
Friday, May 20, 2016

angryponcho plays Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - Part 1 of 41

Believe it or not, I've never played this game. I really want to. I really, REALLY do. So I'm going to watch angryponcho play another Spyro game after watching him cover the first two.

Should I have played this game when it came out, considering it's considered the end of the Spyro series' zenith? I shall probably come to my conclusion at the end of this guide, more than likely.

Enough talk, let's cover the game already.

Love the fact that you can make an "icon" for your save file to tell all three apart. Also, the cutscene loading screens are on par with Spyro 2.

Anyway, the game begins with what looks like a strangely attractive furry girl in a black robe complete with hood leading a bunch of miniature rhinos that walk on two legs into stealing dragon eggs. Not surprisingly, she's the one who botches it all up by tripping off of Hunter's arm, and also not surprisingly, everyone wakes up and Hunter also trips (this time on a rock) while chasing after her. Spyro manages to flame her (I don't even know if the hooded person is an it. I haven't even played it.) but somehow both the hooded figure and the egg fall into the freshly-dug hole in the ground that said person and minions came out of.

We then find out the hooded figure is female (the hood still never comes off) and she hands them to the queen of...whoever these people are. The queen tells her to block the tunnels, but Zoe the Fairy is already there and knows what's going on. She gives them word of what's going on, and it turns out the Eggs are in the Forgotten Worlds, which is clear on the other side of the Dragon World. Spyro is the only one who can go, as he's clearly the only one who can fit in the holes (though Hunter is able to join him as the dragons give him a little help).

Sunrise Spring

Well, a lot of stuff hasn't changed from the last game. Extra life butterflies (and their glass bottles) still exist. Believe it or not, you start out with all the moves you learned from Spyro 2 from the get-go...minus the gem location ability that Sparx had. (You'll see why later on.)

The overworlds are more like those in the first game. Also, the enemies carry gems again, so don't worry about Spirit Particles this time around.

Just like in the first two games, there is fodder. Here, it's the ever-familiar sheep, but once again it'll change depending on where you are.

If you walk up to a Dragon Egg, the baby dragon will instantly hatch, and you'll save the baby dragon. Some of these you'll be able to find somewhere, the others you'll have to complete Challenge Portal challenges to get. (More on that later.)

The voice acting sounds a lot better this time around, as it's exceptionally clear compared to what was going on with Ripto's Rage.

When you get near the portal to Sunny Villa, a flying rainbow shows up and you'll meet the hooded figure...whose name happens to be Bianca. What, they couldn't pick a better name for a lackey? Anyway, she just tells you to turn back before she disappears.

Moneybags is back. If you have 300 gems, he'll be able to free Shiela the Kangaroo from the likes the the Sorceress.

If you complete Hunter's little gliding tutorial, you'll get an Egg.

Some of the portals won't open until you get enough Eggs. As for that balloon near the Sparx sign, you won't be able to do anything with it until later.

Disappointing how there's no fanfare when you collect everything in a level. You just get a "Level complete" message.

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