
Monday, December 31, 2012

ProtonJonSA plays Ninja Gaiden for Master System - Chapter 4

Finally, now the game is getting interesting!

We're on Mount Fuji? Oh, my. And there are planks of plywood on the waterfalls that can damage us...and they take three hits. Normal enemies take one or two, but planks of plywood take three? What, is wood stronger than people in Japan? Is that what the game is trying to tell us?

After climbing up the ladder in the second screen, you'll see red ninjas that throw shurikens...which wouldn't be a big deal if the shurikens homed in on you. I wish there was some way to explain this. Either these guys have better ninjitsu skills than the Dragon Ninja, or the shurikens are infused with technology. I can't tell.

Some ninjas will also fall out of the sky and fall sword blades down in an attempt to send you into a pit and kill you. Almost reminds me of the ghosts in Cat Mario...or Frog's Leap Slash in Chrono Trigger.

The boss here is a cyborg that flies around. When it comes down, immediately slash it and run. That will make it easier to jump over its firepower. When it's down to half, it'll resort to Plan B and try to crash into you. It'll still fire at you, but he's slightly easier now.

Sorry if I've posted more links than random comments, there weren't as many golden moments, especially in the cutscenes.
- PrinceWatercress, 3/5/2011
0:56 - Yes, he is slashing it three times.

1:30 - And you're given a hard time by birds yet again...but that's nothing new.
1:55 - The shuriken follows Ryu's movements. How does this even make sense?!?
2:16 - Yeah, these guys start showing up here. This is where some of the normal Ninja Gaiden "oh, remember this part because that's where you get this weapon to defeat this enemy/this is where an enemy shows up with no warning" stuff really begins taking place in the game.
3:56 - ...and again...
4:03 - Another jumping section! Yay!
4:46 - For the first time since that pack of birds in Chapter 2, something comes at us that nearly knocks us into the pit without warning.
5:10 - Why didn't you use your ninjitsu power? You fool!
5:48 - A cyborg?!? Oh hell yes! Thank you, Sega!

6:40 - The closing cutscene.
7:44 - Well, no shit.

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