
Friday, January 31, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Part 4 of 4

We finally cover the last of the levels and make our way to Fat Cat's lair!

Zone H

Finally, a real sewer.

The crabs (which are strangely reminiscent of the crabs from Green Hill Zone in Sonic The Hedgehog) just move back and forth and stop every other second to spit bubbles into the air that have next to no range. That's it. They go down in a single hit.

The flying squirrel ninjas come back with a vengeance in the vertical part of the first section, so be ready to carry a crate and duck into it when one comes dangerously close.

The pits are now full of sewer water.

Also, the bears and the aliens from Zone B come back in this section. Also, enjoy not having to fight a boss.

The fans in Zone I can blow you away.

Zone I

This zone takes place in an office. Love the Mick Foley reference he makes, by the way.

The beetles from Zone E return and hide in the coffee cups this time.

To beat the pelicans, throw the crates at them so that they don't hit their mouths. Otherwise, they'll spit the crate back at you. If they hit you, you won't take damage, but you will be stunned.

As mentioned before, the fans will blow you away. Keep running toward them, jump to the top of the fans and keep going and you'll get past that blast of air.

The thumbtacks are obviously spikes.

After Monty opens the way for you, you'll be dealing with more Mechanical Rats and Bees! Yes, the bees are back, and you'll definitely have to take them on this time. Just carry a crate and prepare to duck into it.

The boss here is a caterpillar. Throw the ball at it, and prepare to dodge its segments when they fall down. The segments always come down when the boss reaches the center of the screen, and you can stand between segments to easily avoid them. They'll then bounce to the center before going back up to the boss. Once you get how the segments move, dodging them will be easy.

Zone J

The music here is really good. Sounds like leftover Mega Man OST material.

The conveyor belts, unlike other platforms, do not allow you to jump down a level with Down and A.

The rhino quarterbacks come back in greater numbers at the beginning of the zone. And with very few crates to arm yourself with, you'll have to jump over them.

New enemy here: weasels with plunger crossbows. These guys take two hits to kill.

To keep from taking damage from the axes, make your move when they're moving away from you.

The mobster lizards throw their hats at you, kinda like Odd Job.

Throw crates at the switches to turn off the axe blades that block your path.

The boss here is Fat Cat. Avoid the ashes from his Cuban cigar, which tend to track you. There's a good amount of space to move around in between ash projectiles, thankfully. Just throw the ball up at his face five times and you've completed this awesome game.

PrinceWatercress plays Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Part 3 of 4

We make it to Fat Cat's Casino, but our adventure isn't over yet by a long shot!

Zone E

This zone takes place in a garden.

The cocoons move up and down, and the broken fence segments attempt to fall on you when you're under them.

The log is basically this zone's variation of the apple.

The eyes in the bushes are beetles. If you get too close to the eye, the beetle will jump out and walk toward you. You can only hit them after they've jumped out, so be ready to duck into a crate when a beetle comes your way. Don't forget that you can also stand on the bushes and use them as platforms whenever necessary.

The first box contains the boat that takes you across the fountain, and the second one contains the hammer that lets you smash through the rock wall by pressing B. You can also use it to destroy enemies, but you'll only have it until you reach the next section.

The green stag beetles can actually be hit with a crate, believe it or not.

The boss here is some sort of catfish. Avoid the lightning bolts that it shoots out as you throw the ball straight up at it.

The pipes in Zone F change size.

Zone F

I'm guessing this is a sewer.

You'll be waiting for the iron balls to drop down in the first part of the first section and dodging them in the second part.

The second section is the one that has the pipes that grow and shrink. Do yourself a favor: don't grab any of the crates in this section in case you have to wait, so you won't fall into a bottomless pit. There are power-ups in them, but they're completely unnecessary as there is no boss in this zone.

Zone G

Finally! We're in Fat Cat's Casino!

There are only two instances where the lizard mobsters jump: when they show up on screen and when there are crates or steel boxes in their way. Other than that, they're extremely easy to defeat.

The rhino quarterback run straight through the crates and knock them away, but they're unusually slow for football players and go down in a single hit.

The box just before the boss contains a 1-Up.

The boss is some gambler cat. Nope, you don't get to fight Fat Cat yet. Avoid the coins he throws (as well as the two spikes on the floor) and throw the ball up in the air at him. Be sure to move around a bit so some of his coins will miss, giving you an extra second to aim.

When you beat this zone, you'll rescue Gadget and take a rocketship to the last three zones of the game.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Part 2 of 4

For anyone who is irritated that the levels are too short: who the hell cares?

Zone C

This zone apparently takes place in an library...or some guy's house. I can't tell.

The kangaroos take two hits to kill. They have one fatal flaw in their attack pattern: they don't turn around if you're behind them.

The hawks drop the bombs and fly at you if you get way too close.

You'll find Zipper in the second section as expected, and if you didn't get the Power Potion in Zone B, you'll find it again here.

Believe it or not, there's no boss here! This isn't the only zone in the game where you don't have a big battle at the end.

The hint here is the same as Zone A.

Zone D

This zone takes place in a toy shop.

The red crates are fake. If you get close to them, they'll start bouncing up and down. Thankfully, it takes only one real crate to kill them.

The jack-in-the-boxes move around and hide in their boxes every few seconds. Their pattern is pretty predictable, though.

The wobbly guys with the sphere hands can't be defeated, but if you hit them with a crate or something, they'll spin around wildly for a few seconds, allowing you to pass by them unscathed.

The rabbits lifting the carpets up and down damage you with the carpet. If you get close enough to them, they'll run away.

The muscle hawks will punch any crates in their path out of the way. They take two hits to kill, and I have a pretty strong suspicion that if the crates they punch hit you, you will take damage. I've never tried it, though.

To stop the iron balls, hit the switches with a crate so they go back to the "off" position. You can also turn them back on by standing on them when they're switched off. Don't forget, you can flick the switches more than once, which you'll definitely need to do for that last one.

The collapsing purple walls are really easy to avoid. Just keep running. As a matter of fact, you can jump to the left at the right time on the top row to avoid the ones there altogether. The small holes in the floors of this section will slow you down if you land in them.

The boss here is a toy robot. Avoid the balls that he shoots out as they come down, and throw the ball at the lights on its chest. If you throw it at the right time, you can get two hits on it in one shot, making it easier to land five hits.

There's a boat waiting for you in Zone E, and there are a bunch of holes in Zone F.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Part 1 of 4

Now it's my turn to go through this game. Rangers, away!

Zone 0

This is the tutorial level, and you'll have to play this level in order to get to the rest of the stages.

Anyway, the Rescue Rangers find out that Mandy's kitten has gone missing, and it's up to them to find the kitten and bring it back.

There's no real gameplay between Chip and Dale, really. Just choose whichever one you want. They're both technically the same character. Makes sense, since a lot of two-player simultaneous games were like this.

Just walk into a crate and press B to pick it up. You can throw it in any direction (including diagonally) to beat the bad guys. If you grab one and hold Down, you can hide in it. Hold Down to keep hiding, and any enemy that runs into you will instantly be taken out of commission. (Of course, you'll lose the crate.)

The apples can also be used as ammo, too, but you won't be able to jump very high if you're holding one. They don't show up that often, even though there's a Power Potion in the game that makes a "P" appear next to your character's "name" and allows for you to jump normal height.

Always check the crates for both flowers and stars. You need 100 Flowers for a 1-Up, and getting 20 Stars also does the same thing. When you get enough of these two items, the 1-Up will be flying around in the air, and you'll have to catch it. Some of these things will be out in the open, but there are more hidden in the crates. Look around and collect everything!

If you find an Acorn and you have less than three hearts (which is your maximum health), pick it up. You'll regain one heart. The flashing ones completely refill your health.

The cacti do act as spikes. You'll probably be having too much fun at the beginning to notice, though, but they do.

The Mechanical Dogs just charge towards you. The Mechanical Rats do the same thing, but they're slightly faster and they can jump pretty high. The Rats will also chase after you if you're close enough to them. The bee dives downward, but it'll probably do that before you can even come close to it.

The steel boxes can be used to jump to previously unreachable platforms. You won't be able to throw them very far, but that's for the better. You can also use them more than once, which can be useful at times.

Be careful on the frayed parts of the wires, as the sparks can damage you if they touch you.

The big boxes can contain some interesting power-ups. Sometimes they have stars, sometimes they have 1-ups (the flashing stars, as opposed to the plain silver ones), and sometimes they have other things. To find out what's inside, just run into it. If you find Zipper, you'll be invincible as long as he's flying around you. You'll be able to move around with complete impunity (bottomless pits still kill you) while Zipper kills anything that moves by simply flying into it. Nice. Too bad the invincibility effect doesn't last long, as Zipper flies away after a few seconds.

The entrance to the boss has a box near it. Run into the box to uncover a piece of cheese, and Monty will run through the wall to open up a passage. Enter to fight the boss.

The boss is some weird machine with gloves and brushes. Pick up the ball and throw it upward at the green globe at the top while avoiding the lightning bolts that the gloves toss at you. It goes down after five hits. Like the steel boxes, the balls can be used over and over again. A word of caution with the ball: don't let it hit you on the way down. Otherwise, you'll be stunned for a few seconds and unable to move.

After every stage is a bonus level. The crates contain some interesting stuff, and the faster you are, the more stuff you can get. Always get the crate at the top center of this screen, as you'll be able to get a 1-up star nine times out of ten. You only have a few seconds here. Make them count.

When you beat the level, you'll find out it was all a trick for Fat Cat to lure you here. Even worse, he's kidnapped Gadget!

Zone A

When you complete Zone 0, you'll finally get the map. You can complete any of the zones here in any order, provided you follow the path the game forces you to take. Once you complete a zone, you can't do it again. You can move around and do them all if you want, but you don't have to. But you'll be able to make this game easier than it already is if you go through all the zones. It's a hell of a lot more fun, too. Trust me on that one.

This zone takes place in a forest. Why there are handmade wooden platforms on one of the trees is beyond me, as there's really no hinting at the fact that there's a treehouse here.

Anyway, the worms just move back and forth, stopping to look around when they reach a wall or the edge of a platform. Sometimes, they'll go a little lower on a tree branch when they go the other direction. The flying squirrel ninjas fly out, stop, then slowly divebomb you.

The boss here is an owl. Avoid the feathers that the owl drops, and throw the ball straight up at it. Avoid it when it drops down (which it will most likely do when it's nowhere near you). After five hits, he's done.

When you beat this level and get through with the bonus stage, Gadget will secret communicate with you and give you some hints: in Zone B, jump on the water taps to shut them off. You'll also find Zipper again in Zone C.

Zone B

Oh, hey! A restaurant!

The first section is full of Mechanical Rats. Thankfully, there are a ton of crates here.

The bears shoot droplets of wine into the air from the bottles they carry and get shot all the way back from the force of the bottle once you're close enough, but thankfully the droplets are easy to avoid and they don't come back.

To turn off the water that blocks your path (and damages you if you touch it), just jump on the tap a couple of times, just like Gadget said.

The flies line up with you before flying into you, but they're easy to jump over when they come your way. Be sure not to jump into the ovens. Thankfully, the knobs for them work as platforms.

The black balls are actually bombs! They do damage to enemies when thrown, but throw them quickly before they explode!

As stated earlier, the Power Potion (the bottle with the P on it) allow you to carry apples and jump at normal height when you collect it. You'll also get a P next to your name.

The green aliens transform into clones of your character when you're close enough. They'll still move back and forth, but it can be a little confusing, especially if you're playing in two-player mode.

The boss here is some alien spaceship. Avoid the little green aliens that it drops, and throw the ball either straight up into the air or to the side to hit the spaceship. You'll be able to throw the ball to the side if the spaceship is at a lower height.

Once you're done here, you'll get hints for Zone D: the enemies get a little tougher there, and hitting the switches will stop the iron balls.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays Yo! Noid - Part 6 of 6

We finally deal with the Green Noid aka Mr. Green in this episode!

Level 13

This part is all vertical.

Watch out for the flowers that come out of the windows. Also, the cops run towards you as soon as they see you, so be ready to jump.

Use the Fast Noid power-up to get past the automatic scrolling sequence with all the platforms. You'll need it to make the difficult jump near the end a lot easier.

Boss: Pink Noid

The Pink Noid has the 6 cards, and there's about three of them in the area champion's deck.

If he randomly selects the 1, use a II with that 4 card of yours. You'll be able to blow this one wide open.

Level 14

The last level is another flying stage. Yippee.

Avoid the bubbles when they split into four. Thankfully, the bubble's shrapnel all goes diagonally. Be sure to avoid the moving spikes as well.

Watch out when the guy on the gyrocopter shoots at you, and grab all the multipliers and refill your pepper. You'll need it for the last boss.

As soon as that guy on the gyrocopter disappears, you'll meet another guy in green who tries to shoot you down from above. Stay below him while avoiding all the other obstacles (and grabbing the multipliers) and he won't be able to hit you. By this point, you're near the end of the level.

Boss: Green Noid (aka Mr. Green)

Well, this is it.

First of all, don't try to shut him out. You'll only make it harder on yourself.

Use your multipliers to barely beat him by one or two pizzas. If he draws a low card, let loose with a III.

When you beat Mr. Green, you win. The Noid also gets free pizza. Head. Desk. Head. Desk. Head. Desk.

DeceasedCrab plays Yo! Noid - Part 5 of 6

We cover the hardest levels in the game...if only because of their crappy enemies.

Level 11

The first big scroll you see has the Yashichi of Invincibility, so grab it and power your way through a bit of the stage.

There's a lot of falling crates, and the green crates that shoot out snakes take a lot of hits before they finally fall, but they [b]are[/b] destroyable.

There's also a big scroll with a 1-Up inside, so be on the lookout for that.

Boss: Gray Noid

You finally have a 4. Use it wisely.

If he draws a 1, take advantage with a II. (Don't use a III just yet, you can still win without it!) If he draws a 5 (he's got four of them), use one of your two pepper cards.

Level 12

The electric barriers cannot be destroyed, so you'll have to be patient if you want to get past them.

Of course, the most obvious hazard here is the enormous amounts of floor that are conveyor belts. If they're orange, they're stationary. If they're brown, stay on the move!

Believe it or not, the spikes that move up and down can actually be defeated with the yo-yo.

The big scroll after the second electric barrier contains another Yashichi. Go get it!

The bees in this level will chase after you unless you scroll them off the screen.

Monday, January 27, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays Yo! Noid - Part 4 of 6

Hope you have a lot of continues.

Level 9

The red guillotine blades can't be defeated, and they can be very annoying if you're not careful. The purple bats take one hit, but the brown ones move around like the bees from the dock level. The Frankensteins (who have the biggest lips I've ever seen) take five hits before they go down.

The strangest enemy here are the empty cans. They take one hit, but it surprises me that one of the enemies are nothing but literal trash. How an empty can is supposed to attack me in real life besides the sharp edges of the lid that's left over, I'll never know.

Boss: Black Noid

The Black Noid has a lot of 4's and 5's. Welcome to your first real boss battle.

Amazingly enough, as DeceasedCrab shows us, it's kinda easy to shut him out if you have a lot of II's. Speaking of which, use a few here if you can't stop him from eating pizzas.

Level 10

Oh, lord, the slums. Prepare to take down punks, trash cans and guys with shovels that jump out of windows simply so they can try to kill you.

The punks are pretty evil, since they're able to throw bottles at you diagonally from the windows. It's a pretty awful attack to dodge, so take these guys out from a distance after they throw.

After you see the guy with the eyepatch throwing cinderblocks, you'll see a big scroll. If you hit it with the yo-yo before grabbing it, it'll turn into the Yashichi, which gives you invincibility when you grab it. Use this thing to power your way to the end of the level!


The first commercial

The Wicked Wizard

Pizza Delivery Game

Dome Of Quality

Pizza Crusher I & II

Dome Of Quality II

Domino's Pizza Guarantee

Weather Report

I'm also throwing this one in for free, if only because of the big '80s hair.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays Yo! Noid - Part 3 of 6

...and this is where the game really starts getting harder.

Level 7

The carousel at the fair. Wonderful.

This stage can be particularly nasty, due to the fact that the lower routes are more dangerous and that the level automatically scrolls.

The carousel horses serve as power-ups, but when they serve as platforms across bottomless pits, they'll fall when you stand on them, so you won't have that much time to think before jumping.

There's a new power-up here: the fast noid. Using it turns the Noid black, which makes you move faster and jump higher. It's like being a Noid Ninja. The effect only lasts a few seconds before you have to use it again.

Boss: Orange Noid

If he draws a 2, use a II multiplier with a 3. This will give you the best edge possible.

The peppers will be more helpful than ever now. Use them if he draws a 5.

Level 8

The only attack you have in this stage is the screen-clearing magic attack. That's it.

Also, every time you use it, it looks like the Noid is giving people the finger.

DeceasedCrab plays Yo! Noid - Part 2 of 6

At this point, the pizza eating contests start getting harder...

Level 4

Well, there's an American flag at the beginning of the level, but this still doesn't seem at all like the game takes place in New York City.

The balloons are enemies, believe it or not. If you get under them, the string comes off and they turn grey. I guess they were rocks after all, or something. I dunno.

You'll be able to get the pizza crusher early on in the stage. This lets you jump directly on top of enemies for a limited time. You'll need to wait for it to wear off when you reach the mid-air platforms, though.

The scroll with the moving yo-yo on it works as a Super Yo-Yo when you use your magic after collecting it. You can throw a little farther with this move.

Level 5

The sewers...reminds me of Wally Bear and the No Gang. That reminds me, I should cover that game just to show you exactly how bad it is.

The fish in this level are the worst thing you'll come across here. As you progress through the level, they'll leap out of the water and dive bomb towards you. Take the time to knock them out of the sky before continuing further.

The buckets contain mice that try to get you wet in an attempt to kill you. So if you're wondering if those are enemies, guess what? They are.

Be careful when riding the crates across the water, because they move rather fast.

Boss: Blue Noid

If you have enough multipliers, wait for him to use a 1 before using one. Otherwise, just play it by ear. Use a pepper if he gets a 5, since there's no way you're going to beat it.

Level 6

Unlike the crates in the sewer, the boats move slower here.

The fish are as annoying as ever, and the bees will switch between flying high and flying low every few seconds. They're still no match for a yo-yo, thanks to the fact that they move towards you way too slowly as they try to throw you off.

The bridge icons raise platforms out of the water, so you should always grab one when you see it.

When you reach the boat with the word "Noid" on it, throw your yo-yo around in mid air before you reach the word "Noid" and you'll find a bonus level.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays Yo! Noid - Part 1 of 6

Wild creatures led by Mr. Green are invading New York City! The Noid has to stop them by participating in pizza-eating contests with...other Noids.

Wait, what?

Level 1

Your super yo-yo has limited range, so be ready to take down an enemy on short notice. Also, one hit and you're dead.

Whenever you collect a scroll, you'll be able to power up a "magic" attack that destroys all enemies on screen. To use it, hold Down and press B. Thankfully, if you have enough, you'll have some magic power left over.
Whenever you see a big scroll, you can either grab it to refill your magic or open it up with the yo-yo to get whatever magical spell it contains.

The "II" and "III" are power-ups that let you get the upper hand in pizza-eating contests, so save them for when you need them. The "!" with the red border is the red pepper, while the "!" with no border is the black pepper. These keep your opponent from eating pizzas for one turn in the pizza eating contests. I don't even.

Be sure to throw your yo-yo around wherever you can, as you can trigger some bonus items if you use it in the right spots.

Boss Battle: Pink Noid

The main aim of the pizza battles is to eat more pizzas than your opponent. To do that, you must win the difference. For example, if your opponent draws a 2 and you draw a 3, you'll win the difference by 1 pizza, which you'll claim.

If you both use the same number, nobody eats a pizza.

Whenever you claim a pizza, you'll fill up a slot in the number of pizzas you must eat, which is signified by the dots on your corner of the screen. When you fill all yours up before your opponent does, you win!

The boss (or as the game calls them, the "area champion") always goes before you do, and their card is randomly chosen. You have 16 cards, plus 4 extra slots for the "II", the "III", the pepper and the red pepper (if you have them).

If you opponent draws a high number, like a 5 or 6, use the pepper or red pepper. They won't be able to use eat pizzas for that turn. If they draw a low number like a 1 or 2, use the "II" or "III" to multiply that on your end and make the difference you win by much bigger.

When you beat a level, you'll get a time bonus.

If you can somehow shut out a boss and keep him from eating any pizzas at all, you'll gain a continue for your perfect victory.

Level 2

Oh, lord. It's the ice skating rink level. And there's ice on every single platform.

Wait for all the rocks to hit the ground and crumbled before continuing. Thankfully, you won't be waiting forever, just for two or three to appear.

The stationary ice platforms break away as you stand on them, so you have only a few seconds to make your next move.

If you find the hidden area, you'll be bashing moles with a hammer. Don't hit the blue guy or the moles, and hit everyone else. When you get the white meter past the red triangle at the bottom of the screen, you've beaten it. For that, you'll get a continue, which you'll definitely need! (You can also get continues if you get 20,000 points in a level, which is a pretty mean feat.)

You'll also skip the remainder of the level! Sweet!

Level 3

You won't have access to your yo-yo in this level, so you'll have to smack enemies in the head by jumping on them.

Despite the simple looking lay-out of the level, this one can be a tad difficult when you're trying to avoid stuff.

If you can go down a hill fast enough, the Noid will flash. While he's flashing, you'll be able to take enemies down by touching them. You'll need to do this for at least two of the jumps, or you're not going to make it.

Boss Battle: Yellow Noid

Friday, January 24, 2014

Quadraxis14 plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja - Part 5 of 5

We finally take on Lord Contaminous and provide a fitting end to Konami's NES era. It's been fun.

Vs. Lord Contaminous

First Form

He'll start breathing some sort of fire breath (I think that's what it is) from side to side, before he spits out some sort of spheres that roll around on the ground and seemingly track you. Hit him when he breathes the other way, and jump over the spheres he spits out. This is easy...compared to the second form, that is.

Second Form

Oh, boy. The Earth has a health meter. That's not a good sign at all.

You'll be destroying the debris that he sends plummeting into Earth, while avoiding Lord Contaminous (who flies around in a figure-eight pattern) and his fireball attacks. You won't be able to destroy all the debris before it heads into the planet, so take down at least two of the four pieces of debris he sends out whenever he's on either side of the screen, and focus all your attacks on him when he's in the middle.

When he's on one of the two sides of the screen, he'll send out four pieces of debris. Take out the two pieces next to him so you can hit him and the debris at the same time. He'll meditate twice, but if you can keep up with him and minimize damage, he's pretty easy.

If the Earth takes 100% damage, you lose a life. So be careful.

When you beat him, any damage done to the Earth will go all the way back down to zero.

You've done it! You've saved the Earth!

Quadraxis14 plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja - Part 4 of 5

Watch on for bone-infested swamps and an evil Zen clone.

Cave Stage (continued)

To beat the swamp monster, move around and keep up with it, while taking down the tiny frogs that it spits out. It'll fake you out into attacking with a splash, but when he actually shows up, hit him with a proton stick thrust.

The swamp monster also has an insta-kill water attack. To avoid it, simply duck. That's it. While it doesn't actually damage you per se, if it pushes you into the mucky, green water below, you're toast.

The next section is another cave with a parallax view. You'll fight another boss here - a magnetic robot that floats around and uses the metal objects around it as both a shield and as a projectile. Move around to avoid the projectiles, and stab it from a distance with proton stick thrusts.

You'll then enter a laboratory. The experiment inside will grow and give shape, becoming an evil clone of Zen. It'll be a proton stick thrust-filled duel to the death here, and he has as much health as you do. Take him down with proton stick thrusts, and remember to take the Meditation icon on the right-most side of the room.

If you touch him, you'll both get taken into the sky and be brought back down. The evil Zen will turn blue for a few seconds, which can be just long enough to confuse you.

When he's low on health, he'll climb back into the cloning tube to regain his energy (much like your Meditation ability). Keep the pressure on him and keep using your proton stick thrust when he's moving towards you to get the upper hand and stop him from doing that, and you'll basically cruise to victory.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Quadraxis14 plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja - Part 3 of 5

An off shore oil rig? Reminds me of the BP Gulf incident all over again...

Off Shore Oil Rig Stage

"Rescue the people who are trapped by the fire. Use the fire extinguisher to save them!"

To use the fire extinguishers, hold Up and press B while standing next to a door. You'll use the fire extinguisher to cool the door down and rescue a worker. A fire extinguisher works like a key - you can only use a fire extinguisher on a single door before you're forced to hunt for another one.

The oil slicks that move around change shape and look like wizards (I guess) when they get close. Beat them up to get fire hydrants.

You'll also be avoiding fireballs that rain from the sky periodically as you make your way around the oil rig. Hope you have plenty of lives.

The grey ball is the shield that you can also win in the bonus game. The tiny Zen icon is a Zen doll, which gives you a 1-Up. And the brown circle with a light brown circle inside? That's a Mediation icon, which you can use by pressing Select to regain all your health in the middle on an intense battle. You're also invincible for a brief time after you use one, so keep that in mind.

When you save all seven people, go up the oil rig, avoiding bouncing balls that act as invincible force fields while smacking mice with your proton stick. Yes. Mice.

The boss here is some sort of man made out of oil. The way he stands unintentionally makes him look like a Chippendale dancer. Anyway, he'll try to throw oil at you, and try to jump up and come crashing down into you in order to absorb you and cause some damage. When he's in his "human" form, hit him with a staff thrust and smack him into the ground, then avoid him when he changes himself into a sphere and bounces around. If he rockets downward into you, mash the B button to cause some damage and break free before he can cause significant harm to you.

Cave Stage

"Avoid obstacles while descending into the cavern. You must be quick so you don't get crushed!!"

The above sentence really says it all.

Maneuver Zen around so he won't land on the platforms that separate you from the goal and the crushing spiked ceiling above your head. That spiked crusher is instant death if it catches up with you, and you'll more than likely be losing a few lives trying to practice this stage.

There's a map on the left side of the screen in case you need to know how much further you'll need to descend before you done with this part.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Quadraxis14 plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja - Part 2 of 5

Not only is there side-scrolling, there's also parallax view action!

Toxic Factory Stage

"Zen is in the toxic factory which emits harmful toxins into the air. Zen must escape before the bombs explode!"

At the beginning of the level, Zen will plant bombs on what looks like a generator before you can make your way to the other side of the stage. This stage, unlike the last one, is set in a 3/4 parallax view.

You only have 99 seconds to get to the other side of the stage...and guess what? It's gonna be a thrill ride!

There's a lot of jumping involved, so use your shadow as a guide as you make your away across conveyor belts and avoid cranes.

The light blue things that look like screws fly around everywhere, and you won't have much room to move around at that point because you're on a narrow bridge.

When you reach the blue space with the word "IN" followed by a arrow pointing to it, smash the force field that moves towards you repeatedly to keep it from pushing you out of this space. When the crusher comes down and you're standing here, you'll be safe. You'll have to wait for it to come down three times before you can continue on.

No sooner do you get past this crusher that a laser cutter comes to slice the section of bridge you're on. Jump back onto the bridge to get out of this deathtrap, then keep jumping to make it back onto land.

To beat the boss here, thrust at him, then repeatedly smack him with the proton stick while he's dazed. He'll transform into a puff of smoke, so move away from him and get back at it when he returns to his normal form.

"Jeremy has been kidnapped by Lord Contaminous! Climb to the top of the building and try to rescue him!"

So that's what the kid's name is? Well...

Anyway, wall jump from one end of the screen to the other to keep up with Lord Contaminous, and avoid his projectiles as well as their smaller sized particles when they split into three. He's not that hard, really.

High Speed Railway Stage

"Defend the Earth by stopping Garbageman from spewing his nuclear waste all over our environment!"

This is a mine cart level similar to the Toxic Factory stage, except it's entirely on rails. (Pun not intended.) Jump over the bottomless pits and the gravel, hit switches with the stab attack, and avoid the boulders as they bounce across the tracks.

When you fight the guys in the mine carts, use the stab attack to take them down. Stab the walls that get in your way, while jumping over or avoiding the flashing ones entirely (those are indestructible).

To beat Garbageman, strike down the brown things that he throws, and wait for him to stop attacking before you use your thrust attack and wailing away at him. When you bring his health down enough, he'll sink underground and try to grab you and cause damage. After a few attempts at this, he'll come back up and start throwing barrels of toxic waste at you. Avoid the barrels and keep the attacks coming like you did the first time.

Bonus Stage

"Knock the garbage into the furnace to recycle it. The more items Zen recycles, the greater the bonus!"

Yep, this again. Do your best, so you can get a buttload of power-ups to keep the game going.

Quadraxis14 plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja - Part 1 of 5

Quadraxis makes his first appearance in forever on the PrinceWatercress blog, and this time around it's straight from his own channel! Can you believe it?

This one's pretty obscure. This is the last game Konami ever made for the Nintendo Entertainment System before they focused all their efforts on the still-fledgling Super Nintendo. Guess what? Despite the seriousness of the comic book series it comes from, the game is a Captain Planet rip-off (sort of). The main bad guy to beat here is Lord Contaminous, who is hell-bent on completely polluting planet Earth.

You choose from four stages at the very beginning. The first one we'll cover is the forest stage.

Acidic Forest Stage

"The flowers in the forest are being destroyed by acid rain. You must strike the flowers with your photon stick to revive them, then defeat Sulfura to save the entire forest!"

You don't have to tell me twice.

This stage is pretty easy. Just use the bushes to leap your way to the top of the level to fight Sulfura. She'll throw test tubes full of sulphur at you, but if you use your proton stick thrust to grab her and smack her into the ground, you'll come out on top as long as you jump over the tackle she attempts after she gets back up.

You'll have to go down every so often to revive the flowers, and thankfully the game reminds you to do this with a arrow pointing downwards popping up, telling you to go back down to the planet. To revive the flowers, just hit them with a regular attack. That's it. They'll keep wilting, though, so you'll probably be making at least two or three return trips before your battle with Sulfura is over.

Bonus Stage

"Knock the garbage into the furnace to recycle it. The more items Zen recycles, the greater the bonus!"

This is pretty easy when you've gotten a bit of practice in. You have three chutes in the ceiling shooting down garbage. Move around and whack them into the furnace with the B button. If you get everything into the furnace, you'll get all five bonuses. The bonuses are pretty good, since you have health replenishments, shields, 1-ups and even bonus points, which are always useful in a Konami game! :D

The Meditation items can be used by pressing Select. This lets you replenish all your energy in the middle of an intense fight, so stockpile as many of these as you can!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

VIDARX plays WWF WrestleFest - Royal Rumble on One Credit

Are you ready to fight your way into the Road to WrestleMania?

This one's pretty simple. Take down as many guys as you can and end up the last one standing. Thankfully, there are only twelve characters in the game.

Most of the wrestlers can body slam the other wrestlers out of the ring, but if you're playing as Ted DiBiase or Mr. Perfect, you've got your work cut out for you as you don't have a body slam move with either of those characters...which means you'll be letting the computer do the work for you as you pin other people.

Monday, January 20, 2014

VIDARX plays WWF WrestleFest - Saturday Night's Main Event on One Credit, Part 3 of 3

...and the second loop of the game continues!

Fight 8

It's another match against Earthquake and Jake Roberts, and it's another match in a steel cage.

Thankfully, if you launch yourself off the ropes, you won't run into the cage, thankfully.

This music always plays in a steel cage fight, and for some reason it's like whoever is on synth bass is just doing their own thing...and that's not a good thing. Seriously, it sounds like it's off key.

Fight 9

Well, we haven't fought Mr. Perfect and Big Boss Man a second time yet, but that's about to change.

The music here is just awesome. It's got that nice tribal beat to it. Almost reminds me of the Bash at the Beach BGM from WCW/nWo Revenge.

Fight 10

The Legion of Doom want a rematch? A rematch they'll get.

They're as hard as last time, so keep on pumping in those quarters and keep your health high as you double team your way to victory!

And the music? Oh, god, it's frantic. I love it. It gets me pumped every time.

Arcade Flyers for WWF WrestleFest

Translated English version. Love some of the errors here, including "Superman" and "Load Warriors."

A flyer for arcade owners.

Japanese booklet describing the wrestlers.

Same as the first one, but in Japanese.

Another flyer for arcade owners.

Judging by the flyers, I now want to believe that The Demolition were meant to be the original bosses and not the Legion of Doom, as the Legion of Doom are mentioned in the arcade flyers and The Demolition are not. Makes sense if that's true, since The Demolition held the WWE World Tag Team Championships for 16 months at one point in their time in the WWE, and the Legion of Doom had not won the titles until shortly after the game came out.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

VIDARX plays WWF Wrestlefest - Saturday Night's Main Event on One Credit, Part 2 of 3

After some hard-fought matches, we fight the Legion of Doom for the World Tag Team Championship!

Fight 5

The fifth match is against the Legion of Doom aka The Road Warriors, and these guys have 2 1/2 times more health than the other wrestlers in the game. You'll have to do a lot of damage to them before you can finally bring them down, so use those double team moves and keep your health high.

Their finisher is the Doomsday Device: Animal lifts you up onto his soldiers while Hawk clotheslines you from the top rope. This move can only be done in a very specific spot in the ring, so keeping yourself from being set up for it is essential. It's a particularly nasty move...hope you have your quarters ready!

Anyway, these guys were finally inducted in the Hall of Fame in 2011. I'm happy really, especially since Hawk is no longer with us to entertain us as one half of the Legion of Doom. These guys got so many tag team championships and helped make wrestling so popular in Japan that it's just crazy.

Hard to believe that Animal's brother, John Laurinitis, became the temporary GM of Monday Night RAW, and made a lethal enemy in CM Punk in the process...

Fight 6

Yep. They're random.

The next fight is Ted DiBiase and Sgt. Slaughter. Not very much new stuff to see here.

Although I do like the music for this fight (it's the same as the first one).

Fight 7

The next match is against Demolition. Thank god it's not a steel cage match.

This makes a great second stage music. (And it does, since it appears in the second fight).

VIDARX plays WWF Wrestlefest - Saturday Night's Main Event on One Credit, Part 1 of 3

I'm covering another classic WWE game...and this time, there's a more fleshed-out guide for your reading pleasure!

Well, here we are. Another WWE game, and this time around, we get to kick this bad boy around for a few days.

The game is a direct sequel to the 1989 arcade game WWF Superstars, which was also developed by Technos. So why am I covering this one first? Because I played it once on an arcade cabinet back in 6th grade, and I never saw it again...until now.

Don't worry about the Royal Rumble. I'll cover it soon enough. For now, it's time for everybody's favorite (80's) wrestling show...
Saturday Night's Main Event!

Who are the characters in this game, you ask?
Hulk Hogan
The Ultimate Warrior
Big Boss Man
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Crush of Demolition
Smash of Demolition
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
"Mr. Perfect" aka Curt Hennig
Sgt. Slaughter
Road Warrior Animal
Road Warrior Hawk

Fight 1

The characters for the matches are all chosen at random. So I'm just gonna go by what I'm seeing and post my own thoughts on the game as I see fit.

The first match is against Ted DiBiase and Mr. Perfect.

First of all, Technos did a nice job on this game. It's a shame it didn't come out on a home system at the time - the music is perfect for the Genesis/Mega Drive, and you could use two buttons for punch and kick respectively on Super Nintendo.

I always played as the Million Dollar Man during that brief two hours that I was in the arcade that this game was in. Sadly, I didn't know how to tag in my partner, and I couldn't win the Royal Rumble (even though I got pretty far). Who would have thought that his own son, Ted DiBiase Jr., would also be wrestling in WWE and be a former tag team partner with Dusty Rhodes's younger son Cody, at that?

Also, Mr. Perfect aka Curt Hennig died of a drug overdose. And for that, I'm sad. As for Hulk Hogan, he was in TNA, and now he's shilled a hosting site for wrestlers called Hostamania. Meanwhile, the Ultimate Warrior is retired after being fired from WWE three times for various stuff. He now has short hair and comments about his former co-workers and whatnot on the Internet, of all things. Also, people think's he completely insane, and I fail to see why. He's finally entering the WWE Hall of Fame, though. That induction is long overdue.

Every time you win a match, you'll see how many more matches you need before you fight the Road Warriors, Hawk and Animal. Seeing Hulk Hogan punch the number to bring it down by one is slightly hilarious yet very accomplishing. You'd be surprised.

Also, to tag your partner in, you'll have to get to your respective corner and hold the punch button down.

Fight 2

The second match is against Jake Roberts and Big Boss Man. Instead of blue mats outside the ring, there are now orange mats.

Boss Man was a pretty interesting character back in the day. Playing a prison guard (a job he held before he became a wrestler), he started feuding with Hulk Hogan and then Hogan and Randy Savage (the latter while teaming with Akeem the African Dream) before turning into a good guy after refusing to do Ted DiBiase's dirty work and getting the Million Dollar Championship back from Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Anybody remember the Boss Man's 1999/2000 return to WWE? Y'know, the one where he was Vince McMahon's stooge for a while, wrestling the Hardcore Championship away from Mick Foley and starting a feud with Al Snow after cooking his pet chihuahua? Man, those were the days. Too bad he's dead of a heart attack at 41 years old. That's too soon, if you ask me.

Also, if I remember correctly, I think Jake "The Snake" Roberts is retired. That reminds me...I wish they at least finished that angle where he turned on the Warrior to side with The Undertaker. That would have been nice...too bad the Warrior got fired again. He also had been abusing alcohol for the longest time, but spending time at Diamond Dallas Page's accountability crib really changed him for the better. He relapsed once, but he got back on track pretty quickly. He finally made his first WWE appearance in quite a long time at the end of Old School RAW in 2014.

Fight 3

This match is against The Demolition, Crush and Smash. This time, it takes place in a steel cage. Unlike the last two matches, Crush and Smash will always be on the same time.

Crush of Demolition became...well, Crush, except with a flowing red mullet and the greatest '80s-looking orange and purple wrestling outfit you'd probably ever see, while Smash became Repo Man. They'd fight each other at SummerSlam 1992, but the British audience didn't get to see it on PPV for some strange reason.

Crush would later wrestle under his real name, Bryan Adams, and join the nWo in World Championship Wrestling in the late '90s. He died of a drug overdose in 2007, even though this has never been officially confirmed. Smash is still around on the independent circuit, and has even brought Ax with him to briefly re-unite Demolition a few times.

Anyway, if you run into that cage, you're going to take damage. I don't care if you're being whipped into the ropes, you're still going to run smack into the cage.

Fight 4

This match is against Sgt. Slaughter and Earthquake. Depending on the machine settings, you may fight another match after this before facing the Road Warriors. The arena here is the same as Fight 2.

Sgt. Slaughter is still around. If there's anything as impressive as his days in the WWE back in the 1990s, it's his days in the AWA back in the 1980s. Catch those matches if you can. He's retired, but he can still work the crowd whenever WWE has him do something.

Earthquake, aka John Tenta, died of bladder cancer at age 42 in 2006. He started out as a sumo wrestler, but quit due to the difficulty of the sumo lifestyle and the fact that he would have had to remove his tattoo via skin graft to enter the higher level competitions (tattoos are associated with gangsters in Japan). He then fought under the name Earthquake in WWE, and formed a tag team, The Natural Disasters, with Typhoon, who happened to be as big as he was. He'd leave for WCW to fight under the name Avalanche due to personal financial difficulties, then come back with less girth, fighting under the name Golga as part of the Oddities. (WWE believed that his reprising Earthquake wouldn't be believable with the weight loss.) He fought one last time at the Gimmick Battle Royal in WrestleMania X-7, then retired a few years later.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

This time around, I don't dance around the themed intermissions and actually find something awesome.


All right, I'll throw this in, too.

o hay a coincidental reference to the game

dshban plays Captain Novolin - Part 2 of 2

Thankfully this game is short.


Breakfast is exactly the same as last time.

The chewing gums actually shoots bubbles upwards, making your jump attempts a lot more jeopardizing.


Same as the other lunch.

This time, you'll be climbing a mountain. The park ranger warns you that extra activity can cause your blood sugar to get lower than usual. Yeah, you gotta watch out for the strenous activity.

All of the enemies are things you've fought against before.

Apparently, even eating one of each food will kill you if your glucose is too high.

Afternoon Snack

Apple and crackers. Same as ever.


Dinner is the same as ever. You'll get the same meal plan as the other dinner stage, then you'll meet another park ranger who will give you an "I have diabetes" card. Great. Just...great. I know it's important and educational and whatnot, but still...this is a video game.

Also, this part of the mountain is mercifully shorter.

Bedtime Snack

Now that we've climbed up Mt. Wayupthar, we're free to take on Blubberman in his own domain!

This is where the game decides to be difficult. If you're not avoiding enemies, you'll be avoiding exposed floor panels where the wires are exposed and electric shocks cover a whole floor tile.

Get your turkey and glass of milk, then get to the other side of the ship and take on Blubberman himself. Look at those amputated To beat him, avoid the pies that Blubberman throws and hit the switch three times so the electric currents hit him instead. Three hits and he's gone.

Go right and you'll meet Mayor Gooden. If his blood sugar is 50, give him the sugar packets followed by cheese and crackers. Otherwise, give him the glucagon before you give him cheese and crackers.

Congratulations, you've won this horrible game.

Friday, January 17, 2014

dshban plays Captain Novolin - Part 1 of 2

I finally cover one of those diabeetus games. AGAIN. Oh, joy.
If you're wondering what the code does, it lets you insert any amount of insulin into Captain Novolin instead of forcing you to choose the color the game wants you to, effectively making the game harder (or more interesting depending on how sadistic you are). You also get to overdose on insulin on the insulin needle screen. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the hell the code is from memory for the life of me, so in case you're wanting to kill Captain Novolin for the lulz, you're on your own.

Anyway, aliens have landed on Mt. Wayupthar, which is near a town that will never be named. These aliens have disguised themselves as sugary treats that would basically put a diabetic person into shock and have been ordered to attack Earth by their leader, Blubberman.

Captain Novolin (our "hero," and by "hero," it's basically a complete stretch as his only power is checking his blood sugar) watches the news report of this from his lair, and he immediately springs into action. "Action" is also a stretch of the imagination, since "action" involves eating food and doing diabetic things. Of course, you get to jump on bad guys' heads, but if I wanted to do that, I'd play Super Mario Bros.

Even worse, they've kidnapped Mayor Gooden, mayor of Whatever-Town-This-Is-Supposed-To-Be-But-Isn't-Named-In-The-Game-At-All-Because-The-Developers-Suck, and he has only enough diabetic supplies on him to last 48 hours. So Captain Novolin is the only guy around who's a bad enough dude to save Mayor Goodman? What is this madness?

You then get advice from some woman who looks like Michael Jackson circa 1997 about checking your blood sugar four times a day, then you're finally on your way...after you get your glucose.

Just match the color on the stick with the color on the can. There, you've done it. Then this same woman tells you to take the doctor's prescribed insulin dose. Move the needle down until you see the word "Usual" next to the hand, then inject. Then you get the breakfast meal plan from some black guy who may or may not look like Al Roker, which is actually important because these are things you'll be collecting. Now you can do...things.


Well, you basically run to the right, jump on bad guys' heads, and collect one of each food. Collecting more than one of each food will screw up your insulin and kill you at the very end of the stage. Yeah, I had to find that out by trial and error. Thanks, game.

The white star is a diabetes fact. Remember what it says, because you'll need to know it later.

You have milk, bananas, toast and cereal to eat. Remember, one of each.

Also, we have donuts and boxes of sugar trying to kill us. Sweet Jesus Christ, someone help us.

Morning Snack

Check your blood glucose, then you're off again.

Once you get the apple and crackers, it's on to the other side of the stage. Be sure not to take damage, you only have four hits before you lose a life.

The question mark is the question. If you touched the white star, you already know what the answer is. Also, glucagon makes your body produce glucose really fast.

You'll get 5000 bonus points if your glucose is within the safe (read: green) zone at the end of one part of the day.

You'll then get the lunch plan.


The food to collect are the carrots, grapes, tuna sandwich and a glass of milk.

The candy bar monsters are the worst, because they run really fast when they get close enough to you. You'll be leaping ahead of time to avoid these monstrosities. The cookies and soda cans aren't so bad, though.

Afternoon Snack

It's blood glucose check time again.

Pretzels and cheese - those are your snack items.

When you're done with this stage, you'll get the woman again, telling you to stick to your exercise and meal plans. Then it's needle time again, followed by the dinner meal plan.


A chicken leg, a potato, a green salad with dressing, cherries and a roll make up your dinner plan.

You'll meet a dock attendant, who tells you to wear sturdy shoes and socks to protect your feet. Then, he gives you a pair of each. (But he's already wearing shoes and socks...)

There's a star to touch for your daily(?) diabetes fact after you talk to him, then we get in the boat. Despite the slight change of pace here, the controls are exactly the same.

Be careful and watch your jumps so that you don't eat two of the same thing. The enemies here are easy, even though the evil licorice fly around in weird pattens similar to those of the donuts. You also have chewing gum, ice cream sundaes and bottles of soda to deal with, as well.

Bedtime Snack

Have a turkey sandwich and a glass of milk. They're good for you in this hike through the forest. (Who hikes through the forest at 10 PM?)

A lot of the enemies are from the lunch and dinner stages, but you have a new one here: ice cream cones that throw their own brain matter at you.

And that's the end of the first day.

After the blood glucose check and the insulin shot, it's breakfast time again.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 12 of 12

It's time to take the fight to the moon and end this...for now.

Area 7

First Form

The red fireballs that this guy throws can be very easily avoided with a jump. You'll also hear them coming, too. He'll also punch you out if you're too close. If his power meter fills up, he'll shoot a big blue fireball at you that you can easily jump over. Use a lot of low strikes, especially when jumping.

Second Form

When you try to finish him off, he'll block your sword slash, turn gold and grow sharp thorns for knuckles. He's the same as before, you'll just have a smaller life meter (unless you did well on the first form). However, he's harder to hurt because he takes less damage and deals more. Same strategies apply, though.

Congrats! You did it!

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 11 of 12

We play as the Megazord? Finally!

Area 6

Welcome to the Megazord mode!

In the next two stages, you'll be fighting giant monster bosses with the Megazord. This is just like playing a fighting game, except that you have to press B to jump.

The first boss has a few attacks. Jump over its eye beams, and stay away from the green puke that it vomits into the floor. He will also shoot a few projectiles from the white face in its body, and it only does this when its power meter is full. He also has a claw swipe (with extending fingernails) as well as a shoulder ram attack.

Thankfully, you have a power meter as well. As you fill it up, you can shoot out projectiles, flames that run on the ground towards your opponent, aerial fireballs that go towards the ground, and a giant energy wave that does a good amount of damage if and when it hits the enemy.

When the enemy's life goes all the way down, you've won! Try not to die, though. You only have one life as the Megazord.

Megazord Controls

Control Pad: Move around and duck (move away to block)
B: Jump (does shoulder block in close)
Y: Swing sword
Down+Y: Swing sword low
Up+Y: Overhead sword swing (uses a little bit of your power)
X: Use projectile weapon (must fill certain amount of power meter; higher power meter = better attacks)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 10 of 12

Finally, we face the Dark Warrior. Remember in the last entry when I said it was my favorite side-scrolling stage boss out of the five? You're about to see why.

Boss 5: Dark Warrior

This guy has a bunch of attacks. He'll hop around and throw a bomb downward whenever he stops in mid-air. If you knock him to either side of the room, he'll teleport away from you.

The sword allows him to come at you with a dashing jab. He'll also swing it at you if you're in close. Other than that, he doesn't do much else with it. He'll appear at least once with a whip, and he can use that to strike at a distance without having to move. At least you can jump over both of these attacks.

Other than that, he's really not that hard.

When you beat the Dark Warrior, you'll see the Power Rangers summon Megazord in Mode 7 glory. awwyeahguy.jpg

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 9 of 12

Well, they just had to save the best for last, didn't they?

Area 5 (continued)

When you make it to the end of the first section, you'll meet the Dark Warrior, who happens to be my favorite boss out of all five in the side-scrolling areas. You'll see why.

The second section is a cave that soon transforms into an underground facility. The rolling oil drums from Area 2 are back, so watch for that tell-tale rolling sound. You'll see another laser shooting robot, but you won't be able to reach him even with a high throw.

The third section takes place in some sort of underground base, complete with computer monitors, covered-up machine guns and ceiling mounted security lasers. You'll soon reach a lift. When you go up, you'll enter a long corridor complete with an infinite amount of Putties. When you hear what sounds like an alarm, crouch down in one of the small gaps or vault up one of the handrails. It's a laser that will take down anything in its path, including Putties. You'll eventually find the laser in the end. Crouch down next to it and keep using your full crouching combo. If any Putties, take care of them unless the giant laser beam is firing. It's just a short run to the exit from there.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 8 of 12

After abusing save states a zillion times, we finally enter the last side-scrolling area.

Area 5

The dark brown Putties take one hit now.

The grey Putties here have swords. Those swords can do a bit of damage, so watch out when you're in close...they will swing.