
Saturday, January 12, 2013

JadePharoah plays Gremlins 2: The New Batch for NES - Part 2 of 5

Dammit, Gizmo! You're not supposed to get wet!

Once you complete the first level, you get a cutscene that tells what happens next. Not only do the cutscenes remain faithful to the storyline, but they give the classic Ninja Gaiden trilogy some competition! Sunsoft didn't screw this!

Anyway, Gizmo accidentally gets wet while exploring the lab and spawns four Mogwai clones. These guys, unfortunately, have a mind of their own, hate Gizmo, and immediately make up their minds to toss him into the ventilation system before closing the grate behind him.

Stage 2-1

The match is better than the tomato you had in the last level. It still shoots straight, but you have longer range and a bigger projectile size, too. It's slightly faster, too, which kinda helps.

The spiked balls that move from side to side are indestructible. Wait for them to stop moving or jump over them.

The red things that look like ladybugs are really motion sensor bombs. When you get close enough, they start moving. Move away from them so they'll explode without damaging you. Funny how it still says "Bomb" when they explode. Oh, you Japanese, you.

When you finally reach the fork in the road, go right. Jump over the electrified wires, then carefully time your way through the two spiked balls with the pit in-between. After the two bombs, go left to find the door to Master Wing's shop.

This time around, you'll find a blue cylinder with a P on it. If you have 50 CB, grab it. It powers your weapon up.

When you shoot the match, you'll be able to shoot things directly next to you...on both sides! Now that's useful!

Go right, jumping over spiked balls, spike pits and bottomless pits until you see a passage going up. Stay to the side, avoiding the pits in the floor and the spiked balls. Shoot the spider down, and avoid the baby spiders if possible. In this level, they turn into three baby spiders into two. If you can shoot them down and grab the crystal balls, great.

You'll soon have a choice of whether to go left or down. Go left; you won't have that much further to go.

Stage 2-2

Now you're in the basement of Clamp Center. There's a lot of spikes in the floor and even more bottomless pits...I wouldn't want to be here in case I'd have to reset the circuit breaker or something.

The enemies you see here are brand finally start fighting normal Gremlins! Some of these guys will fly around; those fall after two hits. Some, however, breath fire. If you jump and hit them, their fireballs won't hit you, as they only breathe it in one diagonal direction. LOL @ violations of the laws of perspective!

After defeating that first fire-breathing Gremlin, go up and jump on the moving platform. Defeat the flying Gremlin, go right, then move back after you see that Gremlin jumping around. This jumping Gremlin takes four hits to kill. Thankfully, you have a pit separating you and him.

You'll soon see a Gremlin on a skateboard. He zooms around throwing bombs. Fortunately, if you stay out of his range of movement, you'll have a chance.

After some rather interesting overhead platform-jumping action, you'll find the door to Master Wing's shop again. Buy a 1-Up (or whatever single item you need - you can't get more than one at any single time), then move on.

After the visit to Master Wing's, head up, take the platform, then stay just out of range of the skateboard Gremlin. Hopefully, his bombs will miss you while you clobber him. There'll be another one right after that, so move away first when you see him.

The pipes near two spiked balls act as walls. Might as well go ahead and mention that.

There will be two more skateboard Gremlins. The first one's easy, but the second one is well-positioned and you'll have to get up close and personal to defeat him.

Thankfully, that's all for this level after some more spikes and bottomless pits.

Stage 2-3

It's a boss level!

This Gremlin will burst out of a cocoon. He'll then jump towards you and try to claw you as well. Hope you have the power-up, because this makes it a lot easier. Hit him when you can, especially when he's standing still (it's best to hit him when he's still if you don't have the power-up). The rule of thumb here is to keep moving, so you won't get jumped on.

After you hit him enough times, he flashes, jumps away and then you receive a new weapon - the Paper Clip. Grab it to end the level.

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