
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

azuritereaction plays Final Fight CD - Part 1 of 4

Oh, hey, I'm covering a Sega CD game, finally.

Also, this is the best version out of them all. It's as close to arcade perfect as you're gonna get, as you can see. You get all three characters, and you can even play with two players like in the arcades! Of course, there are voices in the intro now, and they're cheesy as all get out.

Best of all, there's a CD soundtrack with real instruments. Is it me, or was music in Sega CD games inspiring in some strange way?

Round 1: The Slums

What can I say? You see Thrasher run off with Jessica, then a bunch of steel barrels get broken and people get beat up.

The big fat guys charge at you, while Holly Wood (which should be one word, by the way) has an infinite supply of knives...kinda like what Sega would do with the Jacks in Streets of Rage 2. Axl and Slash will block your standing combo and any strikes you throw at them at times, so you're better off getting your hands on them and throwing them around.

The boss here is Thrasher (who is named Damnd in the arcade version, and was name-changed for obvious reasons), and to beat him, you'll be slamming enemies into him to do some more damage. When you get him alone, you'll be able to grab the guy and do some real damage yourself. Just watch out when he tries to punch you.

After you do enough damage to him, he'll leap to the subway entrance (where you can't get him) and call out some more enemies to come at you. The real threat here is the red Holly Woods, which throw firebombs at you instead of knives.

Yes, I might as well mention that Roxy shows up in the boss battle. She and Poison where changed to Billy and Sid in the American version on Super Nintendo. She and Roxy somersault over you, just to be complete dicks. They also try to slap you. Poison has more health than Roxy, and is purple instead of red.

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