
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bubsy II (Super Nintendo) - Part 3 of 19

We get introduced to the last two level themes before taking on the first boss.

Star Boars

Your jumps go higher here due to the lower gravity, and if you don't know exactly where you're going, you might jump head-first into death

The double-domed UFOs act as trampolines you can jump off of.

The glowing red and green balls act like torches.

If you walk into a treasure chest, you can take the gold and get extra points.

The gray cones with the growing green lights on them are instant-death spikes. There are some green spots on the floors where said spikes also pop in and out; be careful.

If you run into any electric barriers, you will immediately die. There are switches that turn them off, thankfully.

Some doorways - such as the one with four arrows pointing towards it and has a checkpoint in front of it - lead into areas where you can fly a spaceship and soot down enemies. Unlike the airplane stages, however, the shoulder buttons will not let you turn around; these areas are one-way only. When you come out of one section, use X to cycle all the way back to the last toy you had equipped if you want to use it again; the game suddenly decides that your icon in the bottom center is the Bubsy head.

The anchors on ropes that move up and down kill you instantly and should be treated like instant-death spikes.

Enemies you'll meet in the science fiction stages (and potentially others) include guys on jetpacks, anteaters on space pods, space pirates on wheels that fly around and shoot lasers, and sentient asteroids.

Dark Side of the Tomb

The Egyptian stages are some of the brightest in the game.

Pictures of lions act as switches, so press Up in front of them to activate stuff.

Enemies here include pterodactyls, lizards that turn from blue to green as they leap out of painting to walk around, pots that turn into blobs that in turn become bats as you continue to attack them, and even mummies.

Bottomless pits exist in these stages, too, and they happen to be pitch black just like in the Medieval stages. Be careful at the lowest points of these stages.

Water is prevalent in these stages.. The pools of water are instant death, but if you have a diving suit on, they're an entrance to the diving suit mini-games. Also, there are water slides similar to the ones in the Village stages in the first game. The controls for them are the same as before; Left and Right control the length of your jumps, and you cannot go against the flow of the water unless you somehow go against it fast enough, and even then that doesn't last long.

The huge fire pits show up in the Egyptian stages will immediately kill you if you fall into them.

The things that look like pads are trampolines that will let you go up super-high in a hurry.

If you know where to go, you can sometimes find fake walls that lead to other places.

Aporklyps Now

When you beat levels on the current floor you are on, you will light up certain parts of a portal that you cannot normally enter. When you light up all five, you can face the boss of the floor.

Here, panels of the wall show up to reveal enemies whose projectiles will home in on you. These are normal enemies, but they take multiple hits to kill. As you beat enemies, the wall panels open and close faster and faster. There are five enemies in the room, and once you beat them, you'll go on to the next floor. For best result, jump on top of them as quickly as possible and glide when you jump on them for multiple hits.

PrinceWatercress plays Bubsy II (Super Nintendo) - Part 2 of 19

This entry introduces us to the flying and music stages.

Fleece Academy

The airplane stages have sightly different stages. You have infinite Ballzooka ammo with Y, and you can drop pie bombs with B. L and R allow you to turn around, and Left and Right allow you to slow down and speed up, respectively (when facing right; reverse when facing left). If you run into floors, walls, ceilings, enemies and other certain things, you will take damage. If you need to, you can still use Smart Bombs and Portable Holes with the A button and select them with A respectively.

Be careful fighting enemies in close combat; you'll have to keep turning around to keep a certain distance from enemies and manage to fight them off. Speaking of enemies, you'll meet other enemies, including ones in certain areas, such as pterodactyls, aviator pigs and even enemies from other stages such as the asteroids (they usually appear in the science fiction stages).

The giant wall holes take you to other parts of the level. The vulture that drops the shrew will hit you if you take the shortcut on the lower path at the start.

C Sharp or B Flat

The big horns act as trampolines. It's not just the ones that point upwards, either; the ones pointing to the side will knock you to the side as well. 

If a point between a wall and the floor is rounded and you run into it, Bubsy will get launched into the air with his feet moving in a circular movement.

The sharps are spikes and will be instant death if you land in them.

The music stages will have their own enemies (which can show up in other types of stages): drum that pound on themselves, flying saxophones, guitars that shoot, trumpets that shoot sonic blasts at you, jumping accordions and even jumping bagpipes.

Monday, March 30, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bubsy II (Super Nintendo) - Part 1 of 19

An evil pig-man is stealing history from the space-time continuum with the Wompum Ray, making it so that things such as music, science fiction, the Middle Ages and other things exist only in his Amazatorium...even though the Wompum was designed to merely simulate them. As a matter of fact, everything is so exclusive to the Amazatorium that any time a concept is stolen, people's memories of said concepts disappear with them. You, Bubsy, who has just decided to take a vacation after beating the Woolies in the first game, have to go through the Amazatorium, go through all the levels and beat Oinker P. Hamm, the one responsible for all this, at his own game!

The two-player modes are both two players alternating, and they allow the person not controlling Bubsy to control Terry/Terri, Bubsy's nephew/niece and drop bananas on enemies. (One player will have Terry with them; the other will have Terri. Friendly forces the both of you to cooperate, while Feisty allows the non-Bubsy player to sabotage the other person by dropping junk on them. Basically, one allows "friendly fire;" the other does not.

East Wing

First Floor

The floors of both wings loop endlessly. There will be five worlds in each one, and to enter a world, just stand on the black circle in front of one of the exhibits and press Up.

Left and Right let you move around, Down lets you look down, Up lets you look up, B lets you jump, and Y lets you glide. Just like in the Sonic games, if you hold Left or Right for long enough, you'll eventually start running at full blast. Be careful, or you might run into something. If you fall from too high a height without gliding, you will lose a life.

Using L and R will allow you to allow you to look further to the left or right, respectively. 

My Penguin For a Horse

If you're playing for points, your score will be in the upper-left while the amount of time you've got left (15 minutes to start) will be in the lower left. If you're playing for time, the best time will be on the upper-left while your current time will be in the lower-left.

In the upper-right, you'll have Bubsy's face followed by the amount of lives you have left. Unlike the first game, you only start with three. You also take three hits before you die, and you go from Bubsy's default smirking face to a half-smiling face to a shocked face before Bubsy kicks the bucket on the next hit. Other things, such as falling from too high up without gliding or falling into certain things such as pools of water (without a diving suit), pits of fire, spikes or bottomless pits will instantly kill Bubsy. If you find any bandages, they will replenish all your hit points. 

In the lower-right corner is the amount of marbles you've collected. The more marbles you get, the more bonus points you get at the end of a stage. Bags of marbles give you 50 marbles, while crates of marbles give you 100 marbles. Getting 500 marbles in a single stage will net you an extra life.

The Bubsy face in the bottom center is your toys menu. Press X to cycle through your toys, and press A to use them. There is the Nerf Ballzooka (yes, a licensed toy gun that I wanted as a kid but never got ended up getting is used as a weapon), the smart bomb, the diving suit and the portable hole. I'll mention each one when the time comes.

The enemies here are pretty numerous. There are kangaroos, jumping pigs, pigs in suits who move back and forth (sometimes on ceilings), pig women who dance back and forth and kick one of their legs up, butterflies that turn into fireballs every so often, flying penguins that sometimes drop ice cubes (that also hurt), flying squirrels, bees, pennies that slowly float downwards, goats, sheep that can kill you with their bleats, and others.

Unlike the first game, where you have the same song for every world in the game, you'll have different pieces of music depending on the current situation, and they all loop after a couple of seconds. If you have enemies on the screen, the music changes to something more repgunant and appropriate like some sort of audio aid. Basically, the music is a step down from what was in the first game.

The statue of the pig with the fist up in the air can be used as trampoline if you jump up and land on the fist.

The torches don't kill you; you just get knocked back upon leaping onto them. Huge amounts of fire, on the other hand, will kill Bubsy. As for the flags, you will slide off them if you land on them.

Pressing Up in front of doorways can take you to other places in the level...including mini-games. I will mention how the mini-games work when we get to them. When you enter a mini-game, you'll restore all of your health when you come back to the main stage.

Exclamation points act as checkpoints, and arrows are supplied through the level to show your where to go next.

The block made out of stones is a well that contains water, and if you leap into it, you will die. If you have a diving suit when you do this, however, you will enter a diving suit mini-game. Here, you have to jump one enemies andcollect everything before either the whirpool that only moves in diagonal directions gets you or you run out of time.

The Ballzooka allows you to shoot balls enemies at enemies, and if the balls hit an enemy, they turn into a trading card. The trading cards are traded for toys that you can use in future levels as well as extra lives. The smart bombs turn all on-screen enemies into marbles that you can collect. The portable hole lets you leave the level without having to get to the exit, assuming you have one in your possession. Thankfully, you can find toys out in the open to add more ammo for all of them.

T-shirts with "1" and "2" on them give you one and two extra lives, respectively.

The levels are pretty expansive, but if you have a good sense of direction, you'll be able to memorize where stuff is. 

In the armadillo mini-game, you'll be playing as Arnold the Armadillo and you'll be going through a maze from the top of a truck to a bottom. Left and Right let you move around, and Up makes the fans move to blow you upwards. Use the switches to open doors to other paths. There are three ways down, but only one of them takes you to the center; the other two send you into the tires, and if you fall into the tires, you will lose your time bonus. Getting used to movement in the armadillo mini-games takes some time to get used to, but once you manage to get a handle on it, you'll be able to get through time like a pro.

Press Up at a switch to move it up and trigger something nearby. If you activate a switch and the number 2 pops up next to it, it will be activated for the second player in either of the two-player modes.

In the beige "building" areas, the dark walls are walls you can pass through.

Sometimes there are underground areas here, and some of them have parts in the ceiling that take you back to the ground when you jump up into them. You can also find 

In the frog-launching mini-game, hold Up and Down to change how powerful the frog catapult is, then press A to launch a frog. Use the Control Pad while the frog is in the air to change its trajectory a bit. The more things the frog lands on, the more points you'll get when you either complete the mini-game or when time runs out, and every five things you land on will give you an extra life.

Sometimes Terri or Terry will pop up and look up at you from the top or bottom on the screen. That's just there for show.

The giant marble is the goal. The faster you move into it, the more marbles will pop out. Grab as many marbles as you can for more end-of-stage bonus points.

Before you go back to the Amazatorium, you'll enter the gift shop. You can use Left and Right to buy ammo for your toys and also sell ammunition for more trading cards, respectively. If you know what you're doing, you can trade your way to having a lot of lives to get through the game with.

Cheesy - The OST

Here's all the tracks in a playlist...

...and all in one video.

Not sure why you'd want this, but this is the only thing the game has going for it.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Cheesy - Part 6 of 6

I hated making this video more than you will probably ever know. At least this nightmare is FINALLY over.

To enter the final level, go back to the grate and the fireplace that led to the second and third level. There will be a hole in the wall between the two levels with an arrow pointing down at it. Go in. This is the final level.

The first section is a chase scene on the rooftops where a dragon chases you to the right. If it catches up to you, it spits fire at you. You can make it go away for a short time and get some headway, but the dragon will come back. If you miss any power-ups or pick-ups, skip 'em. They're not going to be worth the trouble half the time, especially that extra life. When you see the wall with the vines on it, you're in the next section.

The second section is another platforming section with a wall covered in vines for the background. The spinning red one-eyed enemies with the four spikes are indestructible, and you'll have to jump over them to get past them. Once again, you'll have to go slow and shoot as you jump to ensure you don't suffer dumb damage or dumb deaths.

The third section is another maze, and this time, you have to hide behind books to avoid being shot by the UFO in the background while shooting down webs and enemies that block your path. I never even bother with the fist checkpoint, since it can be a pain in the butt to reach without getting shot at. Instead, I wait for the second one and touch it. The maze is actually easier than you would expect, and you can easily feel your way through if you just pay attention; all you have to worry about is staying on the move and making sure that the UFO doesn't shoot at you.

But wait, there's more! You'll get a cutscene where you fall into a beaker that leads into a maze of pipes full of chemicals, and this starts a section where you do just that. Once again, this is another memorization-fest, and you have to hold the direction you want to go in before you take the fork, or else you'll take a wrong turn and immediately die. If you reach any green paths, Cheesy immediately dies. If you run into any yellow paths guarded by flames, Cheesy dies. If you run into any electrical barriers, Cheesy will die. Thankfully, you only have to avoid obstacles when you are rolling to the north. Be careful where you are going, as it is possible to either go into a loop or accidentally go back to a previous points.

If you lose all your lives and you've collected enough cheese pieces for a continue, press the X button on Yes to continue. You can't just leave it there; you have to press X or else your game is over. That sucks, especially when the ten-second timer goes down in about one. If you use a continue, you will be kicked back to the overworld with five lives and you will have to go through heck just to get back to where you left off.

Once you get out of the instant-death tube travel stage, it's on to another instant-death flying saucer stage. Hold Left at the start, and hold Right when you hit the first checkpoint. When you see the candelabra almost fully blocking the door after the disorienting movement you make towards it, hold left.

After that, you face the final boss. It's the mad scientist of the castle himself, and he plans on ultimately destroying you before you can get a Red Crystal of Power. Go all the way up, then move to the front of the boss. As soon as the boss starts moving, start holding Square and get to the side of the boss and keep moving in one direction to keep the amount of damage you take from the boss' projectiles to a minimum. If you reach the back of the boss, turn in the other direction to get some hits in. This is the only strategy I can possibly think of, but it's better than no strategy at all.

When you beat the final boss, Cheesy will get the Red Crystal of Power and teleport out of the castle only to be surrounded by traditional wood-and-metal mouse traps that go off and kill him...a perfect summary of how one feels after beating this game and getting absolutely no reward out of beating this game whatsoever! Don't enjoy the ending! You've beaten this game! Never play it again! Hooray!

PrinceWatercress plays Cheesy - Part 5 of 6

The game just doesn't let up. How I managed to beat this game is beyond me.

The next level is at the grate near where you entered the last level. Go down there to start the fifth level!

The first section is another underground tunnel section. This one is just like the other one, but there are new spiky enemies that follow from behind (which refuses to die) as well as narrow platforms in bottomless pits that crumble if you don't leap to the other side the moment you land on them. At this part, the game gets much harder.

But wait, there's more! The second section is first-person mine cart riding action, and it doesn't get any easier. As a matter of fact, this section makes the first one from earlier in the game look easy in comparison, as both your reflexes and your level memorization skills are put to the test...and the worst part is, this isn't the last of these sort of sections!

The third section is another platforming section where you have to outrun fire...again. The fern fronds are platforms, and they are more visible than the regular platforms that BLEND IN WITH THE BACKGROUND. Great job, developers! Also, you may have to use the fire as a means of skipping over parts. I know I did!

You'll then get a cutscene followed by a fourth section full of more platforming. Slime bubbles that rise out of the slime can be used as a way to get to other platforms, and green spiked creatures with one-eye stick to the background wall and refuse to die. Interestingly, you have to wait at a couple of spots full of slime for bubbles to rise up, and you leap on them in a pattern similarly to some of the hoverboard spin jumps you had to make in Super Back to the Future Part II.

When you make it to the end, you'll have to fight a slime boss. Stay in the center and keep aiming in random directions. When you manage to see the boss, hit him a few times, and avoid the red projectiles it spews. Be ready to switch platforms if you have to. There are four of these slime monsters in all, and you have to kill them all to move on. Thankfully, killing just one of them makes the boss battle easier. Killing all four of them gives you a cutscene where Cheesy finds a handful of sentient slime on his shoe for the teleport spell. You'll also get another password: AGINCOURT6.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Cheesy - Part 4 of 6

Do you see why I named the video what it is now?

Once you jump onto the box and onto the barrel near the opening in the wooden wall, you'll start the next level.

In the first section, it's back to jumping from platform to platform in an area much like the very beginning of the game.There are new enemies such as one-eyed enemies with legs and a scorpion tail and slime creatures that throw slime at you. By this point, you should be used to shooting as you jump to a place you haven't been to yet, so I shouldn't have to tell you to do it at this point in the guide (at least, I hope not). The eyeball just before the entrance to the second section rolls back and forth.

The second section is another zoomed-in top-down section where you're constantly moving north and shooting down enemies as you go. If you hear any clicking sounds, that's a spider. If you hear a bouncy sound, that's an eyeball monster. Shoot them down. You can jump on the maggots as well as the eyeballs as opposed to shooting them, but I recommend shooting the eyeballs.

When you see the road suddenly turn east, you've gone as far north as you can go. Keep going east from here.When you see the arrows point north, leap on the cutting board to the east and make a running jump to the books to the northwest. You're in the next section.

In the third section, you're in another shelf maze. Be sure not to fall down the pit or else you'll be back in the second section. Also, go right first for power-ups.

Once you start going left and working your way up, be ready to shoot down flying enemies as well as new enemies, such as fire-breating chili peppers on legs and roaches that crawl on the background wall. If you see any dishes rocking back and forth, get close enough to them so they tumble down, , then get away when they tumble.

Not only do scoops and spatulas act as platforms, but so do their handles, so make a jump for the handles if you think you're stuck.

Thankfully, the knives are not potential death traps.

There is one point where you will be close to the start after a lot of exploration. If you go to the left at that point, you'll be back at the start and you'll have to do everything over again to get back to where you were.

Once you somehow exit the maze, you'll be in a flying saucer stage where Cheesy rides on a flying saucer. This is even worse thn the mine cart and sewer surfing stages, since you're going even faster and memorizing the level that is disorienting to look at at warp speed, and once again, running into anything is instant death. I make it look a lot easier than it actually is, and when you make it to the end, you'll get another cutscene before fighting a giant teapot.

To beat the teapot, watch his shadow and keep your distance so you don't get squashed, and stay on the move to avoid the steam projectiles he spits after he starts standing still. When the teapot jumps into the air for a squash attack, run away from the shadow, then turn around and start shooting before the teapot lands to deal the most damage. If you can stay from everything and get your timing down, the teapot boss will go down in no time and you'll get another ingredient: chopped parsley. You'll also get another password: LANDSCAPES.

Caddicarus reviews Cheesy

Here's a video I've been wanting to get around to ever since playing the's Caddicarus' review of Cheesy, which not only makes him compliment Bubsy 3D but also calls to his own patriotism with a boss that I have yet to show off on the blog. Anyway, enjoy.

Friday, March 27, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Cheesy - Part 3 of 6

You think this game is maddening now? Just you wait.

Now that we've explored the world inside the air duct, let's go into the fireplace.

The first section is an upwards climb where you'll have to move left and right and jump from platform to platform to get to the top. All the while, fire rises from the bottom and works its way up the shaft. It's like Mickey Mania if the controls were so Sonic-like that they absolutely sucked and the momentum from jumping was more slippery than petroleum jelly. Along the way, you'll be shooting down sentient, moving fireballs and flying skulls, and you'll have to shoot every time you jump to ensure nothing hits you. Also, some platforms will sink in and out of the walls and you'll have to time your jumps to get one them. Other platforms require leaps of faith to get to them, and these leaps of faith are frustrating to figure out. Even worse, if you need to hold Up or Down to look up or down, the game decides in this section that you can't do it here. If the fire hits you, it will knock you upwards if you land in it or touch it any other way. This is a tad disorienting, but you can use it to your advantage if you know what you're doing.

The second section has you on a roof. Most of the enemies here are enemies you've seen before, but you can look up and down again. If you know where to go, you can get quite a few power-ups in this area. There is a new hazard here, however: UFO's that wildly spin out of control while moving around the chimneys. They can hurt you if you're not careful. There are also red dragons that spit fire at you at a certain distance. Shoot them before they breathe fire on you.

One of the chimneys will take you downwards to an extra life if you hold Down to duck while standing on it, but you'll be back in the first section if you go for it.

The third section starts when you reach a wall covered in brambles. Once again, you'll jumping from platform to platform to get to the start. At least there's not any fire chasing after you from the bottom. Use the same strategies that you used to get through There will be a heart to the left of the start; go get it. Also, you can't look up or down here, either.

The green guys move quickly and jump when they reach a ledge. The dragonflies will move up and down, as will the flying eyeballs.

When you make it to the top, you'll face a dragon. Jump on the spiderweb in the center to jump around while holding X to jump higher when you need to, avoid the dragon's fireballs, and keep shooting to hit the dragon. If the dragon starts exploding, you're doing it right. Be sure not to go straight up and down to ensure that none of the dragon's fireballs hit. Eventually, the dragon will fall to its death, and Cheesy will find an Everbloom flower in the next cutscene. You'll also get another password: POLYNESIA7.

It doesn't seem like there's another place to go. Go back to the opening in the wooden wall. You'll find a box and a yellow arrow pointing upwards to the next level.

PrinceWatercress plays Cheesy - Part 2 of 6

Already, some old-school gaming trappings such as your health not getting restored after every level and brutal trial and error level memorization start to kick in.

When you complete a level, your health does not get restored.

From here, you'll be back in the overworld. The air duct hatch will now be open and have a down arrow above it, and the nearby fireplace will also have arrows pointing to it. Enter the grate first. You'll soon enter a surfing section.

Here, you'll have to avoid running into things like bricks and steel grates while shooting down purple dolphins, all the while tapping Left and Right to micro-manage which direction you're going exactly. While the purple dolphins' attacks will not instantly kill you, the bricks and sewer grates will, and you'll have to avoid the gray bricks that block the path while going through the openings in the steel grates. Make sure you're holding Square the entire time, too.

After you somehow make it past this section, you'll be in an underground passage and it will be back to side-scrolling platforming mode. Keep moving slowly and firing to take out red dragon worms, brown spiked enemies, and spiders. Also, be ready to jump over pits. There will be areas where rocks drop down; you want to avoid the rocks. When you make it to the mine cart, you'll enter the next section: a first-person mine cart ride.

In this section, if you do not lean to the left or right with Left or Right on the Control Pad respectively when you're supposed to, you will instantly die. Things that will kill you are paths that lead into other mine carts, iron bars that have come loose and even parts of the cave itself that block part of the track. You have to not only memorize where you have to lean left or right, but also when, and more than likely, you'll be doing it again...and again...and again. This is especially true because there will be things that you will not easily see coming.

When you somehow get past this part, you'll fight a spider boss. Stay all the way up at the start and shoot. When the spider starts spinning towards the wall, go down and shoot at it twice, then go all the way back up. From here, keep shooting to the right and the spider will die. You'll get the crushed fern fronds for the teleportation spell in the next cutscene. You'll get a new password, too: FOUNDATION.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Cheesy - Part 1 of 6

Our story starts in a castle where a mouse has been thrown in a cage. Suddenly, an alien accidentally frees him while fighting a UFO. Now to get outta here!

You'll start off in the world map. Up lets you move forward, Down lets you move in reverse, and Left or Right spins you around. X lets you jump. Your first destination is up the stairs and onto the shelf above.

We're in a side-scrolling section now. Left and Right let you move, and X lets you jump. Holding Down lets you look down in addition to crouching, and holding Up lets you look up. Be careful when moving, as momentum is the name of the game and our hero Cheesy never stops on a dime. Just tap the direction you want to go in order to move slowly in that direction; any longer and you'll go full bore with any jumps you make sending you flying.

In the upper-left corner, you'll see how many pieces of cheese you're picked up. In the upper-right corner, you'll see your score. In the lower-left corner is the amount of lives you have, and in the lower-right corner, you'll see your health. Lose all your hearts and you will lose a life.

If you drop down the bottomless pit here, you'll return to the overworld. Thankfully, you won't lose a life.

The green worms can be jumped on and squashed. You can do the same to the red ants and the bouncing mushrooms as well. Why the mushrooms growl when killed, I'll never know. The red aliens can be jumped on, but you will bounce upwards off them. Interestingly, if you keep jumping on them, you'll keep getting 50 points for each bounce. The brown one-eyed flying aliens can be jumped on and destroyed, though.

Hearts will replenish one of your hit points. You can have up to eight hit points at any given time.

The "SAFE" UFO is a checkpoint. Run into it, and you'll start there when you lose a life instead of at the beginning of a level.

The cheese pieces act like coins, but they don't give you an extra life. Instead, they give you a continue. You have to find lives by actually picking them up in the form of Cheesy heads. Why the game decided to do this, I have no clue.

The slime will hurt you; regardless of whether it is on the ground or dripping from the ceiling.

Be sure to watch out for flaming Bunsen burners; they hurt.

When you see the three yellow arrows facing right, go in that direction. You'll get a cutscene where Cheesy meets the alien again. It becomes apparent that the alien is a green mouse with wings. Sadly, the UFO squashes the alien mouse with a book, and the gun falls on the ground. Cheesy picks it up.

Press Square to fire the gun forward, and you'll shoot down anything that is directly in front of Cheesy. Jump up and right for two more hearts, then head to the left over the ledge past the three yellow arrows to continue the level. This time around, you can shoot down the red aliens and kill them, along with any other enemy, for that matter.

If you hold down the Fire button, you can aim the gun in seven directions The only direction you can't aim is straight down.

Now that you have the gun, go all the way back down and drop down the bottomless pit. You'll get a cutscene where Cheesy incinerates a cobweb blocking a hole in a wooden wall with the gun, then you'll head back to the overworld.

From here, go north from where you show back up and enter the new opening. In the next room, there will be a box with a yellow arrow pointing up and to the right. Jump up the box, then jump from the box to the barrel.

You'll be in a 3D overhead perspective mode a la Zelda, except the action is much more zoomed-in. Keep gently tapping in the direction you want to go to avoid flying off the table, and use your gun to destroy the enemies. Watch out for slime, green slime enemies, slugs and red ants.

When you see the yellow arrow pointing up, follow it to a book. Jump onto the book, and you'll trigger a cutscene where Cheesy learns a teleportation spell that will allow him to leave the castle. In order to cast the spell, however, he will have to explore the rest of the castle to get all of the ingredients.

You'll then get your first password: WESTONMARE. This will allow you to access Level 2 when you turn the game off.

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage - The OST

Here's the soundtrack for Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 27 of 27

...and here's everything! See you next game and next blog series!

The Dragon Shores Coaster is the hardest of them all. You'll be popping balloons while avoiding obstacles. You'll have to press Left or Right at the right time to take the forks in the road (it's kinda picky, so you might have to press it repeatedly until it moves like you want it at the forks). In the second track, you may have to jump with the X button to get some of the balloons. The last track has you armed with a cannon, which lets you take down the balloons with the targets at them. You'll have to press Circle at the right time to take those balloons down, since you can't aim the cannon at a different spot (kinda like the trolley in Breeze Harbor).

Now for the post-game surprise for finding everything in the game. There is a door that requires you to have 10,000 gems and 64 orbs to open. Inisde is a Superflame power-up...with lightning emanating from it! If you walk through, nothing seemingly happens...until you press Circle. It's a permanent Superflame, and you can even keep it when you save the game afterwards!

What's also interesting is that if you start a new game immediately after saving, you can play the game all over again with the permanent Superflame! It's really awesome! With that, I get revenge on Fracture Hills for giving me a hard time.

Also worth mentioning is that when you beat the game and go to the Guidebook, you can now scroll past Winter Tundra. If you do that, you'll be able to check out all the Skill Points. If you have 8 or more, you can press X to access the epilogue. That reminds time! If you have all 16, it'll say "Well Done!" at the end of the list in big black letters. Nice. You'll also extend the epilogue with the extra "Faunus Mortas" section as well.

If you have the maximum of 99 lives, but you don't have all the skill points, you can go past 99 and have triple digit lives. You can even save this total to your save file, if you wish. Of course, if you get an extra life through normal game play, you'll be kicked back down to 99. 

Well, this was a fun one. See you next game. 

Skill Points

Gulp's Overlook

Perfect - Beat Gulp without taking damage and you'll receive an Extra Life and a Skill Point.

Hit Ripto - If you can hit Ripto with a rocket, you'll get an extra life and a Skill Point for you efforts.

Ripto's Arena

Perfect - If you can somehow beat Ripto without taking damage at all, you get one of the hardest skill points in the game as well as an extra life.

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 26 of 27

Here it is: the battle with Ripto!

Ripto's Arena

First Form

Well, here were are.

You'll be collecting orbs and using the power-ups to do as much damage on Ripto as you can. Grab three orbs before Ripto can and you'll be able to make Ritpo run away from you like the little coward he is!

The red ones give you Superflame, the blue ones give you Supercharge, and the green ones give you what look like some sort of bio-bomb that you can spit out like a grenade and cause a small explosion. You don't have to grab three of the same color, just grab three as soon as possible. The color of the last one of the three you pick will dictate which power-up you'll have for a few seconds. Avoid his scepter shots, grab orbs, and chase after him with whatever you have and do as much damage as possible.

In case you need health, there will be sheep in the arena every so often. Also, if you die at any point in the battle, you start back at the first form. Lame.

In case Ripto gets three orbs, red gives him a few red shockwaves similar to the Crush battle, blue gives him an ice shield that damages you if you touch him, and green gives him a bunch of green fireballs similar to Gulp.

Second Form

When his health runs out, he'll summon a mechanical version of Gulp and ride on top of it. The battle is still the same, even though Gulp can cover more ground.

The Ripto power-ups are different this time. Red shoots out a homing fire-worm by which the only means of escape is to send it towards Robo-Gulp. Blue shoots some ice balls, while green gives the Robo-Gulp some eye lasers you'll have to jump over to avoid.

Third Form

All the orbs turn gold when they come out of Robo-Gulp after it blows up. Ripto uses his scepter to turn one into a giant bird, while Spyro collects one and instantly starts flying. Also, the floor turns into lava as Ripto tries to shoot at you while you're doing loops in the cutscene. No health replenishment for you!

Keep an eye on Ripto and shot at him as much as you can. Avoid his green fireballs.

Every once in a while, he'll fly behind the entrance part of the wall to temporarily avoid you. Interestingly enough, you can wait for him to come back out from the other side and pound him.
When you empty his health meter, Ripto falls into the lava below. You did it!

When you make it out of Ripto's Arena, Elora and friends will thank you for saving Avalar. Also, Hunter actually does something for once...he returns all the money that Moneybags blackmailed you out of during the game, and if you collected all the gems, you'll end up with 10,000. (For the record, you spent 5200 on Moneybag's services, so if you collected all the gems before you beat Ripto and paid Moneybags for every service he has, you'll have 4800 before you beat Ripto.)

You'll also finally end up at Dragon Shores after the credits roll.

Dragon Shores

Now that we're here, it's time for fun and games. If you get ten tokens, you can watch any of the cutscenes in the game whenever you feel like it.

The first thing covered here is the tunnel of love. It only nets you one token, but it's still hilarious to either see who you get paired up or see Spyro still being alone on the boat. foreveralone.jpg

The target practice area gives you three more. Here, you have to hit all the targets with the Superflame power-up before the timer on it runs out.

There is also the dunking booth. You can get three tokens from this one easy. Just pick up the baseball, use Triangle to aim, and shoot. Just talk to the showman and he'll give you a baseball.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 25 of 27

Welcome to Robotica Farms, the last level in the Let's Play before we face Ripto. After taking on Metropolis, it's time to head to the farm and take care of the problems there.

Robotica Farms

You'll have to make your way through the level and get the bug zapped turned on to get the exit portal to open up as well as an orb.

The blue-green bugs that spin around can be taken down with a charge attack (or a rock spit) followed by a headbash when they're flat on their back. You can also headbash them twice if you don't feel like waiting for them to stop spinning. The brown bugs that fly around can be taken out with a flame or (if you have one handy) a rock. The green bugs that push the barrels at you can not only be taken out easily, you can ram one of their own barrels back at them with the charge attack! Attack fail!

More sheep for fodder this time around. At least they're more prevalent in this level and not all in one spot.

The seesaws can help you get to areas at time. Run up to the other side of the seesaw and glide off while it starts leaning towards the other direction. It's pretty interesting.

The metal box for this level is just next to the scarecrow orb.

The rocket can be found quite easily as you're going through the level. Heck, you might even find it on accident. Once you take the first elevator you find in the level, take it up and go right. There it is.

Anyway, just about everything in the level gets covered here.

There's a mystery vase near the Supercharge power-up. From there, it's just some simple backtracking to the beginning of the stage to get some gems.


Robotica Farms

1. Midway through the level, you'll see a bunch of robot scarecrows. If you talk to the farmer there, you'll find out about the bugs that are running around in his field. Glide off the top of the mounds of dirt and take the bugs out as you come towards them. Unlike the thieves in Mystic Marsh, they don't reverse direction if you come at them the other way. Also, if you're not fast enough, they will re-spawn. Thankfully, it's not that hard.

2. When you make it to the giant bug lamp at the end, you'll turn it on and earn an orb.

3. Close to the exit portal is another platform you can glide to. Talk to the farmer there and you'll find out that you have to clear the path leading all the way back to here with the Supercharge power-up. Do that, and you'll get an orb.

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 24 of 27

We head to the future in our quest for more orbs and even see a cool new power-up while we're there.


Love the robots' voices for this one.

This stage is like Breeze Harbor and Zephyr, as it has that rare interconnection with another level. In this case, it's Robotica Farms. The animals you didn't see over there are causing a ruckus, going so far as to pilfer from the Metropolis armory and take over. You'll be dealing with cows shooting at you from behind metal shields (wait until they stop ducking behind them to hit them with your flame), cows with space helmets waving laser guns around (glide towards them to avoid the laser, then flame them), favorite...rocket pigs! (Let them come near you, then flame them just before they run into you. Or hide behind a wall. That works too.)

When you meet up with the Inventor Droid, you'll be able to get one of four orbs for this level (this is one of the rare levels that have more than three).

The fodder here are eggs with legs. Reminds me of Shelldon from US Acres (if you've ever watched the U.S. Acres cartoons on Garfield and Friends, you know who I'm talking about).

To use the elevators, get on top of one and use the headbash ability on it.

There's a metal box near where you battle the ox with the bombs, but you'll have to make it to the end and go all the way back with the power-up for it. About that power-up...I'll explain it later. It's really good.  There's also another metal box in the sheep saucer area next to the exit portal. There's also a headbash box near the end after you take the second to last elevator up as well as another one in the sheep saucer area on top of one of the buildings.

When you make it to the Inventor Droid, you'll be able to take advantage of the combination power-up: a combination of Superfly and Superflame. Now you can fly around and hit things with the Superflame at the same time.

Canyon Speedway

Ah, yes, Canyon Speedway. My favorite speedway of the four, as well as the easiest of the four.

You'll be flying around a mountain with lava bubbling below you as you take out goats, tractors, and vultures. Arches, always the staple of every speedway, make an appearance here as well.



1. Fight the ox and take it down by lighting the bombs with your flame attack and sending them near it. When you deplete the ox's health meter, you'll get an orb.

2. When you meet the Inventor Droid where the exit portal is, she'll give you an orb.

3. Take down the three sheep in the flying saucers using the combination power-up and you'll get an orb.

4. You need to get #3 to do this one. When you take down the three saucer sheep, they'll send a distress signal and back-up will arrive. Take down the next five and you'll get yet another orb.

Canyon Speedway

1. In the area with the vultures, scan the top of the walls and you'll find an opening. Go into it and you'll find Hunter. Take control of his planes and shoot down all the balloons without missing one. This one's pretty easy, but it's also pretty awesome, too. Just remember that up and down are reversed and that you can hold the Circle button down to do rapid fire.

Skill Points

Canyon Speedway

Under 1:10 - Of the speedway Skill Points, getting 1:10 is the easiest to get. Take care of the goats first, then go through the rings, go against the flow with the tractors and then take care of the vultures. You may get this on your first pass through the stage without even knowing. It's that easy.

Monday, March 23, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 23 of 27


Cloud Temples

To get through the level, you'll have to take down the evil warlocks with your flame attack to help the wizards get their wands back. The wands will make the environment right again so you can continue on.

The enemies in the stone shells burst out of the rock and attack when you get close enough. The goats try to ram you but can easily be defeated, while the purple things will try to spit rocks at you. You'll have to be a little more agile against the latter.

The fodder here are sheep again, but just like the enemies they're encased in stone and break out when you get close enough. The only other thing worth noting about them is that there's only two spots in the level where you can even find fodder, and that's after the first checkpoint and next to where you trigger the Agent Zero orb (where you can also find the metal box for this level).

When you take care of 21 enemies, you finally get to access a power-up that's exclusive only to this level: the Superfreeze. This basically hits enemies with a blast of ice. You'll need this to get one of the orbs.

The trolls will run around with their rear ends on fire, but if you use the Superfreeze power-up on them, they'll be frozen in ice and stuck in place for a while. You can then use the frozen trolls as platforms. Keep in mind that with the ones that jump, the higher they are, the bigger the platforms they make when they freeze, so be sure to hit them at the top of their jump.

To get to the rocket that blows up the metal box, get the Superfreeze power-up and take the whirlwind. You'll need to use the troll as a platform to glide and hover to reach the rocket - it's the only way you're going to make it up there.


Cloud Temples

1. When you take out all the warlocks, the wizard at the end will give you an orb.

2. Use the Superfreeze power-up to freeze the trolls and use them as platforms so you can charge into the bells to ring them. Time your shots so you can get the blocks of ice that the trolls freeze into to be tall enough to use as a platform to get to where you need to go. Midway through this orb, you'll find out there are three you need to take care of instead of two. Thankfully, the game hits you with a checkpoint when you complete the first part of this, though this can be easy to forget (I honestly did not know this at first, and I thought I triggered a glitch when I died mid-mission - something I had never done here up until the Let's Play of this game.) 

3. Follow Agent Zero to his hideout without getting spotted. Getting in is simple enough. When you make it to the field inside the building, get behind the tree on the left, then get on the other side of the tree when he comes close to where you're at. Wait for him to look around from the other side of the tree, then charge in when he enters his hideout. Problem solved, and it's easier than it really is. (Thanks, angryponcho.)

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 22 of 27

There's only four levels in Winter Tundra. This one is probably the easiest out of the four to do everything in.

Mystic Marsh

The first of four regular levels in Winter Tundra.

For this one, you'll have to make it to the end of the level and find out why the fountain has been turned off. You'll find out that the guy watching it has fallen asleep, and once you find him, he'll give you an orb.

The rhinos in the snail shells have metal shells, so you won't be able to flame them. Instead, charge them. That'll do it. The elephants in the shells (as hilarious as they are) can be flamed. As for the monkeys in the trees, glide towards them, then hover and flame to avoid the rocks they throw, which have a little bit of range.

If you go underwater, be mindful of the platypuses. Charge at them when they're not all puffed up and spiky (which makes them temporarily invulnerable to normal attack).

The frogs from Summer Forest return for all your fodder needs in this level.


Mystic Marsh

1. When you find the WaterWizard at the end of the level and turn the fountain back on, the WaterWizard will give you an orb.

2. Talk to Basil the Explorer near the exit portal and you'll find out about the four thieves that have stolen his spark plugs. If you can catch up to them and flame them, you'll get the spark plugs back. Get all four back to get an orb. (Also, just for the record, the one in the cave is the easiest. You don't even have to chase it if you know what you're doing.)

3. If you follow the river that flows through the level, you'll find a house with the Professor in it. He's lost his pencil, and you'll have to trade stuff around to get it back. He starts you off with an egg. Take it to the nest near the exit portal and stand on the platform next to it to help aim it into the nest. (You don't have to be precise, as long as you get it into the general area of where it's supposed to be, it'll get there.) A bird will fly out and drop a seed. Take a seed to the pot above the beginning of the level and a flower will pop out, giving you a duck. (Why the hell is a flower spitting out a duck?!?) Take the duck to the ducks swimming in the river and the big duck will spit out a turnip. Get the turnip and spit it into the pot in the cave. Take the coin back to the fountain at the beginning and you'll finally get the pencil. Bring it to the Professor to get the orb. Finally, level complete!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 21 of 27

Before handling the stages in Winter Tundra, we head back to Autumn Plains and take care of some unfinished business now that we have the Headbash.

Shady Oasis

After returning to Autumn Plains to backtrack for stuff, we're in Shady Oasis again. Not only can we bash that box, we can also take on the second orb.

Fracture Hills

Also, I finally get everything in Fracture Hills. About time.

Also, you have to use the supercharge and go off to the left a bit to destroy the metal box.


Shady Oasis

2. You need to have the Headbash ability to do this one. Once you've defeated enough enemies, you'll be able to active the invincibilty power-up below the exit. Talk to the hippo here to find out about the hippos you'll have to free from stone, then use the power-up, get into the lava and headbash the hippos out of the stone before they sink into the lava. Follow the hippo you talked to to find out which order to break them out in. When you free all eight of them, you'll get an orb.

Fracture Hills

1. Around the perimeter of the stage near the start is a Supercharge power-up and a hard-to-break door to a temple. Once you activate the Supercharge power-up, hold Square as you go through it and keep holding it as you follow the path. It's just a few doors, but it might take a few tries just to remember where to jump. Once you're near the door, jump into it to break it. You'll free the fawn inside the locked temple and she'll give you an orb.

2. Near the exit is a part of the level that's nowhere near lava and has a ton of Earthshapers. Hunter is stuck in a certain part of the level, and his feet are encased in stone. Find the Alchemist, talk to him, and keep the Earthshapers from hitting him. For best results, stay close to him, since there is a point late in this orb mission where the Alchemist doubles back before heading to Hunter. (If he had just turned left at the start, none of this would be happening.) You'll be able to tell which one is about to hit them when they rear back with their pick. When you get the Alchemist to the other side, you'll get an orb.

3. You need to get #2 and have the Headbash ability to do this one. Once you've gotten the Alchemist to un-stick Hunter's feet, Hunter will be able to run around the area near the Supercharge and take down all the Earthshapers with his bow and arrow. Follow him around, and when he hits one of the Earthshapers, headbash it before it can get back up, otherwise you'll have to start over. This one's pretty easy to do.

Skill Points

Fracture Hills

3 Laps of Supercharge - Here it is - the hardest one to pull off. Once you're done with that Supercharge orb, charge through the Supercharge power-up again and instead of heading straight for where that temple door was, charge back into the Supercharge power-up. Complete this loop two more times, and you'll get a Skill Point and an extra life.

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 20 of 27

In this entry, we have our second boss battle and head to the third homeworld, where we learn the last move we need almost immediately.

Gulp's Overlook

Now that you're a little closer to Ripto, Ripto will send Gulp after you.

Start moving to start the battle (otherwise, he'll just stand there forever), then charge away from him to avoid his pounce. The pterodactyls will start dropping items: explosive kegs, bombs and rockets. The explosive kegs have to be charged into to be sent flying (and hopefully in Gulp's direction), the bombs have to be lit with the flame attack, and the rockets have to be picked up in Spyro's mouth and spit back out at Gulp. Sometimes chickens will come out of the eggs. Flame these if you need to replenish your health, and make sure Gulp doesn't get to one if there's one available...he'll eat it and replenish a unit of health.

When you hit him with something, he'll jump and then shake the ground, destroying all the weapons currently on the floor. You'll have to wait for the pterodactyls to drop something before you can attack again.

After the first hit, Gulp will return to the center of the room and start firing laser orbs at you. Use your charge to run away from the lasers, and them use an item on him before he shoots again. 

After the second hit, he'll run at pounce at you and then shoot at you, alternating between the two attacks.

After the fourth hit, he'll shoot four orbs at you instead of two.

After the fifth hit, he'll try to go for the nearest weapon and use it against you. If he eats a barrel or a bomb, get away from him. The further away you are, the easier it is to avoid the projectiles he spits out. If he gets a rocket, run away from it and get it to hit Gulp, as it will home in on you. He can also eat the chickens if they show up, and if that happens, he will gain a unit of life if he eats a chicken.

After the ninth hit, he'll shoot six orb. 

After taking down Gulp, the castle is now out of Ripto's control. More of the land is at peace, but you still have some work to do as Elora and the others try to clean up Avalar and fix the superportal so that Spyro can go back to the Dragon world. Spyro relaxes, but not for long, and he follows Elora to Winter Tundra. Right when the Professor gets the superportal working again, Ripto interferes and steals the power crystal before kicking Moneybags out of the castle...again.

Winter Tundra

From this point forward, there are no more talismans, just gems and orbs.

If you go right after the beginning, you'll find the Professor again. If you have enough orbs, you'll be able to open the portal to Cloud Temples next to him. There is another one to the right of where the superportal that the Professor is standing near, and Metropolis will open up over there if you have plenty of orbs.

At the entrance to the castle, you'll find Moneybags. If you have 1000 gems (what a jerk), he'll finally teach you the headbash move. To perform it, press Triangle after you jump.

Use it to break the rocks to get gems, open the doors to the castle, and get an orb. Nice.

If you need health, hit the little penguins that run around the level. They act as the fodder in this homeworld.

There is a flight of stairs you can take if you go left from the beginning, and it takes you to a cave. You'll meet Moneybags in here again, and if you pay him 200 gems, he'll open up Canyon Speedway, which is arguably the easiest of the four speedway levels.

When you enter the castle grounds, you'll find a whirlwind to your left that will help you get one of the orbs in Winter Tundra. The hallway to the right of the doors takes you to the Professor. If you have a good amount of orbs, you'll be able to open up Metropolis (one of my favorite worlds in the game).

The stairs lead to Ripto's Arena. If you have enough orbs at this point, you can fight him without having to go through any of the levels in Winter Tundra. We're obviously not going to do that, though, since the Winter Tundra worlds are actually pretty good. Too bad there's only four...


Winter Tundra

1. One of the rocks you can break with the headbash move at the beginning contains an orb.

2. When you climb the stairs to Ripto's Arena, turn back and glide to the top of the castle walls. You'll find an orb for your efforts.

3. To the right of the entrance to the castle grounds is a waterfall. Glide down to the castle wall near it and go to the waterfall. You'll land in a pool of water that has a tunnel below. Go through the tunnel and you'll end up at the waterfall next to the Canyon Speedway well as the orb!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 19 of 27

I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills I hate Fracture Hills

Icy Speedway

Flaming the ropes between the para-gliders and the snowmobiles does nothing. You'll have to go up to all eight of the snowmobile targets directly in order to destroy them. Other than that and the odd placing of some of the targets, this is pretty much a medium-difficulty course.

Fracture Hills

Oh, Christ. This level.

Not only are the orbs here the hardest in the game, there's also the hardest Skill Point to get in the game, the hardest metal box to break in the game as well as the fact that you can't get 100% until you get the Headbash in Winter Tundra.

Your goal here is to free all six satyrs by flaming or charging the satyr statues. When you free a satyr, they'll play music that will break the stone encasing the castle in the center of the world.

The Earthshapers are in the bottom part of the world, and the only way you can destroy them is to keep ramming them with your charge attack until you push them into the lava. Above the Earthshapers' domain are trees with beehives that send bees after you and animate bushes that try to eat you. If you can get close just enough and stand still, you'll see the bushes grow eyes and look around (which is really hilarious) and the trees will grow eyes as well as if they're lying in wait for you. Thankfully, both can easily be destroyed with the flame attack.

The fodder here are the pigs that run around and oink throughout the level. If any are in your immediate vicinity when you free a satyr, they'll come up to the satyr and dance to the music just like in the pre-level cutscene. Nice touch.

You'll basically be going in a circle the entire time, though you'll be going through both the perimeter of the level and the Earthshapers' domain in the center to get everything.

Technically, you can get two orbs here, but I'd rather save the one not involving the Supercharge for later since there's another orb after it that requires the Headbash.

The metal box is in the Earthshaper's domain around the center, and the only way to open is to use the Supercharge and run all the way to it without running into a wall. It can be done, it's just a matter of how to get to it...and that will probably take several tries. It's near the first and second doors as well as the orbs you get with Hunter, it's just a matter of getting there.


Icy Speedway

1. At the start is an igloo. Go up to it and hit Square to Supercharge into it. You'll find Hunter, who wants you to go through 50 rings on a paraglider that he'll pull on a jet-ski. If you can go through all 50 rings without missing, you'll get an orb.

Skill Points

Icy Speedway

Under 1:15 - Hit all the targets in less than 1:15 to get an extra life and a Skill Point.


I love how Kevin Owens is easily my go-to thing when I can't find a good intermission or epilogue. This is...what, the 42nd time?

Friday, March 20, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 18 of 27

We head to another level in Autumn Plains, and just like a few other levels we've been to before, we won't get everything here on the first pass.

Shady Oasis

You won't be able to get everything the first time around. One of the orbs as well as the last few gems won't be available until you've learned the headbash in Winter Tundra.

To get through this stage, you'll have to attack the bush either with your charge, ram or rock spit to get fruits out of them. The hippo you're escorting to the other side will eat the berry that comes out, get huge, smash through the door, return to normal size and run for the next tree. When you reach the big berry bush, you'll get the talisman.

The only enemy that you'll have to use your brain on here is the guys with the shields. They still aren't too much trouble, though. Either ram into them and then flame them, or flame them from behind. The genies that throw bombs can defeated with either your flame or your charge attack, as can the guys that only have swords.

There's yet another mystery vases when you reach the end. You know what to do by now.

The fodder here are peacocks, complete with tails that open and close.

The rocket that destroys the metal box at the beginning is just below the end of the stage (where the headbash box is). Look behind one of the columns and you'll find it.


Shady Oasis

1. Talk to the other hippo near the exit and you'll cause the three lamp thieves to show up. Charge after them to catch up to them and flame them when you're close enough. When you defeat all three and get the magic lamps back, you'll get an orb.

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 17 of 27

Now that we have the talisman for Magma Cone out of the way, it's time to go for the orbs.

Magma Cone

Now that we have the talisman, we can now go for the orbs.

The one concerning the Lava Lizards is the hardest. They can get you from a pretty good distance, and their party favors attack can hit you from further away than you think.

The crystal popcorn mini-game is one of my favorites. You'll have to beat Hunter not once, but twice, at getting a certain amount of popcorn. Just watch where the steam travels, and you'll see where the crystal popcorn pops up. If you need to, follow Hunter and take the popcorn from under his nose, since Hunter is good at catching these and he can yank them even if they're at his feet.


Magma Cone

1. Use the Superfly power-up to fly around and spit the rocks hovering on the geysers coming out of the lava in the volcano at the Lava Lizards. Defeat all 12 to get an orb.

2. There is another set of ladders you'll have to glide to from a distance in order to reach before you make it to the volcano. Reach those, then climb into the opening in that part of the cone to find a room with a bunch of cracks in it. You'll find Hunter here. Collect 10 pieces of crystal popcorn before Hunter does to get an orb.

3. You need to get #2 to do this one. Once you get the first orb from Hunter, you'll be able to do another game where you have to get 15 pieces. Following Hunter and grabbing the ones he's going for before he can will help you here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 16 of 27

In this entry, we wrap up Scorch, then continue to Magma Cone.


There's one more orb, and it's at the end. Thankfully, the Orbs section does a very good job at explaining everything.

Magma Cone

From one level with Earthshapers and fauns to another. The awesome difference here is that these fauns speak with an Irish accent. (Reminds me of Sheamus.)

Anyway, you'll have to make your way to the top of the volcano and close the top to get the talisman here. Along the way, you'll have to ram the Earthshapers to the X's so that the fauns of Magma Cone can take care of them for you. As for the little guys that throw rocks at you, charge at them. They'll run away, but you'll eventually catch up to them and nail them.

The fodder in this level are snails. Flame them on sight, as the extra lives you can get on them whenever possible complements the extra lives you can find in the bottles very well. There's one spot where you can find three butterflies in a jar, so exploring this level is worth it.

When you start climbing the volcano, you'll meet Moneybags again. You'll have to pay him 200 gems to use the elevator to continue on.

Once you're in the volcano, take the ladders to the top and avoid the rocks on the way. If you look around at the location where you got the talisman, you'll be able to find a Superfly power-up on another ledge next to a faun. Talk to that faun and you'll trigger an Orb where you'll have to take down a bunch of partying lizards to get all of the fauns' party hats back.



2. Talk to Handel at the end of the level and he'll tell you about the flags and the Flagkeeper. Get the Superflame power-up, then head backwards to the level until you find the third flag. Aim at the Flagkeeper at the top of the flagpole and fire at him. Approach him when he comes down and you'll have to chase him all the way to the end without getting hit by his bomb in order to get the flag. Do the same at the second and first flags and you'll get the orb. The subsequent chases are harder, so watch out!

PrinceWatercress plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 15 of 27

We take on another speedway level, then go on solving more problems in Avalar.

Metro Speedway

Another speedway level.

This time you'll be knocking pigeons off switches, flaming signal guys, going through more arches and flaming guys with bungee cords.


Make your way through the level, hitting switches to lift up the flags and open the doors. When you find Greta at the end, you'll get the talisman.

The swordsmen and the camels aren't so bad, but the guys with the guns are a pain in the butt. Glide in on them before you flame them, since they can't aim upwards.

The fodder here are snakes jumping around in woven baskets, which makes sense with the Arabian theme of the level.

Under the bridge is a passageway to a whirlwind. The whirlwind will take you to a good number of gems, and the reason this is worth mentioning is because of all the explosive vases that there are. Light one up and watch the rest break in sequence! Awesome!


Metro Speedway

1. There is a waterfall somewhere in the stage. Behind it is a hidden room with the Mayor of Metro Speedway inside. He'll tell you about the crime problem that's been happening in the city, and he wants your help. Take his offer. (Strangely, he sounds just like Moneybags minus the British accent.)

Hunter will zap the cat burglars (that strangely look like raccoons), and it'll be your job to catch the loot they drop. Grab all the loot before it falls into the water, and you'll get an orb for a job well done.


1. Help Hunter catch all six monkeys. Charge the trees they're hanging onto before they bop Hunter in the head with a coconut. This one's pretty easy.

Skill Points

Metro Speedway

Under 1:15 - If you can take out all the targets in 1:15 or less, you'll get a Skill Point and an extra life.


All Trees - Headbutt all the trees so that a coconut drops out. (The curved ones the monkeys are in don't count, the much straighter ones are the ones you have to worry about). When the last coconut drops, an Extra Life butterfly comes out. Enjoy your Skill Point!