
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Eexecute plays Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - Part 1 of 28

 This one's for you, Leatherface!
Are you ready to kill dinosaurs?

I've never actually played this series, so making a blog of this is going to be somewhat challenging, especially since this is an FPS I'm covering here. New ground! YES!

Believe it or not, this series was as much fun to watch as it was to make a blog series of.

The game is played on Hard Level, by the way, so some enemies may not appear if you play at any of the lesser ones.

0:55 - Sure, you'll be killing dinosaurs (and other enemies), but this is what the levels will revolve around: grabbing keys to get further into the game.

1:05 - ...and here we are at the first level! Walk over the bridge and climb the mountain (while looking at an early example of N64 polygon pop-up), then kill your first enemy.

1:26 - Keep going forwards, and grab your first key. This screen pops up everytime you grab one, and if you didn't know any better these days, it almost looks like he's drinking out of a flask. Get used to seeing this, you'll be seeing it for a while.

1:31 - Turn left, hit the floor switch, and you'll open this door. You'll pick up your first gun here - the Pistol - as well as a few extra clips. Kill the deer to get some health power-ups, and kill this guy.

1:53 - You finally get to kill your first dinosaur. Pump it with a few pistol shots.

2:00 - Love how this guy dies.

2:25 - Alright, another key!

3:09 - Cross this bridge to get the Shotgun. You'll need this later on.

3:45 - This cyan-colored square is a teleporter.

3:59 - The first jumping puzzle. Make your jumps count, because it's a long way down.

4:12 - The last jump here is a jump onto a climbable wall. If you miss this, you'll fall into a bottomless pit.

4:22 - When you're finally up there, you'll get another new weapon - the Tek Arrows. Unlike the regular ones, these explode on impact. Use them on the big ugly green guy that drops down from above. It takes five to kill him.

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