
Thursday, January 9, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie (SNES) - Stage 6

Crushers, anti-gravity traps and booster rockets, oh my!

When you see the hard slam of the top gear hitting the bottom one, there's only one guess as to what that means: traps have been activated. Keep an eye on the background as you progress through this first section.

The crushers at the beginning have a predictable pattern, and as long as you're not under them when they come down you'll be fine. You can pass through them after they've hit the ground and are coming back up, which helps. If you see that the red squares at the top of the screen with the word "ON" are lit up, that means the gears are turning and the traps are activated.

The next traps you'll see are anti-gravity wells of some sort with rotating blades at the ceiling. If the arrows on the well walls are lit up, the red squares are lit, the blades are moving and you can hear a whir, keep your ground and don't pass through them unless you want to get sliced like a canary in a blender. (I apologize for that, but that's the only picture I can think of when it comes to those things. Also, they don't kill the Putties. Go figure.)

The next section has Putties popping out of the walls again. There are also spiked shells that conduct electricity, conveyor belts, fire pits and cranes picking up both boxes and...for comedic effect...Putties! Oh, you silly clay warriors, you! Thankfully, this part is easy to breeze by when you know the layout as well as when to 3D Jump. There is a machine at the end of this part, but if you're at the background and you let the crane pick up the Putty and the box and keep punching it over and over again, you'll make quick work of it without it attacking you.

The next section has you going from the top all the way down to the bottom destroying spheres that create barriers you have to short out before you can destroy the spheres and...booster rockets?!? Ooze has thought of everything!

There are also robots hopping on the ceilings that make their own miniature clones, and walls you have to punch a few times to destroy them (only to see regenerate after you pass through).

The boss here is Main Frame. If I remember correctly, I don't think he was in the series. It has three orbs: one red, one blue and one green. The red one shoots fire, the blue one follows you at rocket speed and shoot lightning from above, and the green one shoots regular laser shots. When the brain shakes, the orbs will home in on you. Use the time for the orbs to come back to rip the boss a new one!

Be sure to backflip to avoid the red and blue orbs' attacks. Be sure to keep an eye on the brain to see what color the text is - you'll know which type of attack is coming your way. When Main Frame's life bar starts going down, the glass casing will start to give away. Once you break the glass and deplete this machine's life bar, it's on to Ivan Ooze.

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