
Saturday, July 9, 2016

DeceasedCrab plays Power Blade - Part 5 of 6

At this point, the game throws some curveballs at you...

All maps by TenguMan.

Sector 6

For once, the contact has long hair. Finally, they didn't dump the same set of tiles for the contact in the last normal level. You'll see her near the beginning in the sewers. She's not that hard to find.

When you make your way back out of the sewers after finding the contact, you'll find invisible platforms that pop back in and out every few seconds. Once again, the game is being unoriginal and taking a page from Mega Man.

The white humanoid robots that crumble when you hit them make a return appearance here.

The flying blue robots will get in your way and fire at you, and will even drop down on top of you if you're going too fast. If you see them, take them out as soon as possible.

The boss here is a giant walking robot. Hit him in the upper half of his body with the boomerangs, and use the platforms that fade in and out of existence to get over him when necessary.

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