
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Birthofanova plays Streets of Rage 2 - Stage 2

Hey, the bridge level...and this one from the first game didn't have motorcycle gangs and a huge fight taking place in a moving truck! Epic!

 Stage 2

First Section



Shortly after the beginning, you'll see men riding around on motorcycles. Avoid them as they drive by, as they will run you over. If you can jump kick one off of the bike (which you'll have to do at some point in this section), do it. Be sure to avoid the bike afterwards as it will explode. Some of them will jump off their bikes and try to fight you. Don't let them get behind you, as they'll try to either grab you and let other people have a go at you or hit you from behind. Also, all the bikers have weather-like names, such as Gale, Storm, Hail, Tempest, Cyclone, etc. Won't be the last time you'll see "naming themes" amongst enemies.

As you get closer to the end, the bikers will throw bombs at you. You can pick them up and throw them, but they'll probably explode before you can get one.

When you reach the end, you'll find a truck. Hit one of the barrels here to find another turkey.

Second Section


Now that you're in the truck, destroy the boxes to get power-ups (as well as a weapon, if you need one) and continue to the right to fight a martial arts master. These guys can be pretty powerful, and they can take you down with a jump kick if you let them.

When you take him down, you'll have to fight the audience...and another martial arts guy. Jump kicks will work well here.

Third Section

Incomplete Bridge

If you go to the top-left corner at the start, you'll get another hidden extra life.

Sweet Jesus, this part looks a lot better.

Break construction barriers as you bust heads. When you get close to the end, the whole bridge will be nothing but a bunch of steel girders that you can walk on and see through to check out the river below.

The boss here is Jet. He flies around on a jetpack, and he's pretty deadly if you don't know what to do. He'll try to rocket towards you and punch you, which you can jump kick him out of. When he flies straight up, he's about to dive bomb you. If you're at a good enough distance, you can hit him with a jump kick after he's come down. The main thing to do here is to watch his shadow.

If you can somehow grab him while he's on the floor, do it and go for the extra grab damage. It'll help a lot.

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