
Saturday, June 28, 2014

natsumikado1246 plays HyperZone - No Deaths - Part 1 of 9

...and now, shooting things.

Area 1 - Old Capital

Well, what can I say?

Shoot down all the things floating around, and stay on the road. If you go off-course, you'll slowly start losing health. Get back on the road!

If you see a pattern of flashing lights that cover both the floor and ceiling, run through it. You'll regain your health.

After a while, the white squares will start to move up and down. You'll be juking and jiving - in addition to shooting - to get past these sets.

The boss here is a giant robotic machine that shoots white balls at you. Avoid these balls and keep shooting at him. Thankfully, this boss isn't very hard.

The Music of Panic Restaurant


Final Boss

Map Screen

Slot Machine

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Friday, June 27, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays Panic Restaurant - Part 5 of 5

Ninety minutes after starting this walkthrough, I freaking end it.

The boss here is Ohdove. Here's how you beat him.

Move around with the D-Pad in all eight directions, and throw eggs at his balloon. Avoid his radishes, and pay attention to where he stops when he switches sides so you can easily smack the balloon with your eggs.

You'll have to be quick to pop his balloon, but here's a useful hint that will prove useful: he'll only re-inflate it when he's at the right side of the screen. Keep that in mind so that you can time everything right and get him right where you want him.

When you beat him, Ohdove will be no more, and your restaurant will be rightfully yours. Enjoy your lack of credits.

DeceasedCrab plays Panic Restaurant - Part 4 of 5

In this episode, we go down into the basement and kill...wait, I don't know what's in this basement. Other than sewers. And more sentient things.

Stage 5 - Meat

The boss here is a giant ice cream cone. Avoid its fruity layers as they slide across the floor, and whack the ice cream cone. When its cone starts spinning, it will act as a drill that destroys the ice blocks that make up the floor. Stay away from the cone and keep smacking it.

Stage 6 - Dessert

A sewer. Wonderful.

The pumpkins fly around in an arc. Unfortunately, the arc is more like a rainbow, and it just switches sides to be annoying. They're easy to kill.

Be careful near the waterfalls in the background, as surprise fish will come out of them. It's like the surprise cut blades in the first Mega Man game.

The cartons of french fries shoot their fries like bullets. They only jump straight up, so you can just lie in wait and whack them with whatever weapon you have on the way down.

Unlike the other stages, the spikes here are animated. You have moving stalactites on the ceiling and spears moving up and down in the bottomless pits.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wanpaku Kokkun no Gourmet World

Here's the original version that I was talking about. This is the whole Japanese version, so spoilers obviously abound.

DeceasedCrab plays Panic Restaurant - Part 3 of 5

Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions - all on a sesame seed bun and a murderous rampage.

Stage 4 - Fish

Apparently, when you're invincible with the giant wok, spikes can still kill you. Gee, thanks, game.

The boss here is a giant hamburger. It will jump around, so whack the meat patty. When the two buns start to move, duck. Then, smack it and run away. The buns will come to the ground at both sides of the meat patty and the burger will become whole again. It will then repeat its attack pattern.

Stage 5 - Meat

Slip-slidin' away! Also, lag.

Another note about spikes: they don't care if you just took damage. They will still kill you. Mega Man 1 style. Thanks, game.

You'll be dealing with ice-skating ice cream cones, freezer pipes that shoot out blasts of cold air, popsicles that launch themselves into the air like missiles coming out a missile silo, and lots of spikes. Lots of them.

Jump on the platforms with the hooks underneath them to ride on them.

Watch out as you enter the deep freezer. Some of the fish will fall off of the hooks. After the deep freezer, you can play a Catch The Fish mini-game if you go up instead of down.

Afterwards, it's another deep freezer area with spike pits and ice platforms that fall when you land on them. This part can be very unforgiving at times, especially with more of those missile silo popsicles. Do yourself a favor: if you see one of those popsicles, let it go about its business. Then, and only then, will you not have trouble making your way across.

If you lose all your lives and continue, you start over at the very beginning of the stage. Yessir, this game is old-school difficult.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays Panic Restaurant - Part 2 of 5

We go into the kitchen only to find out that whatever is in this restaurant isn't what The Rock is cooking. But we already knew that, didn't we?

Stage 3 - Salad

Grab the dish shortly after the beginning of the stage. You'll be able to get a lot more range and hit enemies from afar...unless you get hit, anyway.

We now have sentient egg yolks running around. The enemies are just gonna weirder and more food-related from here.

After the first door, you'll come across a giant pot that's even bigger than you. Jump on the bubbles to get to the other side.

You'll then meet a teacup snail. It will switch between the ceiling and the floor every few seconds as it ambles back and forth. Wait for it to switch before hitting it if you still have the dishes, otherwise smack it when it gets close.

The chef's hat gives you an extra life.

Watch out as you move between the conveyor belts, as you'll be on what look like oven ranges that shoot out flames. The flames travel in logical patterns, so it's easier than you think to continue through this. Afterwards, wait for the pot lid to reach the pot so you can ride the lid as an elevator.

The toasters shoot two pieces of toast at you every couple of seconds. Thankfully, the toasters don't move around, making them a snap to defeat.

The ladder that takes some work to get to (just jump to the higher road and reach the ladder from there) takes you to another mini-game. In this one, you'll have to catch the eggs with your frying pan and avoid the bombs. This can be a little hectic, as there can be three birds on-screen at one time and the eggs/bombs can come out of them at any time.

The boss here is a giant wok. As it runs back and forth, shrimp fall from the ceiling. When it catches five shrimps, it will shoot a bunch of shrimp around the screen, then jump to the lower half of the screen and do it again before returning to the upper half. Follow it around and whack it, and avoid having it run into you.

Stage 4 - Fish

We go to the patio only to witness more fiery destruction. What else is new.

The shishkebabs dive towards you in an attempt to make you...well...a shishkebab. The chairs jump up and down in an attempt to poke you right in the keister.

Then we go up to the roof of the restaurant and find out that even the clouds have something against us, shooting lightning bolts downwards like the chandeliers in Stage 2. Holy crap, it's like a food-themed version of Wally Bear and the No Gang, except there's no drugs (or drug education) involved and everything still wants us dead.

Also, the spikes look like butter knives. BUTTER KNIVES ARE NOT SHARP, JAPAN.

The ladder that goes into the sky is another Take The Egg mini-game. Fun.

DeceasedCrab plays Panic Restaurant - Part 1 of 5

Fun fact: this game was released in Japan as Wanpaku Kokkun no Gourmet World, and the chef was a young man instead of an old man. (They obviously changed him for the Western audience.)

The old man attacks with a frying pan, but the young man attacks with his head. Yes, the pan is a chef's hat and he headbutts sentient food. That is hardcore.

Anyway, this game came out late in the NES era...and it's really hard to find in cartridge form and fetches rather high prices as a result. To add more sensationalism to this: the game is actually good.

On with the show.

Stage 1 - Appetizer

The game begins with our hero (some unknown chef) minding his own business when a bunch of fruits followed by a giant pumpkin with a face fall on him. The sky flashes, then another chef who looks like Waluigi whose name is Ohdove (a reference to hors d'ouevres) shows up and forcefully takes over his restaurant. Then our hero gets chased by a sentient, cooked chicken with no head. What the hell.

Anyway, we see the level start screen, complete with a picture of the restaurant, and we begin.

The enemies here - running carrots, jumping French bread, and sentient cooked chickens - at the beginning are pretty simple. Just whack them with your frying pan when they come into view. The spoon replaces your frying pan, and it has a marginally longer hit radius. It's also pretty powerful. Of course, if anybody had a giant spoon, it would hurt no matter what.

Enemies will drop coins when you defeat them. Grab them, as you'll need at the end of every stage.

The piece of candy replenishes one heart on your health, though you probably won't need it at this point in the game unless you got hit somehow, which would be epic fail.

Behind the first door is a giant popcorn popper. This is your first boss. Whack it so it stores heat like a pressure cooker, then after the third hit, avoid the popcorn kernels it shoots out of its head. When you destroy it, grab as many coins that come out of the mini-boss as you can. The more you grab, the better.

When you beat the popcorn popper, you've cleared the first stage. That was quick. You'll get a bonus for how much time you have left on the clock.

Bonus Stage

It's a slot machine. Put more coins in to get more lines on the slot machine, then spin it and see if you get anything. The rewards are at the top of the screen, and you can increase your maximum health as well as earn extra lives here.

You can get up to four hearts for your life bar.

Stage 2 - Soup

You'll be riding dumbwaiters while taking on rolling pizzas and pudding dishes with feet. The enemies start getting crazier, even if they don't really get any harder.

If you climb the ladder to the roof, you'll find a mini-game. Catch the fish for points. Avoid the bombs so bad stuff doesn't happen. Do you need any more explanation than this?

The onions require two hits to destroy. The first hit, it breaks apart and starts moving. The second hit, it dies. The apples are jerks. When you get close enough, they'll hop high into the air and split into four pieces that come down at you like knives.

The lollipops increase your health by one heart and refill all your health.

The chandeliers send lightning bolts to the ground. Wait for them to shoot out the lightning bolt, then continue on your merry way.

The giant wok makes you invincible as long as you have it. Run around with reckless abandon and take out all the enemies. When the music stops, you'll stop spinning and the giant frying pan on your head disappears.

The fork is a giant pogo stick. You can jump on enemies, but take care to jump exactly on the center. Touching the sides will cause you to lose it, and taking damage will cause you to go back to the frying pan. Yeah, that's pretty unforgiving.

The boss here is a giant microwave that grabs chickens, hops around, and then sends the chickens at you like underlings. Smack the microwave around and take care of the chickens. That's it, really. When you kill the microwave, the chickens go to heaven with little haloes above their heads. Poor chickens...

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 13 of 13

It's the final battle!

Level 7-9

It's Amon!

For his first form, he'll be jumping around and punching. When he does a slow jump across the room, run under him and he'll try to crush you...and fail. Hit him with your bubble attack as he stands around and also whenever you can get the chance. When he faces you, jump over him so he won't punch you or run into you when he follows his own fist. After enough hits, he'll remove his own head. You'll then see a demon with blonde hair and horns. This is actually Amon.

Shoot him in the foot with your bubble attack.

The orange ball will circle around and home in on you. If you stay in one spot and move around when you jump over it, you can keep it in a perfect circle until it disappears.

He'll then swoop around and perform one of a few attacks.

When he wraps himself up, he turns almost completely invisible and moves around. (At least he can't damage you here.) When he's in one corner, go to the opposite side of the screen and jump over the laser he tries to scorch you with.

When he drops to the ground and moves his hand around as if he's drawing something, watch out for the whole near you where his fist goes through. Hit him with bubbles as he tries to punch you, and watch out for those fists!

When he runs low on health, he'll throw two orange homing balls instead of one. Concentrate solely on avoiding them, and go back to hitting Amon when they disappear.

When you damage him enough times, you've done it! You've saved Alis!

Monday, June 23, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 12 of 13

Time to take care of the final areas before the final boss.

Level 7-3

There's no star for this level, so just enjoy the ride. Here, you'll be dodging the invincible fireballs while taking down the falling umbrellas whenever possible. As long as you don't take damage, you'll be done with this level before you know it. The giant pink pots act as floors and ceilings, and you'll be walking over a few of them through the level.

Level 7-4

Some of the doors that open in this level contain ghosts that try to attack you with their tongues.

Go underneath the door at the beginning of the third section to find the third star of the world.

Level 7-5

The boss here is a penguin in a gift box. He'll jump around and spit fireballs out of his mouth. Stay close to him as he jumps around and shoot him when he's not in the air. After enough hits, he'll finally lose the hairbow and go nuts, and he'll start shooting even more fireballs. Be careful as you stay near him and keep shooting him down. When he stops jumping around and starts moving his arms, get ready to jump over his rocket punch. From there, you can continue with your previous assault.

After the battle, you'll find a crystal that takes you to the second half of this world, Amon Castle.

Level 7-6

Not only do you have ghosts that fly around and bouncy cloud platforms, you'll also have statues with disembodied flying stone hands. The ones with the hands that float around are as innocuous as you're going to see them (even with the spikes on the statues' heads), and some of the statues have hands that act as see saws. Others will launch you like catapults. The left hand launches you while the right acts as a landing pad.

The ghosts just fly around, but the knight are about as wicked as the cavemen from World 5. They'll come after you as soon as they see you, so be ready.

The second section has spikes that pop in and out of the ground, collapsing floors and pointy-eared goblins that bounce up and down as they move back and forth. These goblins will also track you horizontally, making them a real pain to deal with if you can't get rid of them as quickly as possible. Keep to the top of this section so you can get the star for this level. Also, run and shoot as you go down the collapsing floors.

Level 7-7

Watch out for the bat that comes down and flies towards you, and enter the third door. If you go all the way to the right before choosing a door, you'll get a full HP replenishment.

At the second set of doors, choose the second one.

Unless you've got an invincibility power-up at work right now, the knights are indestructible.

Also, there isn't a star here.

Level 7-8

If a flight of stairs has flashing lights under it, it will push you back down unless you run and jump up it.

You've seen them in Level 7-6, but it's a good idea to wait for the guillotines to go back up if they're going up and down. Unless they're swinging back and forth, jumping over them while they're down doesn't work very well.

Not only do the spikes popping in and out of the ground return here, but you have the much bigger spears doing that as well, especially at the beginning.

In the second section, light will bounce off invisible block platforms, revealing where they are.

Shortly after that platform that is blocked from the left side by invisible blocks, go up the stairs and go left via the invisible block platforms. You'll find the last star of the game. You can also reach it from the other end, by leaping onto the invisible block platforms to the right of the breakable wall that leads to a bunch of musical notes and a jumping goblin.


You'll meet Gawa! Since you have all the stars, he'll uncurse the harp that he has ready for you. He'll tell you that the harp will let you seal Amon away. He'll also tell you Amon has two forms.

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 11 of 13

We're getting pretty close to the end of the game now...

Level 6-6

There are some new enemies here. The walking volcanoes just move back and forth while shooting magma out of their heads, the gophers move back and forth at increasing speeds while jumping like idiots, and the bombs explode shortly after they light their own fuses. Also, watch out for the fire jets coming out of the walls as well as the platforms that ignite every couple of seconds.

The light blue rocks collapse when you stand on them.

You'll also be hitting a few switches as you make your way to the Key again. The Key will be inside a lone destroyable block.

Level 6-7

The boss is the sun. Yeah, the sun.

Anyway, he moves around and vomits lava out of his mouth before backing into the upper-right corner in an attempt to punch you with his maraca hands. (Hey, they look like maracas to me.) Jump over his punches and use the Fluffy Shoes if you need them. After that...he turns into the moon. Interesting.

The moon will move around before grabbing onto the floor and ceiling with both hands in an attempt to extend himself into you. After you jump over those attacks, he'll turn around and use himself as a bow and arrow. The arrow will hit the floor and create four stars that go into the air and then home in on you. Hold Y to run around and avoid them. He'll then send a star shower at you from above. He'll then change back into the sun.

The sun will have a second attack this time around. This time, he'll vomit out a fireball that hits the floor and comes at you, shooting out columns of fire in its wake that you'll have to jump over if you want to avoid it.

Whenever the sun or moon swoops down, you have a prime opportunity to hit it with your bubble attack. You can also use it on the moon when he does that extending attack.

Just keep landing hits on the boss. Unlike, say, Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright from the Kirby games, you can kill the boss off for good in either form as they both count as the same boss instead of two different enemies that make up one boss.

After the battle, the old man will congratulate you before giving the password 7777. This gives you the sound test.

World 7 Entrance

You'll learn that when you're in a cannon, you can press B to fire it. Just let it aim. Also, some pictures act as magical doors.

Level 7-1

Enemies here include bomb-throwing jack-in-the-boxes (they look like drums) and looping toy airplanes.

The balloons can be used like trampolines, but don't stand on them too long or they'll pop. Amazingly, the green balloons won't pop.

Go right of the third cannon to find the star. Don't forget, press B when the cannon is aimed just right...but take care not to aim directly into spikes!

Level 7-2

You'll be dealing with conveyor belts (some have planes looping around them or near them), spiked platforms that turn around (it's almost like Yoshi's Island, but there aren't switches involved), and couch cushions that bounce you up for some real hangtime!

If you fall down at any time in the level, you'll have to make your way back to the beginning of the second section by bouncing on couch cushions while dodging jumping Japanese fat kids. I wish I was lying about that last part, but you actually have to deal with that. Jesus Christ, Hudson Soft.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 10 of 13

This is quite possibly the only time that I ever mention current events in the history of the Let's Play channel.

Level 6-2

Another auto-scrolling level. Yippee.

As the screen scrolls, you'll be standing on platforms that sink in the lava as you stand on them as well as fireballs that act like the Podaboos from the Mario games.

The star is sitting there in plain sight, and it's definitely easy to get a hold of.

After the star, you'll start seeing platforms that look just like the ones that sink, except they move in and out of the lava on their own accord...and very quickly, too. Wait before making your move if necessary.

You'll have to wait for the magma men to expose their faces from the floor before you can hit them with your bubble attack.

In the second section, you'll be dealing with fireballs that leap in and out of the lava in an arcing pattern. You'll also see shorter platforms that drop down from the ceiling and land on the lava before sinking, which you'll have to be quick to use.

Level 6-3

Not only does this level combine all the obstacles from the first two's also a maze! If you take the wrong door, you'll end up in front of the door underneath the blocks that you saw at the very start of the level.

The goal is really easy to get to. You can just take the right path in the fork in the road shortly after the beginning...but it doesn't lead to the star. Here's how you get there: keep going right, then make your way up and keep going left until you find a door. Go in, then keep going left until you find the star. Just make a ladder, and there you go.

From there, keep going left and take the door at the end. You'll be back at the beginning. From there, you can now head to the goal.

Level 6-4

You're crossing another lava river according to the map, so you know what that means...more autoscrolling.

The first section isn't really anything you can't handle. The second section, however, throws something new your way. When you see the pebbles falling down from the ceiling, you want to move past them quickly. Otherwise, the impending deadfall will trap you, causing you to be stuck and die from the auto-scrolling. You can jump over some of them, but making a habit out of that is a bit unwise as some of them will really trap you if you don't get past them before they fall.

The star is after the first deadfall.

Level 6-5

You want to leave as little distance between where you're currently standing and the platform you want to climb to with the note ladders, as they can only go so high before they disappear.

When you reach the slopes, you'll have to jump over rocks pushed out of holes in the walls by the cavemen. You can also use these boulders to get around if you need to.

If you see a rock sign with Japanese writing and the up arrow, it means you can climb on the nearby wall. The climbable walls are tan (as opposed to burnt sienna).

The cavemen will also start running on top of huge boulders in an attempt to flatten you. Get out of the way so you can jump over them.

When you make it to the top of the mountain, don't just go right to the goal. Instead, get the star before you leave!


The musician here doesn't have an instrument, but he wishes you safety on your quest.

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 9 of 13

After making our way through the ice world, it's time to hit up the obligatory fire world in World 6!

Level 5-5

Keep shooting your bubble attack as you go through the stage so you don't take any unnecessary damage from one of the many yetis that bounce around here.

Be careful as you run through this stage, as you'll also be dealing with some very strong winds as you go through this level.

Hit the twinkling stars near the end of the level to change them into platforms that lead you to the world's final star.


Kone will lift the curse off of the ocarina, allowing you to create temporary ladders with Up and A.

Level 5-6

Enemies here include snowmen that throw snowballs at you, rabbits and foxes.

You'll need to jump on the snowman and use him as a platform to reach the key above him.

Most of the blocks will melt only when you stand on them.

Level 5-7

The boss here is a snowman.

When he moves back and forth, his head will bounce up and down on his spinning body. Jump over his body when his head isn't around, and hit his head with your bubble attack whenever you can. He will then throw a bunch of snowballs, which will travel from random heights, before he throws his head at you. His head gets bigger when he does this and comes close to the other side of the screen (but not far enough to be unavoidable). The end of the second attack is the best time to get some extra damage in. From there, his attack pattern repeats.

After the battle, you'll find out

World 6 Entrance

You can climb certain cliffs like you would ladders. You can also press Up and A to create a ladder.

Level 6-1

Enemies here include hedgehogs, cavemen with axes, obese birds that fly back and forth and eggs with birds that hatch out and spit fire at you. I don't understand that last one, either.

The hedgehogs can't be attacked when they're rolling around.

The cavemen come straight at you as soon as they're facing you.

Be careful with the bridges. Besides the gaps in between logs, there are also cracked logs that break when stepped on.

If you place a musical ladder (Up on the Control Pad + A) in the wrong spot, just create another one and the musical ladder will disappear.

Watch out for the volcanic rocks that fall from the sky in the second section.

Keep taking the low road in the second section until you find the first star.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 8 of 13

It's time to take on World 5 and traverse the obligatory ice and snow area...

Level 4-6

The tadpoles swim back and forth really fast, so watch their movements before you do anything.

You'll be doing a little bit of backtracking in this level, as you'll be hitting switches to open up new areas.

The green frogs chase after you and leap pretty high as they do so. The red frogs stay in place and spit red projectiles at you.

The water that pushes you down is much bigger here than in the previous levels, so watch it.

Level 4-7

The boss here is Elena, a woman that comes out of the water. She has three attacks.

The first one is a pair of axes that she throws at you before they return to her. Jump over the axes as they fly at you and return. The silver one goes straight, while the gold one goes at an angle.

The second one is a three-way heart attack. If you get hit by one of them, quickly mash the Y and B buttons as well as the Control Pad to break free.

The third one is a triple star throw. You don't want to stand above where they land, as the whirlpools they create will knock you into the ceiling of thorns above.

As you're avoiding these attacks, keep hitting the boss in the face. It will transform from a beautiful woman to a frog.

After the battle, Milon will slight Elena, who in turn tosses the ocarina at him in disgust. You'll be dispelling this next.

World 5 Entrance

Mimi will take you to her father, Samil, who knows Milon's father. Aside from the platforms made by blowing bubbles into the twinkling stars, you'll learn that if you get frozen, you can get out of it the same way you get out of getting stunned: mashing B, Y and the Control Pad.

Level 5-1

The penguins throw snowballs at you, the snowmen spin back and forth and the snow rabbits on balloons just float in place.

Shoot at the twinkling stars with your bubble attack in order to change them into platforms.

Watch out for the spiked columns that sprout out of the ground. Thankfully, you can see them through the floor.

Some of the stalactites will fall when you get close enough. Others won't. Be careful, especially as they're crumbling, because they can still hit you before the post-floor collision shards disappear.

When you see the first set of twinkling platforms, go left and keep straight. You'll eventually find the first star of the world.

The snowflake crystals will freeze you when you get near. If you get frozen, just mash the buttons as usual to break free.

Level 5-2

Be very careful as you start this level as well as when you explore, as there are quite a lot of bottomless pits around here.

Keep to the top of the level as you go right and you'll eventually find the second star of the world.

Level 5-3

This level is just like the one in World 4 where you ride around in a surfboard. Once again, you can plow through this if you go fast enough and have great prior knowledge of the level.

Near the end, there's a jump to the left side of the level that you [b]have[/b] to make before the goal, otherwise you'll be near the goal and you'll have to restart the level to get the star at the end of that jump.

We've seen the seals before. All they do is just slide around.

Level 5-4

Keep going right from the beginning of the level and you'll find the fourth star of the world.

There are invisible springs above the start. You can use these to reach the mini-game door.

Friday, June 20, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 7 of 13

Fairy Village is amazingly easy to breeze through.

Level 4-2

Some frog statues have waterfalls flowing through them, while others will shoot water that will quickly push you off the floor.

The blue fish that spit water on the surface of underwater areas can help you reach places you can't get to solely by jumping.

If you get caught in the bubbles, quickly mash the Control Pad, Y and B to get out of them.

The cloud platforms will slowly push you down when you get on them, but if you're nimble enough to jump on the first set you see, you'll be able to reach the second star of the world.

The whirlpools act as platforms, and as they go up and down, the jets of water will act as walls, keeping you from moving straight through them.

Level 4-3

Once again, the star is really easy to get to.

You'll be doing a lot more swimming in this level compared to the last two. Other than that, this level is relatively easy.

Level 4-4

In this level, you'll be riding a surfboard down a bunch of waterfalls! If you know what you're doing and you can go with the flow really quickly while you're at it, this level will be over really soon. You'll be able to find the note for this level really, really easily if you just look around, and it's not that hard to get, either...just like all of the others.

Just watch out for the birds and avoid the spiky parts of the plants (if not the plants themselves). Other than that, you should be fine here.

Level 4-5

The double note gives you 10 musical notes.

You may have noticed the yellow spiked demons on the inner tubes, but you'll now start seeing grey spiked demons with spear guns. They only move left and right, so don't worry about being followed around the level by them.

The star is close to the lower-right corner of the level. There will be a small part of this underwater maze where you'll be able to jump out of the water and get the star. Just watch out for that bird.


Here, you'll take the curse out of the trumpet. This allows you to turn twinkling stars into platforms that you can use to reach otherwise inaccessible areas.

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 6 of 13

The desktop era begins with our continuing adventures in World 3!

Level 3-5

The mice that peep out of the holes in the wall can act as platforms if you jump on their heads while they're still looking around.

In the start of the second section, go down and go left. You'll find a two-way block and a spike pit. Push the two-way block into the pit if you need more running room, then jump to the left and you'll be able to get the final star for this world.


You'll remove the curse from the accordion here. Now you'll be able to swim underwater!

Level 3-6

The black switches turn the lights off, while the tan ones turn them back on.

The microphones shoot the word "Wow!" at you. Why? I don't know.

The tambourines act as moving platforms, and make that nice shaking noise whenever you land on one.

The balls of light will travel along the walls.

This level is really short and really easy. As a matter of fact, getting the Key and finding the exit are both relatively simple things to do here.

Level 3-7

Do you remember the statues that you saw throughout this world? Well, the boss looks just like them.

The boss will fly around and throw playing cards. Hit one of the two cards that he tosses with your bubble attack and send it flying towards him.

Whenever he moves around and leaves a trail of himself, he'll bounce all over the screen in a very linear fashion. It's really, really predictable. If you can hit him in the face with your bubble attack here or jump on his head, you can get some more damage in.

The boss can also throw four roses onto the floor, which burst into flames. He'll then toss his hat around in an attempt to hit you. If you can somehow stay on either edge of the screen when the rose attack happens, you won't have to worry about taking damage. You can also hit him in the legs with your bubble attack while he's performing this attack, too.

After the battle, you'll get the trumpet.

World 4 Entrance

You'll learn about Level 4-4 being a surfboard area, and you'll also learn how to get out of being stunned by mashing Y, B and the Control Pad.

Level 4-1

Getting the star at the very beginning is easy. You just have to swim to where it's at and you'll be able to get to it.

Enemies here include woodpeckers that dive bomb you, pipes that shoot out water that can cut you off mid-jump and send you straight into a bottomless pit, spiked purple demons that shoot spears and piranhas.

It should be mentioned that if you use your charge attack underwater, you'll be able to shoot bubbles in all directions.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 5 of 13

This was the last video that I made with the netbook before I swtiched to the desktop that I use now. It gets better from here.

Level 3-2

The bells act as platforms. The cracked purple ones have mice eating away at the connections, and these bells will fall when you stand on them.

At the walls will be rats throwing cheese at you. Hit them with bubbles to make them go away. Don't enter the doors here, they're not good for anything.

After the second set of bells, go all the way up and go left. You'll be able to use your charge attack to get to the second star. You'll find a distance upgrade along the way.

Despite how precarious this level feels, it's not much longer. Just another set of bells and you're done.

Level 3-3

You'll be dealing with the bouncing balls that were near the end of Level 3-1 again, and this time they'll be in full force. You can stand on them if you can actually get on top of them, but they'll still hurt you if they touch you or if you touch the sides.

You can push the two-way blocks into enemies to get rid of them.

When you enter the room with the spade above it, you'll eventually come to a fork with three drum trampolines. Take the middle one to get the star for this level.

The platforms witht he arrows on them dictate where they'll go when you stand on them. When you jump on them, they're return to their original locations.

Level 3-4

The merry-go-rounds produce notes when you stand on top of them, and you can use these notes as platforms to get over the huge bottomless pits.

Keep going down and right until you reach the area with the blue rats throwing cheese. Keep going right and you'll eventually find the path to the fourth star.

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 4 of 13

About time we got outta here. Now it's time for World 3.

Level 2-5

If you need a distance upgrade, you can get one at the top-leftmost destroyable block at the start.

Remember the wine bottle from the cutscene at the beginning of this world? Well, you can just jump in and use it in the same way. If there are any breakable blocks in your flight path, you'll blow straight through them.

Once you take that wine bottle up, go to the right and break the wall with your bubbles. From there, charge your attacks underneath the blocks and you'll be able to shoot your way towards the last star of the world. When you collect all five stars in a world, you'll get a special animation screen confirming this.

When you hit the last wine bottle, hold B and Left. You'll be able to slow down your trajectory and get the other weapon upgrade, which is a multi-shot upgrade.


You'll remove the curse the accordion, now that you have the five Stars from this world. This allows you to push the red blocks with the yellow arrows on them.

Level 2-6

The cookie dogs look like Scottish Terriers. It's funny to see them turn around when they hit a wall, since they're plainly flat cookies.

The torpedo enemies break when they hit a wall. Of course, another one will pop out of the wall soon after, so don't take too long.

When you reach the upper-left corner of this level, break the blocks and walk through the wall to get the Key that's hidden in the supposedly unreachable blocks behind it.

The bubble gum machines will try to throw gumballs at you, while the doughnuts stop randomly as they go back and forth.

Level 2-7

The boss here is the chef of this world, who has been controlled by Amon.

He'll run around spinning his back. Jump over him and shoot him in the head while you can. You can use the wine glass with the green Jell-O desert in it as a platform if you need to. It makes it easier to jump over the arm-spinning attack as well as puts you at the perfect height to hit him at. You'll still need to dodge the cakes, though. When he returns to the center, the chef will shoot cakes out of his head which will drop down from the sky in random spots. Avoid them and keep hitting him in the head. His attack pattern will then repeat. As long as your jumping skills are good, it shouldn't be too much of a problem getting ten hits in.

After the battle, you'll get the accordion, which you'll have to break the curse on in the next world.

World 3 Entrance

You'll meet Pee Wee the mountain. He'll tell you that you can climb freely on curtains! Also, there are false exits, but the door with the card mark is the right way!

Level 3-1

From the start, keep going right and jump left on the second pair of cymbals. You'll reach the first star of the world.

The drums act as trampolines.

Now that you've activated the flute, you can push the red blocks with the yellow two-way arrows on them. Just walk into them and you'll push them in the direction you're going.

Enemies here include mice, floating sheet musics that crumble when they hit a wall, and those red-and-blue castinets with teeth. (I think they're castinets. Not sure.)

The light blue platforms with the yellow trim will rotate when you stand on one, so you'll have to be careful when you jump from one to another.

There's a "shoot the birds" mini-game just before the end.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 3 of 13

Not much progress here, but we start getting more of our first stars in this video.

Level 2-2

This level will remind you a lot of the original Milon's Secret Castle. You won't be able to tell what the game lets you shoot, so go crazy and shoot at all the walls.

The milk bottles with the spilling milk act as the waterfalls that push you around for this world.

The checkerboard cookie platform moves, while the chocolate-covered cookies are stationary.

There's another bonus game here. Here, you have to guess how many birds fly from one side of the screen to the other. Some of them turn around, and you'll have quite a few on the screen at once, so pay close attention to what's happening, as you'll only see the birds once and you have only one guess. Rewards range from musical notes all the way to a 3-up.

It should be noted that if you pick up a special item that you already have, you'll get ten musical notes instead. You can never have enough of those.

Use your charge attack to open your path to the star in this level.

You'll be seeing forks and knives come out of the floor and ceiling, and these act as spikes that keep poking at you.

Near the end, you'll be dodging huge knives that try to cut you from a bottomless pit. They're basically even bigger versions of the moving spikes you saw earlier.

You'll be dealing with a huge spike pit in the first section. Moving knife spikes will pop up out of nowhere and in places you didn't expect, while the fork spikes will drop and act as platforms as you make your way to the other side. Be prepared to run away and duck whenever necessary, since this is an obstacle course on crack.

Level 2-3

The star is next to the first candle enemy you see. Just bust through the wall with your bubble attack and you'll be able to get it.

Run through the wall to the right as soon as you enter the second section and you'll get your third shot.

Those self-filling wine glasses aren't hazardous at all. They are pretty nifty, though.

Level 2-4

This level is auto-scrolling, and you'll be using cookies and ice cream sandwiches to get over a bottomless pit.

If you use the charge attack, you'll be able to stop the auto-scrolling effect briefly, which can give you easier jumps onto platforms and/or more time to think, if you need it.

The star is near the end of the first section, and it's dead easy to obtain.

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 2 of 13

The game is easy now, but just wait until you make progress...

Level 1-5

When the wind starts blowing, you'll be blown away as you jump around. Watch out for the enemies that are being blown back and bounced around by the wind.

You'll tell it's really blowing out there when Milon grabs onto his hat with both hands when you're in the neutral animation.

The lightning bolts will drop to the ground as you make your way through the stage. They'll usually be ahead of you, but you'll be too busy fine-tuning your momentum through the stage to actually run into them.


Here, you'll meet Tosa. You'll learn that you need to collect the five stars throughout each world in order to lift the curse off of the instruments that he travels. By uncursing instruments, you'll be able to learn new abilities.

Level 1-6

The green guys cutting the floor with the saw move back and forth.

Hit the woodpecker with the bubbles to make it peck parts of walls out of the way.

Wait for the cuckoo bird to fully come out of the clock before you hit it with a bubble.

You'll also be dealing with spinning wooden driedel-like enemies as well as tiny pink guys running around with axes.

The Pinocchio dolls have extending noses that can be used as platforms.

It becomes very apparent here that enemies can respawn a couple of seconds after you get rid of them.

The floor switches (obviously) do things. The first one you see will open up a door.

The Key is used on a door with the picture of the Key on it.

Level 1-7

The first boss of the game is a robot. Shoot bubbles at him as he comes at you and tries to punch you with the punch glove in his stomach. He'll stop shortly before he tries to punch you. After two hits, be ready to run towards him and jump over his head. You can stand on his head if you need to go while you're jumping over him. When he has that angry look on his face, you can hit him again. He'll drop down into the bushes, climb a tree, and drop back down. The attack pattern will then repeat.

After the battle, you'll get the accordion. This is the first of the five instruments you're going to need to beat the game.

World 2 Entrance

When you enter Candy World, you'll find out that the city of candy was made a chef, but that chef is now controlled by Amon. His candy is now cursed and gives a tootache to whomever eats it, and it has now piled up to the point that there's an impenetrable wall. You'll have to find a way over it.

Enter Dr. Memory, who has created two Bombermen. The white one is a pretty cool guy. The black one is a jerk. Either way, you'll be able to get past the wall.

Level 2-1

The candles can only be hit when their flames are down.

The flashing star with the musical note is the star you need to power up and instrument. You'll need them all to power up all the instruments and beat the game. If you haven't collected the star on a particular level, you'll see a star icon on the part of the map where the course is.

The party cones will launch you into the air when you land on them.

Get on the see-saw and the brown guy on the other end will launch you over.

The cookie platform with the red center acts much like the dead leaf platforms in the first world.

The pumpkins in the capes shoot their heads at you as an attack.

The green icon with the bubble on it allows you to add another bubble to your attack. You can have up to three bubbles in one attack.

The giant orange slice rolls around like a gopher. Get out of its way and wait for it to hit a flat surface. When it falls to the floor, a gopher comes out of the cake and eats the orange.

The regular picture of Milon is an extra-life. You'll find one in the lower-right corner of the second section of the level. Just blast throught the wall with your bubbles, then blast through the blocks to find it.

The monkey chef on the pan flies around and throws two pancakes, one on each side. If you're directly below him, stay there and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Do-Re-Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken - Part 1 of 13

Believe it or not, this is the sequel to Milon's Secret Castle. Believe it or not, it's a lot better. Believe it or not, we didn't get it because NINETEEN NINETY SIX. Virtual Console has since corrected this horrifying sin, so we can actually play a Milon game that's actually halfway decent.

Anyway, some giant demon materializes and kidnaps Milon's fairy friend. Turns out this same demon is also responsible for the disappearance throughout the land, as well.

At the beginning of every stage, you'll get hints for the world you're currently in.

You'll want to run faster where the wind blows.

You can use the springs to run even faster for a few seconds and plow through enemies as long as you have that temporary burst of speed.

Level 1-1

To defeat enemies, simply blow bubbles at them. If an enemy in a bubble hits another enemy on the way up, they'll get captured in a bubble as well. You can also use this attack to break blocks.

If you collect clothes, you'll get two extra hit points. Milon's clothes will go from red to green to signify this. If you pick up an extra set of clothes while you have the extra hit, you'll gain ten musical notes. Pick up 100 musical notes to get an extra life. When you get hit, you'll go from green to blue to red.

The bowling ball can be picked and thrown to hit multiple ground-based enemies.

Use the spring on the wall to propel Milon to a faster speed and break through the blocks.

Level 1-2

Just jump into the log to go down the slide on it. If you want to get the extra life in the lake, you'll have to make it to the clouds on the top and jump into the lake from there. The clouds will bounce you up whenever you land on them.

You can also jump on enemies to use them as stepping stones. Some enemies will be killed outright if you do this.

Level 1-3

The leaves act as platforms. Watch out with the dead leaves, as they'll slowly drop as soon as you land on them.

The bubble gum rescues you from a bottomless pit in case you accidentally fall into one. Once you use it, though, you'll have to find another one. You'll fly really high when you use it, so you'll have to make a snap decision to either go back to where you were or sail clear over the pit. It's your call.

Throughout the level, you'll also be dealing with logs falling from the sky. Jump over them as they come your way.

Level 1-4

There's a bonus game in the cave below and right of the start. Go in and you'll be shooting birds. The closer to the left side that you shoot them from, the more points you get. The more points you get, the better the bonus at the end.

The gold icon of Milon's face with the star flashing behind it is the invincibility power-up.

The icon with the bubble on it is a weapon upgrade. Your bubble attack will have more range when you collect it.

The Winged Shoes will allow you to slowly float downwards, allowing you to make some longer and/or more accurate jumps by holding down the B button.

You can charge your shot to shoot down everything close to you just by holding the Y button. This also lets you shoot down blocks and enemies that are directly above your head, and you'll need to exit this level.

Monday, June 16, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 38 of 38

Well, we're finally getting done with this game. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have.

All maps by x_loto.

Temple of Fiends Revisited


The last room in the game is circular in size and has a zillion columns in the way, setting up the room in a Star of David pattern. In the center is the final battle...



Apparently, when you defeated him, the Four Fiends sent him back 2000 years into the past. From there, he sent the Fiends to the future (your present day) to let the Time Loop go he could live forever! Then he becomes a demon known as Chaos.

The Final Boss - Chaos

Oh, boy. Chaos is just deadly. He has the Crack spell, for one, which can cause instant death on the entire party (unless you're well protected with ProRings and/or Ribbons). Inferno can do anything from 50-100 damage. He can also cast Fir2, Ice2, Lit2...and Cur4. He can refill all his hit points. Nice. What a jerk.

Cast Fast on everybody, and use Fade whenever you need to. Knights and Masters should just Fight, while Wizards should use spells to both cause damage and cure. (Be sure to use Wall and Nuke!)

When you beat him, the Light Warriors return to the past and everything is right again. You did it!

...and this is why time loops suck.

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 37 of 38

We're done with the boss rush already?

All maps by x_loto.

Temple of Fiends Revisited


No sooner do you reach the exit to the room after the Lich rematch that you fight Kary. Again.

First, let's go south and get the treasures first. The only useful thing you'll find (besides another Katana, if you missed the first one) is another ProCape. If you have another Mage in your party, equip it.

These are the last chests in the game, so we won't have to worry about treasure hunting anymore after this.

Boss: Kary

You definitely want to cast Afir on the first round, as well as Fast on everybody.

From there, have your best offensive fighters strike the boss, and let your healers heal. Kary can still be able to deal some damage, but with Afir it's not going to be as bad.

Yeah, I know, I cut and pasted the strategy from last time. At least Kary (Kali - yeah, I finally found out what her name should be) can't cast Mute this time around and has 100 more HP from last time like Lich does. She's still not much stronger, and using the White Shirt to evade some of Kary's attacks makes this even easier.

The Worms are very easy to destroy with physical attacks.

The exit to the next step is blocked by a rematch with the Kraken.

Boss: Kraken

Use the White Shirt as an Item in battle in the first round. He still hits eight times in one physical attacks. There's no need to cast Alit if you have the White Shirt, as Kraken's Lit2 attack will only do very meager damage if you've used the White Shirt first.

Okay, okay, I lied. There's one more chest in the second-to-last floor. It contains the Masmune (Masamune), which anyone can equip (including wizards!). If you have a Knight that has Xcalber equipped, give it to the Red Wizard if you have one.

Anyway, going to the right of the stairs that were past Kraken will take you to the battle with Tiamat.

Boss: Tiamat

Tiamat's Thunder isn't that bad, even with ALit cast. Too bad her defense is quite high.

If you have a Master, he'll really come in handy. By now he should be able to deal 10 or 11 hits in one attack on Tiamat.

Yep, more cut and paste. He's not that much different from before, especially if you use the White Shirt in battle.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 36 of 38

Laugh if you want, but this whole "2000 year time loop thing" made sense in 1987.

All maps by x_loto.

Temple of Fiends


When you enter the room where you fought Garland, you'll find a Dark Crystal along with five bats. Talking to these bats will tell you what you need to do. These must be the lost warriors of Lefein.

Anyway, hit the dark crystal and you'll go back 2000 years. The only way out of here is with the Exit spell, so keep that in mind.

Temple of Fiends Revisited


I wanna think this is from either Romancing the Throne or The Jewel of the Nile. Not sure.

Anyway, as you run around 2000 years in the past, you'll come across some of the strongest enemies in the game. This includes some old favorites, such as the Sorcerers from the Ice Cavern.

When you enter the room in the center of the second floor, you'll be fighting against the Phantom. The Phantom isn't too hard, but it can use Stop to paralyze your party. If anyone is wearing the Ribbon, it isn't going to work.

Go up to the stone plate in the room and press A to reveal a gate. Use the Lute in the Item menu to reveal the staircase below the gate.

When you're about to reach the second basement floor, you'll fight the Lich. Again. Yep, it's a boss rush.

Boss: Lich

The Lich has 100 more HP than last time, he's more than likely going to hit you first, he's weak to fire and he can also cast Nuke, which can cause some massive damage (almost 400!). Guess what? You're also much stronger compared to the first time around the block, so you should be able to survive this. Maybe.

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 35 of 38


All maps by x_loto.

Floating Castle


The last floor is a bridge. There's a 3 in 64 chance that you'll meet up with WarMech (War Machine) on this bridge...and WarMech is insane.

Guess what? HCBailly actually freakin' meets it.

(Optional) Boss: WarMech

WarMech is just nasty. Not only does he have a physical attack as well as Nuclear (both of which can cause painful amounts of damage) it also replenishes 100 HP every round you don't take it out (and the game doesn't tell you). AFir's not going to help at all against Nuke, so don't even bother.

If for some reason you can get the first strike, cast Fade on it with the White Wizard. Otherwise, cast Fast on your party members and keep everyone healed up.

If you can somehow manage to beat it, you'll get 8000 XP and 32000 G, which is a lot for any monster in this game.

After that, all that's left is to cross the bridge and fight Tiamat.

Boss: Tiamat

Tiamat's Thunder isn't that bad, even with ALit cast. Too bad her defense is quite high.

If you have a Master, he'll really come in handy. By now he should be able to deal 10 or 11 hits in one attack on Tiamat.

When you're done with Tiamat, you'll be able to restore the Wind Orb and teleport out of here.

Crescent Lake


Talk to the Circle of Sages again. This time, you'll have to head back to the Temple of Fiends as it is in the center of the Four Altars...and in order to keep all of this from happening [b]again[/b], you'll have to go back in time 2000 years to stop a time loop from repeating itself. Not surprisingly, you're currently at the end of the time loop.

Dwarf Cave


Go back and see Smith again, and give him the Adamant. You'll get Xcalber (Excalibur). Give it to the Knight.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 34 of 38

We go through even more of the Floating Castle in our attempt to hunt down Tiamat!

All maps by x_loto.

Floating Castle


The ProCape (Protect Cape) are the only shield item that White and Black Wizards can equip, so give it to one of them. And for Pete's sake, if you get the Cloth, toss it.

If you talk to the robot on the third floor, you'll find out that you can view the world from the window next to him. When you do, you'll find out that the energy of the four orbs is flowing into the four altars...and into the Temple of Fiends. Oh, snap!

The Katana is only useful if you have a Ninja in your party, as it's the strongest weapon for him in the game.

For the fourth floor, go right two intersections and down two intersections. There. You're done with this really confusing maze.

The WzVamps are like the Vampires, except slightly stronger. They can cast AFir, but due to buggy programming, it doesn't do anything for them (their Fire weakness supercedes AFir's effect). It also only works on one enemy as opposed to the entire enemy party. They can also cast Dazzle, but at this point everyone is a walking tank that's resistant to most status ailments.

Harry! I've reached the top!

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 33 of 38

A floating castle is a castle that floats.

All maps by x_loto.

Floating Castle


The Bane Sword casts the Bane spell when used as an Item in battle. The Black Shirt casts Ice2, while the White Spell casts Invs (and works like the Gold Ring, making that item redundant).

The GrNaga (Grey Naga) and Air are pretty ordinary monsters. They're not really weak to anything, though they are pretty tough. Ditto for the RockGols (Rock Golems). The GrMedusas (Green Medusa) are weak to fire, but since they're probably the weakest enemy in the Floating Castle, you probably won't be using a spell charge on them at all. Just don't get Stoned. If you can land Bane on a Manticor, great. Use the Bane Sword to try to take them all out, then use physical attacks on the rest. Just watch out for the Poison ailment that comes with their Stinger attack.

The triangles on the floor act as stairs. The direction they point indicate whether they go up or down a floor.

The Opal Shield, Opal Gloves ans Silver Helmet are useless, so drop them if you need the Item space. You'll also find one more Ribbon here.

The chest in the lower right hand corner of the second floor contains the long-awaited and much-needed Adamant. Remember Smith the Blacksmith from the Dwarf Village? Now you do.

Friday, June 13, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 32 of 38

We enter the Floating Castle and begin to hear what is probably the most sci-fi-ish music I've probably ever heard in an NES game.

All maps by x_loto.

Mirage Tower


The second floor is a maze, which makes it harder to get to the top floor. Once again, if you can get to the middle, you'll be able to find a lot of gold as well as a few weapons.

The Chimeras are weak to ice, but you probably won't be using Ice spells on them unless you're fighting them in groups. The Catmen can Poison you with their physical attacks...and you'll usually be fighting these in groups!

Give the Dragon Armor (just like Opal Armor, but also protects against Fire and Ice attacks) and the Sun Sword (higher attack, but Hit Rate is slightly less) to the Knight, if you have one. Thor's Hammer casts Lit2 when used in battle as an Item, so give it to one of your mages!

If you talk to the robot on the second floor, it will tell you that a robot escaped with a Cube to the west.

When you walk into the room at the top floor, you'll fight a Blue D (Blue Dragon). It uses Lightning attacks, but it is weak to Fire. If you need to, use Fir3 on it at least once. Be sure to use ALit as well. When you beat it, stand in front of the teleporter title and use the Cube as an Item. Colors will gather and swirl inside the Cube, and you'll be in the Floating Castle.

Floating Castle


Slime - just like Scum, weak to fire, use Fir3

Once again, you have a ton of treasure hunting to do.

The EvilMan doesn't cast spells very often, but he can cast be careful. Use the Fade spell if they team with BadMen, who are basically the same as the EvilMen. They can also cast XFer, and unlike your version of the spell, theirs actually work. -_-'

The Nitemares from the Castle Ordeal are back with a vengeance, too. Keep some Ice spells ready!

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 31 of 38

We finally enter the town of Lefein and head into the desert!

All maps by x_loto.

If you're looking for Lefein, it's that town south of Gaia, surrounded by forest.



Aside from a White Magic shop and Black Magic shop, there's really nothing here.

As you talk to the people, you'll be able to learn about the Floating Castle (and that you'll have to go through the Mirage Tower to get there) as well as what Lefein used to be: a very advanced civilization in its own right that even built robots and caused a castle to float in the air.

You'll also learn that a great power controls the Four Fiends, and that the last one, Tiamat, has taken the power of the Wind Orb for her own. To make matters worse, she's taken over the Floating Castle. Five of their greatest warriors tried to do something, but they now live on as bats.

Be sure to talk to the guy near the entrance next to the water. He'll give you a Chime that allows you to enter the Mirage Tower.

Now, about those magic shops. The Black Magic shop sells Nuke, which is basically the Ultima of Final Fantasy. The White Magic shop sells Lif2, which basically combines Life and Cur4 - a wonderful combination! Both are Level 8 spells, and these are possibly the best uses for the Level 8 spell charges in the game.

Mirage Tower


The Mirage Tower is in the desert just west of Lefein. Thankfully, there's one green spot near the mountains where you can land the airship on, since you can't put the airship down in the desert. You'll have to walk from there, and you'll be meeting some new enemies on the way there, such as the Ankylo (Ankylosaurus), which have a few hundred HP. If you can score a critical hit on one, that's great.

You'll have to enter the door to your north in order to find any treasure. All the treasure is located in the center of each floor. You'll have to travel in a circle on the "edge" of the tower in order to continue on, so be prepared to fight a lot of enemies if you're going to go for everything.

The Guards are hard to take down with physical attacks (it'll take a few strikes) but they're weak to Lightning, so those Zeus Gauntlets will definitely come in handy.

You'll find the Aegis Shield in the center of the entry level. The Aegis Shield is just like the Opal Shield, but it also protects whoever equips it from Poison as well as Stone, since the NES version considers Stone to be a Poison-elemental attack. (The Aegis Shield would protect against Stoning in later Final Fantasy games.) You'll find the Vorpal, but you probably won't be needing it if you're strong enough. The Heal Helmet casts Heal in battle when used as an Item, just like the Heal Staff.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 30 of 38


All maps by x_loto.

Sea Shrine


The Ghosts have a lot of HP, but you have Harm spells, Fir3...and a bunch of items that cast magic. They really aren't that hard now! They can Paralyze you with their physical attacks, so be careful.

You'll find another Light Hammer in a chest, but that chest is guarded on both sides: GrSharks on one side and WzSahags on the other. WzSahags can Poison you, making the GrSharks the easier battle.

You'll also find another Ribbon. Give it to one of your Wizards, assuming you have one.

The room with four treasure chests has a fixed encounter at the intersection, so if you get the gold with over 7000 G in it, you'll have to fight monsters twice. Thanks, game.

Once you make it through that huge room, you'll find the Water Orb altar...and Kraken!

Boss: Kraken

You should know what to do by now: cast Fast on all your party members, and keep your HP high.

Use the Zeus Gloves, since the Kraken is weak to Lightning.

The Kraken can also Blind you with the Ink spell, so be careful about that. His physical attacks also have 8 hits everytime, and it can be enough to kill one of your wizards or somebody with lower HP.

When you beat him, you'll be able to restore the Water Orb and return to the overworld near Onrac. Go ahead and head over there to heal and whatnot.



Talk to the guy who mentioned the Slab. He'll tell you to bring it back to Dr. Unne. To Melmond we go!



Talk to the guy near the gravestone in the upper-right corner of town. This is Dr. Unne. You'll find out what you already have to know: you have to revive the power of the Orbs. You'll also be able to talk to the people in the town of Leifen, which we haven't visited yet. We will soon enough...

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 29 of 38

We meet the mermaids and make our way closer to the Kraken...

All maps by x_loto.

Sea Shrine


The top floor doesn't have any monsters, but there are mermaids.

The Opal Bracelet is the best bracelet in the game for everyone except for the Knight and the Ninja. If you give it to the Master, his Absorb will go up even more. The Opal Helmet is also decent, and can be given to the Knight, if you have one. The Opal Gauntlets are actually sort of useless, due to the ProRings being more powerful. The Opal Shield is a good replacement for the Flame Shield.

One of the chests at the top floor contains the Slab. You'll definitely want to pick this up.

Talking to the mermaids will reveal that you'll have to fight Kraken, the Water Fiend, in order to save the mermaids from disintegration and revive the Water Orb once again. The Kraken is at the bottom of the Sea Shrine. You'll also learn that the Leifinish used a musical tone to unlock the Mirage Tower.

Take the time to use Exit, replenish your party's HP and spell charges in Onrac, then head back to the Sea Shrine.

This time around, we'll be heading into the bottom-most floor.

The SeaTrolls and Lobsters are easy enemies.

The 7690 G chest is guarded by anywhere from one to three Waters.

The two chests in the corner of the left room are guarded on both sides by Mummys, Coctrices, Paralisks and Waters. You'll have to fight either the mummy/Stoning enemies or the Waters to get these two chests. I prefer the Waters.

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 28 of 38

We take our first trip into the Sea Shrine and find some useful items in the process...

All maps by x_loto.



Go back to the woman standing next to the submarine. Now that you have Oxyale, you can enter the submarine and enter the Sea Shrine.

Sea Shrine


The GrShark (Gray Shark) isn't that much different from the regular Shark.

The Naga can Poison you with its physical attack, and can cast Lit2. It's still pretty weak if your party is strong enough, though.

You'll usually see the WzSahags and R.Sahags together. The Zeus Gloves can make quick work of the R.Sahags, and the WzSahags aren't really that troubling.

The SeaSnakes, unlike the regular Snakes, cannot Poison you with their regular attacks.

A Water (Water Elemental) on its own isn't much of a threat, but if you meet up with a group of them, don't be afraid to use Ice2. Strangely, they're weak to it.

The Opal Armor is not only one of the best pieces of armor in the game, it also protects the wearer from Lightning-based attacks. Equip it on the Knight if you've got one. The Light Hammer can cast Hrm2 when used as an Item in battle. The Mage Staff is even more useful, as it casts Fir2 when used as an Item in battle.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 27 of 38

We finally free the fairy and prepare to adventure into the deep...

All maps by x_loto.

Well, the Defense sends the Hit Percentage on a party member way up, so equip it on a strong character such as the Knight. The Ribbon protects against some of the special attacks in the game, including some death spells. Other than the cap, it's the only headgear that a White Wizard can equip.

Anyway, let's head to the Caravan, which is straight west of Onrac. Due to a bug, you can land right in that patch of desert where the Caravan is.

Before we head over there, though, HCBailly covers the Naocho. (I'm now reminded of Beavis and Butthead and their love for nachos. Thanks, game.) He can Poison you with his physical attacks, but other than that, he's only slightly tougher than some of the other water enemies we've met so far.


At least this place isn't like Big Bill Hell's.

Anyway, the only thing they sell is a bottle, which you'll need 50,000 G to purchase. When you get it, you'll save the fairy.



Well, now that you have the bottle with the fairy inside, go up to the spring at the upper-right corner of the town and use the Bottle as an item. You'll release the fairy. Talk to her, and she'll thank you with a bottle of Oxyale. Yay!

Now that we have the Oxyale, we can level up a little bit in preparation for the challenges ahead. The "power peninsula" that was mentioned earlier is still of some use, due to the monsters that show up only at the edge of that location.

The fixed encounter point with the Zombie Dragons in the Castle Ordeal is also of use at this point.

You can also use the Ice Cave as a farming area. Just watch out for all those Mages and Sorcerers. Even though you have the Ribbon equipped on the White Wizard (probably), they can still be formidable. Hunt down the Eye and keep fighting it over and over.

The Gurgu Volcano is probably the easiest point to level up at. The fixed encounters with the Fire elemental enemies give some good experience, and you don't have to go far to find one of these points, either.

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy - Part 26 of 38

In this entry, we take care of a lot of stuff. Even though we can't get the magic in the next town yet (we're not powerful enough to get the charges for them), you have some of the most important spells in the game there.

Also, we're getting pretty close to the end of the game! Can you believe it?!?

All maps by x_loto.

If you're still missing useful spells and whatnot, go exploring and get them. We'll wait for you.

Alright? Alright.

Now that we're ready, let's go ahead and go east of the Cardia Islands and the Castle Ordeal. There's a town blocked entirely by mountains. This is Gaia. Let's head over there.

Since we meet at least one new enemy on the way, let's cover it. The FrGator is a vanilla enemy, and you'll face it in the rivers of the northern hemisphere of the world.



No, this isn't Gaia Online. Put down the Jade Peasant Clothes and the Enchanted Halo.

The Lv7 Black Magic shop has Ice3 and Brak. Keep Ice3 in mind, since one, you'll need it; two, you won't be able to get the level 7 and 8 spell charges until your mages are level 26. Brak is another instant death spell.

The Lv7 White Magic shop has Cur4 and Hrm4, which are the most powerful versions of Cure and Harm you can get. They are very, very useful. Make a mental note of these.

The Lv8 Black Magic shop has Stop, Zap! and XXXX. XXXX is an instant death spell, while Stop and Zap! are basically Paralyze spells.

The Lv8 White Magic shop has Fade, Wall and Xfer. Fade is basically Holy (or Pearl, for you hardcore Super Nintendo version fans), and lets the White Wizard do magic damage. Wall is all the anti-elemental spells (AFir, AIce, ALit) rolled into one. Don't even get Xfer, it's completely bugged in this version.

In the Armor Shop, get the ProRing (Protect Ring) for everyone, including the Master. If you have a Master and/or White Wizard, get the Gold Ring. This way, your Master's absorb will actually rise higher when you equip both on him.

The only thing in the Weapon Shop is the CatClaw. If you have a Black Wizard, get one. Otherwise, don't even bother. This is the best weapon for him.

As you talk to NPCs, you'll learn about the tower in the desert to the south, the language of the town of Lefein, and more about the Sky Warriors. You'll also learn that the fairy in the spring was kidnapped. Turns out the fairy is important, as only a fairy can draw Oxyale from the spring. You'll find out a pirate in the northwest corner of town bottled the fairy and sold her to a caravan.

When you're done, head to the Waterfall Cave. It's the waterfall that's north of the town of Onrac.

Waterfall Cave


Take the left path on every fork, and you'll come across the treasure. After a fixed battle where you fight Mummys, WzMummys, Coctrices and Paralisks. Run away, then get the treasure. You'll get the Wizard Staff (which casts Confuse when used as an Item in battle), a Ribbon (for the White Wizard), a lot of gold, and the Defense (Defender), which is a very powerful sword. I'll mention that...and the time!

Before you leave, though, talk to the guy in the treasure room. He'll give you the Cube, which gives you entry into the Floating Castle.