
Monday, December 19, 2016

newfiebangaa plays Mega Man II for Game Boy - Part 3 of 4

You can tell this is going to be a much shorter, easier game that we have on our hands.

Top Man (continued)

The cats are easy. Avoid the yarn ball they shoots out as you aim squarely for their heads. At least you're just dodging one this time as opposed to two or three.

The top shooting robots are easy if you take care of them and their tops at the same time. You can hit them anywhere, but go for the chest if you can so those tops won't become a nuisance.

The spinning top platforms move you back and forth, so be careful about where you are before you make that next leap.

Top Man can be beaten easily with the Proto Buster, if you wish. Stay near the center of the room to slide away from the tops he throws that home in on you, and jump over him when he spins to the other side of the room.

Beating Top Man gives you the Top Spin. Just like in the third NES game, this makes Mega Man spin around when used in the air and take out anything that comes directly for him. Also, it can be unwieldy.

Magnet Man

The bottom-left teleporter takes you to Metal Man's stage.

The flying magnets will attract you towards it and carry you back if you don't keep moving. Not that it's much of a hassle to deal with or anything. It's actually pretty interesting. Too bad the game doesn't really take advantage of it and allow for something that requires you to do it.

The large spring enemies that shoot homing missiles out of their heads are back. They're far easier this time, as only one homing missile can be on-screen at any time, and you can easily off-screen the missile.

The eyes with the two feet that move in a circular motion to propel it are back. They're easy. They'll also be back in the third Game Boy game.

The suction fans that drew you to them are now more like magnetic beams than fans, but they still do the same thing. Once again, due to the Game Boy games being easier than their NES counterparts due to the hardware du jour, they're not as menacing or as inconvenient here.

The part with the high wall and the disappearing/reappearing blocks is easier than you think. Just use Rush Coil to reach the last one and get out of there. You can use the Rush Jet for the rest of the areas that use them.

Much like in the second NES game, you can only carry four Energy Tanks at one time.

Magnet Man can be easily beaten with the Hard Knuckle, but you can also use Metal Blade or the Proto Buster if you want. Not only will Magnet Man jump around and shoot magnets at you from above, but he'll also drag you towards him with his magnetic powers. Thankfully, he's pretty easy, and you can hit him with the Metal Blade if you find it absolutely necessary.

Beating Magnet Man awards you the Magnet Missile, which works just like the magnets Magnet Man uses.

Needle Man

The bottom-right teleporter takes you to Needle Man's stage.

The porcupines will shoot needles before rolling around. Take them out before they go into the roll that makes them invulnerable.

The "periscope spikes" that are a fixture of Needle Man's world are back. Take care when moving or sliding, and plan your moves carefully so they don't extend into your head as you pass by.

The turrets here just shoot explosive balls that don't have an explosion radius, making these turrets (and their ammo) rather easy to deal with.

The dragonflies fly over you, then lower to where you are before flying into you from the back. Shoot them when they dive to your level.

The big crusher robot that guards the boss door can be cut to ribbons with Metal Blade.

Needle Man will attack you with the extendable, spiky top of his head...if he's not jumping straight up shooting needles or hopping from one side of the room to the other, that is! Hit him with Air Shooter when he's in the air to do the most damage, and keep your distance as you avoid the needles.

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