold locks. Some may contain a captive basketball player that you'll get to ask questions from if you free them. You'll want to free the captives, as they also provide useful items. Other doors still may contain enemies, so step away from a door after you open it.

The Box of Snacks and Isotonic Drink both refill your health. Ironically, you can tell they're a box of Wheaties and a bottle of Gatorade, respectively. Heck, there are references to both brands you can find throughout the game.

Freeing the captive here gives you a green key after you've finished talking to him. You'll need it for the keyhole square with the green outline around it. The outline's color dictates which color key you'll need for it. When you go up to a keyhole, select the proper key with Select and press A to use it.

There are several basketballs you can pick up that give you special abilities. The flaming ball acts as a fireball that can attack low-lying enemies when slammed to the ground, and also does more damage. The gold ball acts as a heat-sinking missile. The purple ball can bounce off walls with a regular throws. The white ball is a boomerang, and is supposed to represent a baseball.

The red ball does heavy amounts of damage to all onscreen enemies without the aid of a triangle-shaped backboard, and can also damage you'll want to save these up for when you really need them, especially when they are the only balls that don't have a limit to how many you can carry at any given time.

Slamming the ball into a wooden backboard can net you tokens and power-ups, and different backboards do different things. The triangle-shaped backboards hit all enemies currently onscreen, and the damage is equivalent to one hit from a basketball. Whoever developed this actually put some thought put into this game. You don't have to be at a backboard to use your slam. As a matter of fact, the slam is done with a separate button, and can be used to hit enemies that are low to the ground and can't be hit with your normal shot.

You can only use each and every backboard you see only once, so use them wisely.

To slam press X to do the Slam Jump, then press Y to slam the ball. The timing takes a while to get down, but it's worth it. Pressing Back and X at the same time does a overhead rear slam, 

Some of the walls can be broken by shooting basketballs at them, so be sure to do that whenever you can. You won't know if the wall's weak until you actually hit it with your basketballs, so explore!

Throw basketballs at switches to trigger them.

The glass backboards are checkpoints. Shatter them with your slam to trigger them. You'll return to the last one you ultimately destroyed if you lose a life.

If you see a portal come out of a door, enter it. Get the ball through as many hoops as you can before the shot clock in the upper-right hand corner runs out. Different hoops have different power-ups. The number 23 (Michael Jordan's jersey number as a member of the Chicago Bulls) is an extra life.

The explosion-shaped destroy all enemies onscreen.

The green switches on the wall can be activated with the A button (much like the keys in the keyhole).

When you beat a level, you'll see your score, how many captives you've rescued and even get a password every once in a while.

Level 2

Hold Up before you jump to grab onto a zipline. This will take you to the other side without any other work needed.

The heart with "MJ" on it refills three units of health.

The tennis shoes will make you invincible for a short period of time.

The grey basketballs are ice basketballs. Hitting an enemy with one will turn it into a block of ice, which you can use as a platform until the enemy thaws out. You can also hit a frozen enemy with another freeze shot to shatter them.

The gold spiders are nasty. They'll spit poision at you and will also split into three smaller spiders when you destroy them.

The bonus stage here has the evil eyes instead of the backboards. Use the purple basketballs to hit the eyes and get power-ups out of them before the shot clock runs out.

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