
Saturday, November 30, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 35 of 88

We head back to the marketplace and learn how to properly lift a rock. Yep, this is how real men do it.

Nobilia Marketplace

Go back to Nobilia, and head north. Look around near the right side of this area until you see a rock. Use Levitate on it, and you'll get Tiny's attention. If you get a tapestry from the market and hand it to him, he'll throw it really, really long. Go back to Blimp's Cave and you'll finally see the rock land in that gap between the cliff and the area where those two pots are. The stuff inside those pots is finally yours.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 34 of 88

Time to get some more ingredients...

Blimp's Cave

Now that you've got your dog back, go back through the desert then go to Blimp's Cave. Talk to him and he'll give you Revive, which revives the dog without the use of a dog biscuit. However, it takes a bit of leveling with the spell to make it somewhat powerful.


3 Root, 1 Bone

Friday, November 29, 2013

Evermore Intermission 3 of 8

Merchant Theme

Over The Waterfall

Ocean Theme


Brassy Fanfare

In The Arena

Nobilia Marketplace

Pirates of Crustacia

Quiet Plaza

This is what happens if you taunt the chickens. Really. Also included: the prophet saying some stuff. Doesn't have all the dialogue, one point he speaks in binary if you don't let him get struck down and you keep talking to him long enough.

Here is a glitch involving the Atlas spell. As weird as it is, it's kinda nifty...

Here's a strange glitch involving the desert that takes you straight to Nobilia.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 33 of 88

We make our way through the desert again and try to find some more stuff while levelling up, only to fail to do so.

All maps by Grizzly.


Almost forgot about those skulls with the wings.

If you go far enough left or right from the center, you'll meet skulls on wings that fly around and try to ram into you. The spear does quite a bit of damage on those, even more than the sword you have right now will.

Also, unless you ride the boat at the beginning of the desert, you won't be able to ride it from Nobilia.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 32 of 88

This is the last video we spend in Nobilia. Honest.

All maps by Grizzly.

Town Square

If you go east from here, you'll find the fire pit that you won't be able to use until later in the game. You might find some Ash around the fire pit, but that's about it.

If you go north from here, you'll find the entrance to the palace, which is locked to you. One of the statues here talks, by the way. Just get up to it and speak to it like you would a person.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 31 of 88

Enjoy your spoon.

All maps by Grizzly.

Market Square Map

More wheeling and dealing here. In this video, Brick and Sovan finally get some good artifacts, including the Jade Disk and the Armor Polish.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 30 of 88

Click here for dog jokes, arguing with someone watching a video before it's uploaded...and trading!

All maps by Grizzly.

We finally get the Sun Stone and the Moxa Stick in this video. Other than that, not much else happens in this video.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 29 of 88

We finally go for the Diamond Eyes and level the dog up ever further, but first...stuff. And by stuff, I mean the market.

All maps by Grizzly.

Coliseum Entrance

Now that you're done at the coliseum (and you have your dog again, yay), use the sniff feature around this area which is north of the market. You'll be able to find some alchemy ingredients, especially near the fountain and near some stuff positioned against the coliseum wall.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 28 of 88

We reunite with our dog and take on a gladiator with a war chariot. Could this day get any worse?


After Tiny escorts you to the coliseum, you'll be in the locker room. Pompolonius will introduce himself to you, then he leaves and the door closes behind him.

The really crappy part about this section of the video is that they don't even show you the hidden wall. It should be on the right side of the room. Walk through it, and you'll find even more armor and useful items.

Remember when I said to get the Stone Vest, Bronze Gauntlet and Obsidian Helm before you came in here? Well, guess what? If you did, there won't be a Stone Vest in the pot to the left as well as the Bronze Gauntlet and Obsidian Helm in the secret room. Instead, they'll be replaced with the better armor - the Centurion Cape, Gauntlets of Ra and Centurion Helmet respectively - without having to go through the market again to upgrade your armor once more! Score!

Boss: Vigor

Gotta love the Final Fantasy VI characters making a cameo in the audience.

Anyway, you and Vigor (some big Roman guy in a spiked war chariot) will be introduced, then the fight begins.

Besides keeping yourself healed, your main order of business against this guy is to have the Horn Spear equipped and attack him in the back with a Level 3 attack charge.

His javelin and boomerang attacks can cause quite a bit of damage if you're in the vicinty of the weapons when he throws them, especially the javelin. When Vigor flexes, that's your cue to start running in order to avoid the rotten vegetables that the crowd throws at you. His ram attack also does some dangerous amounts of damage as well.

When you finally beat him down, you'll get 1000 Jewels for your efforts. Pompolonius will finally acknowledge that this is your dog, and he'll give you information about the Diamond Eyes. He'll also give you the Gladiator Sword, which will prove to be your best weapon so far.

The scene will then shift to the mystery man Pompolonius was talking to talking to a face that protrudes out of a brick wall. Could this be a trap...?

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 27 of 88

We reunite with the dog, but the reunion is short lived...

All maps by Grizzly.

Nobilia Market

If you go to the right at the market, you'll see the city square where the Sacred Dog statue is. If you go south, you'll see a door. Go in.

The first thing you'll see is a spider walking into a pile of boxes to the right. If you walk where the spider goes, you'll see another Rogue. He'll give you the Atlas formula, which gives The Boy super strength.


1 Ash, 1 Atlas Medallion

The only place you can get Atlas Medallions from is from this Rogue. He'll sell you one for 100 jewels, but the prices gets higher and you can only carry a few medallions at any given time. It does help at times, though.

If you go to the left in this building, you'll get the store where you can buy Nectar and whatnot. Going south through the door across from him takes you to two store fronts you wouldn't be able to access otherwise, one that gives you Limestone Tablets and another that gives you Jeweled Scarabs.

There is a woman who appraises items at the southern end of the market. If you talk to her, you can sell your trading goods for jewels. You can technically get all the Jewels you need without having to fight enemies just by going to the market.

When you hear nothing but birds chirping in the background, go to the right of the fish seller's booth and press B at the basket. You'll find a bunch of Jewels. Ossum.

Go to the right, and not only will you be reunited with The Dog, you'll also be sent to the gladiator arena because the Sacred Dog (read: your dog) chose you to fight the champion. Fun.

Monday, November 25, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 26 of 88

We cross through the desert and do some not trading due to our lack of funds. Do yourself a favor, get some Jewels in advance the next time you play this game.

All maps by Grizzly.

The Desert


Oh, boy. You'll be going north until you see a brick wall. Until then, get near the oases to refill your health. There's four of them, and it'll be a bit of a walk until you reach the next one. Your health will steadily go down as you cross the desert, so be careful and don't let the enemies give you a hard time.

The Tumbleweeds are just a pain in the butt, and the spiders here will Poison you if given the chance.

There is a skeleton on a boat that'll take you quickly to the other side, but he wants an Amulet of Annihilation...and you don't have that. You'll just have to tough it out.

There is an Alchemist in this area, but he's hard to find and they won't find him until later on in the blog series.

Nobilia Market

You have only a handful of minutes before the crowd disappears to see the Sacred Dog statue. Your job here is purchase stuff with your Jewels and try to trade for as much stuff as possible.

If you talk to the fortune teller enough times, he'll ask the gods to strike him down if they exist. You'll have a choice of three things for the gods to turn him into: a chicken, a goat, and a basket. Press the B button when you reach this part, and he'll thank you for saving him from the wrath of the powers that be and reward you with a Stone Vest.

You should definitely get the Stone Vest, the Obsidian Helmet and the Bronze Gauntlet before the crowd disappears. There's a reason for that which I will mention a little later on. Don't worry about losing the Jade Disk, you'll be able to get it again later on in the game.

If you buy a bunch of pots, you'll find jewels in them at times. Also, sometimes when you buy a tablet, you'll find a rather strange inscription on them that The Boy will read. Weird...

Do not press B near the chickens over and over again. The game will warn you, and if you keep doing it again...well, you'll find out. You can also "talk" to the goats if you want.

The best way to stock up on trading goods is to buy some rice, spice and beads. Then, you work your way around from there.

If you have a lot of rice, you can get some Amulets of Annihilation from one of the booths. It costs 30 Rice for one Amulet. You can go down to 15 Rice, but if you go any further down in price, he won't sell to you again. If for some reason, you keep turning down his prices, you can get 3 Amulets for 1 Rice at the risk of not being able to get any more.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 25 of 88


Okay, not really.

All maps by Grizzly.

Blimp's Cave

Blimp will tell you how he survived, then he'll ask about your dog.

The scene will shift to a palace somewhere. The dog will pop out, and this time he's changed form again, this time to a sleek, little white greyhound. Leap on the lilypads to get out of the pool, then make your way into the palace. You'll see a conversation between some unseen man and another guy named Pompolonius, then the dog will suddenly flounder in.

From there, Blimp will construct a bridge that allows you to go past the bottomless pit to the north, and you can finally make your way to the desert. He'll also give you the Crush formula, and this one will come in handy later on if you level it up in the desert.


1 Limestone, 1 Wax

Limestone is unique to this new land, Antiqua. Be sure to go back into Blimp's Cave if you need to stock up on alchemy ingredients...including the hard-to-find Mud Pepper, which is finally available to you now!

From this point forward, if you want to equip spells, you'll have to choose to add and remove to the list at an alchemist's shop, as you have the maximum of eight equipable spells.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 24 of 88

Finally, we're there. Now to take on the next boss and head on over to the next world!

All maps by Grizzly.

Sewer Maze

When you make your way to the switch room, you'll meet a Viper. When you attack him, you'll find out he's actually on your side. He'll talk to you and allow to save your game. Also, notice how one of the sentences he says has a typo in the form of a missing word. How I failed to notice as a kid, I have no idea.

Now that you're done looking for the switch, go through the right pipe when you reach the entrance of the sewer maze again and go directly north. You'll fall into a pit and right into the room with the door you just opened.

Valve Room

There's a huge room with a zillion pipes for a floor. You know what that means. This is boss country.

Go all the way across and you'll meet Fire Eyes. The only thing is, she's got a red dress on instead of a pink one, and she's not wearing her trademark spectacles. Turns out this is a faker. Fire Eyes will show up and the two of them will have a rather animous conversation. She'll then force Fire Eyes away from you. You'll then face her "pet rock," Magmar.

Boss: Magmar

This guy is pretty evil. First rule of thumb: set the dog to Attack Level 3 in the Action Menu and keep your HP for both characters high. If you've leveled up Heal a few times, this won't be as tough...but it'll still be a tad long.

When he spits directly at you, you won't be able to avoid it. Use the Defend spell to minimize the damage caused by it (I hope you leveled that up, too). When he spits straight up in the air, stay on the move and it'll miss. He'll also curl into a ball and roll around, stay away from him when he does. When he jumps into the lava, he recovers a little bit of his HP.

When you beat him, you'll receive 900 talons.

Fire Eyes's evil twin will come back and turn the crank on the machine in the volcano, causing the volcano to erupt. You'll land on a makeshift boat going onto a waterfall, and you'll both go down it, being sent...somewhere...


The Boy will wake up on a beach somewhere. There is no sign of The Dog, leaving you to look around.

The first thing you should do is go to one of the shops and exchange all your Talons for Jewels, since you're in a new world and your money's no good here. The exchange rate is 2 Talons for 1 Jewel.

Next, go buy the Bronze Armor, since you're going to need it. You can also get the Spiky Collar in advance here, but you're definitely not going to be able to equip it on The Dog just yet. Save your game at the Inn.

One of the shops has a crate of boxes to the left, and if you walk into it, you'll meet some guy in a robe selling an Amulet of Annihilation. You won't be able to afford at this point, though, since you don't have 10,000 Jewels yet.

The path to the left leads to nowhere. Skip it for now, since you won't be able to do much here. Go to the right when you're done in this town.

Left Bank

The Rogues just have close range attacks, while the Mad Monks are pretty deadly, as they can give you status ailments such as Plague (it's like Poison, but it eats away at your HP even faster) and Confound. Sometimes, if an enemy leaves something behind, you might be able to get Wings, which let you return to the entrance of mazes. You won't be able to find those in least, not yet...

If you go east in this area, you'll see another landing pad. There's a few alchemy ingredients here, but that's about it.

From here, go into the cave, then go north to the other cave. You'll finally meet Blimp again. Looks like he survived the volcano eruption in Prehistoria.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 23 of 88

Oh, look, two guys finally figure out something I mentioned in the last entry, therefore taking three entries to do it in. Oh, well. Enjoy the commentary nonetheless.

All maps by Grizzly.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Evermore Intermission 2 of 8

Boss Theme


River Beside The Volcano


Here is a really easy glitch to perform. Learned this thing as a kid and loved it to death. Beware, you can lock the game up in certain situations if you abuse it (I've locked the game up in a future boss battle, and it was hilarious).

One of the Game Genie codes lets you walk through walls. You can kill Carltron at the beginning with this! No joke!

Also, here's the commercial for the game. Strangely enough, I never saw it as a kid.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 22 of 88

We finally find the Speed formula and reach an obligatory sewer level. Woo-hoo!

All maps by Grizzly.

Sewer Maze

Here's the map, you're definitely gonna need it.

When you enter the right passage at the north end of the Volcano Maze, you'll find a bunch of pipes with water running through them. That water has quite an undertow to it. You'll also see a Raptor pop out of the gourd in the room and go down the right pipe.

Your first task here is to find your way to the giant hole in the maze with a flickering light in the wall. This is no easy task, as you'll be using your Jaguar Ring to run for dear life if you make a wrong turn in there. When you find it, step on the pressure plate on the floor and you'll open the door in the room next to it.

If you go through the other holes, you'll be able to find gourds and even a few Raptors to fight.

Friday, November 22, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 21 of 88

Yep. It's still confusing.

All maps by Grizzly.

Lava Caves


When you enter the openings at the northern end of the maze, you'll enter a series of caverns. Besides having more Vipers and gourds, there's a secret room inside. If you find it, there will be an alchemist. He has a new alchemy formula for you: Speed.


1 Wax, 2 Water

This speed increases your agility, and it'll be helpful in the boss battle ahead.

At one point, you'll be above the entrance to the Volcano itself.

Some of the paths here take you to the upper parts of the volcano maze, where you can fight Viper Commanders. Every time you kill one here, you'll get a Mud Pepper. If you want, head out of the maze, walk right back in, and the Viper Commander will respawn. Infinite Mud Peppers! Problems?

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 20 of 88

We finally enter the Volcano and find out that getting around is more complex than it seems...

All maps by Grizzly.

Volcano Maze

The first screen is straightforward. Just go north. If, of course, you decide to go back south, you'll face a Viper for the first time since the Mammoth Graveyard battle. You'll need the practice, even though you're stronger than you were then. Also, if you hug the left wall at the beginning, you'll find a secret room with two gourds.

Once you enter the lava maze, run around and beat up Vipers. There are two entrances to other parts of the volcano at the north end of this area.

Use Levitate on a rock whenever you find a Mud Pepper in a gourd. You'll need to move some of the rocks in your path in order to make your way further through the maze.

There is the lower path (the maze) and the upper path (the solid walls that you'll be able to walk on as you make your way around the volcano). If you see any rocks on the upper path, hit them with the B button to send them into the lava on the lower path. This will open up some paths in the maze and let you reach areas you originally couldn't, which is a good thing because this will usually lead you to another Mud Pepper.

Don't worry about running out of Mud Peppers to use here. You'll be able to find enough Mud Peppers here to raise all the rocks in the maze.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 19 of 88

Another filler episode.

Stocking up on all the alchemy ingredients and getting the new armor from the armor salesman in Fire Eyes' Village is definitely a good idea before you go out there, levitate the rock that blocks the volcano entrance and take on the Vipers and whatnot.

If you still haven't leveled the Horn Spear up to Level 3 (I'm hoping you did, by the way), go do that now! It'll make the boss fight in the volcano section a lot easier.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 18 of 88

Seriously, Sovan, did you have to put your porn viewing habits out in the open? No.

Never thought I'd hear porn being mentioned in an LP. Don't you just love this blog?

All maps by Grizzly.

Blimp's Hut

When you finally beat Salabog, his entire body will blow up and you'll find out that the man's name is Blimp. He'll lower the bridge and let you access his house, then he'll give you (after a bunch of Zelda references) a Mud Pepper...but only one. Thankfully, you'll find more inside the volcano.

You'll be able to rest and save in Blimp's Hut as well. Take the stuff in the pots and gourds before you leave.

Fire Eyes' Village

I've already mentioned Defend in the entry for Part 9, so go ahead and read that to see how to get it.

Anyway, go back to the armor seller. He now has new armor! Go buy it!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 17 of 88

We take on Salabog and get a Mud Pepper. About time, but I'd rather have a Dr. Pepper instead.

All maps by Grizzly.

Boss - Salabog


When you make it all the way to the north end of the Swamp Maze, you'll come across another screen with what looks like a snake's body going thorugh the water. Go all the way north, and you'll meet some guy who's standing outside near his hut. He tells you to take care of this snake, since it's getting out of control. Hope you have at least a Level 2 power-up for the Horn Spear!

Salabog has a fire breath attack that he uses whenever he surfaces from the murky water, and when it hits the ground, three Will-o-the-Wisps come after you. Have The Dog go after these while you take to Salabog with the spear. Every time you hit him, he'll drop back into the water and reappear with a growl. Also, if you take down all three Will-o-the-Wisps before you can attack Salabog, Salabog will slip back into the swamp.

If you're too close to him, he'll try to bite you. You can tell he's about to do it when the top of his eyes fold into an angry frown. He'll pop in and out of the water constantly, but he'll always be north of one of the three platforms. Be sure to bring plenty of charges for all of your spells, especially Flash, Hard Ball and Heal. This battle will be a bit long, but it's not impossible.

Also, if you haven't figured it out yet, the Nectar replenishes 120 HP.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 16 of 88

Well, we're back. Now we get to use the spear as a flyswatter, talk about the soft drink Sprite and work Frippos into video game references.

 All maps by Grizzly.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 15 of 88

Click here for hair cancer, hitting mosquitos with a spear, and some weird glitch where The Boy magically turns into a blob when he's standing still.

All maps by Grizzly.


Don't go north from here to the landing pad unless you need some more alchemy ingredients, want the enemies to respawn so you can have more easy targets for your spear, or both.

There is now a lilypad at the lower platform where there wasn't one before. If you step on it, you'll trigger the rest of the bridge.

Swamp Maze

There are certain Frippos you have to kill in order to cause bridges to previously unreachable areas of this area. Also, the lilypad close to the start leads to another bridge if you step on it.

This area has Widowmakers in it as well, so be sure you're carrying plenty of alchemy charges for Cure as well as plenty of Essence.

There are plenty of gourds in this area, so explore this place and hit them all up for items and alchemy ingredients.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 14 of 88

We head down to the swamp and find an alchemy ingredient we don't have. This is going to be interesting.

All maps by Grizzly.

Volcano Path

Go south on the lower-right hand corner of the volcano to head back onto the volcano path. From here, head south and back to the bottom of the path, then go east. You'll be in the swamp area.

While you're here, do yourself a favor and level Heal up. You'll definitely need it a few levels higher than it already is, since there's another boss fight at the swamp.


Open the gourds up to get some stuff, then head further east.

The Frippos can only hit you when they're close to you. They're also pretty slow, too.

Monday, November 18, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 13 of 88

We can't get into the volcano because of a big boulder in our path, so we'll have to find something that will get it out of our way.

All maps by Grizzly.

Volcano Path

As you get closer to the volcano, you'll find another cave. If you go in, you'll be trapped by a large boulder just like the one that blocks the volcano, and you'll have to fight some Raptors in order to get out. You'll get a free Dino Skin for beating them, too.

There's also a gourd on a platform next to the volcano, but you won't be able to reach it until much later in the game.

There is a panel hidden by the underbrush that you can chop down with the axe or the spear. It's not too hard to find. Land on it, go into the cave to the left of where you land, then step on the plate. Boom. You're at the top of the volcano.

When you talk to the old man at the top of the volcano, he'll give you the Leviate spell. Go ahead and equip it for later, you'll need it.
1 Water, 1 Mud Pepper

Unfortunately, this formula involves an ingredient you've never seen before: a Mud Pepper.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 12 of 88

We finally learn a healing spell and take on raptors. Again.

All maps by Grizzly.

Mammoth Graveyard

When you beat the Vipers, you'll meet another Alchemist. He'll open the door to the Volcano Path and offer to heal your wounds. If you say no, he'll give you 10 Water and 10 Roots for you to practice the spell he's about to give you - Heal. Now you can use Alchemy to heal yourself.
1 Root, 1 Water

Volcano Path


Look around and take down Raptors and Carniflowers. The Raptors are just like the ones you fought at the beginning of the game, they're just green, that's all. There's an inn just north of the exit back to the Mammoth Graveyard, and there's also another cave to the right that acts a store. There's the swamp entrance further west, but you won't be able to go through that area just yet.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Evermore Intermission 1 of 8


Mini Boss

The Return

The Scientist

Quick Sand Field

Battle With Thraxx

Bugmuck Swamp

Mammoth Graveyard

Fire Eyes

Game Over

Good Night

Item Fanfare

Jungle 1

Jungle Village

Main Title


Merchant In The Cave

Podunk, 1965

Podunk, 1995

Raptor Attack

Victory Fanfare

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 11 of 88

Soon after we get a new weapon, we get another new weapon. But, least this new one is even more useful! So why am I complaining?

Mammoth Graveyard

Even though the Widowmakers don't give you as much experience as the other monsters you've fought so far, they're still far from a pushover. They can inflict Poison on you, which either wears off on its own or can be cured with Essence or the Cure Spell. If you still need to farm for Talons to buy armor from the cave to the west of that volcano entrance, go right ahead...but don't trigger the battle on the north end of the area yet.

Be sure to search the skeleton walls of this mini-maze to find some more alchemy ingredients. That Sniff function isn't there for fireworks, you know.

When you make your way to the north end of the graveyard, you'll meet up with this gray lizard who's about as large as The Boy. This is the Viper Commander, and he's ticked off that you're in the Mammoth Graveyard. He then sends four of his purple flunkies after you.

Boss - Vipers and Viper Commander

Keep the Vipers away from you and use offensive spells on them whenever possible. Their lick attacks can cause a good amount of damage, but they only strike diagonally and only at very close range. The Viper Commander will jump off the mammoth skull here and crash right into the nearby crystal that juts out, causing an earthquake attack that attacks both characters. Amazingly, you can hit the Viper Commander at this point. Keeping The Boy alive is essential in this battle.

When you finish off all four Vipers, you'll fight the Viper Commander. Besides being slightly stronger and having more hit points than the regular Vipers, he's not that different from the regular Vipers at all. At least you only face one of him.

When you win this battle, you'll get the Horn Spear. Whenever you get a Spear weapon, level it up to Level 3 as soon as possible, as you can throw it at Levels 2 and 3 (the latter is even stronger and works well against bosses).

Saturday, November 16, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 10 of 88

What's so bad about playing as the dog? Nothing!

All maps by Grizzly.

Path to Mammoth Graveyard

Time to go north of the village after all that leveling up.

The Carniflowers are palette swaps of the Wimpy Flowers, with one noticeable difference: if they hit you, they can eat you and do some extra damage before spitting you back out. Hitting them with 100% strikes from the axe will help, as will using the weapon you'll get later on. If your ally hits you out of it, it won't do as much damage and the Carniflower will prematurely spit out whoever is being eaten before the attack is over.

You'll see a rock blocking the path into a cave. This is the entrance to the volcano, and it's blocked to you for the time being. You won't be able to do anything about that yet. If you go west from here, you'll be able to find an armor seller that sells better stuff that what you'll find at the village. Take advantage of this, you'll need it.

Going north from the rock will take you to the Mammoth Graveyard.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 9 of 88

We has an axe.

All maps by Grizzly.


When you beat Thraxx, you'll get the Spider's Claw. Attack the cocoon that is standing where Thraxx once was, and you'll rescue Strong Heart. He'll give you 10 Wax and 10 Oil for saving him, then he'll head back home.

Walk through the hole where Strong Heart walks out of and follow the path. Be sure to go south before you reach the exit, and you'll find a Mammoth Guard in one of the two gourds. Equip it, since it's a step up from the Vine Bracelet. When you reach the northeastern corner of the path at the Quick Sand Field, go east through the wall. You'll find four gourds. Loot those and continue east. You'll find another alchemist who gives you Acid Rain.

Acid Rain
1 Ash, 3 Water

This alchemist also gives you the chance to buy ingredients as well as to save your game. If you need Clay to power up Hard Ball a little more, buy it, because he's got it. Be sure to look in the gourds near him, you'll find Water and Ash to give your leveling up of Acid Rain a head-start.

When you head west, you'll appear at the big field with the Skelesnails. Chop the underbrush down with the axe and you're out of there. Now go and head back to the village. If you chop up more of the underbrush here and go north, you'll just go to a useless (for now) area. It's possible to find some alchemy ingredients here if you cut the plant life down around here, so it wouldn't hurt to go here at the moment.

Fire Eyes's Village


Head back to Fire Eyes's hut. She'll tell you that the village is facing a new crisis: the volcano north of the village is cooling down, and she wants you to find out what's causing this. She'll also tell you about her uncle, who lived on the mansion on the hill back in Podunk, where she is also originally from. She'll also tell you about his machine which took people to a world of their own design. Not surprisingly, since she liked all things prehistoric, she was taken here. Something obviously went wrong, as the few hours she spent here has now become a few decades.

That's not all. She'll also give you a few Call Beads, which allow you to cast some powerful spells. Hold on to these for much later. You may never know when you'll need them. Then she'll give you a demonstration of her powers which explains why they call her "Fire Eyes."

Also, remember the gourds I told you not to touch? Go to them now. One of the gourds will have a Call Bead instead of a Biscuit. Also, some guy will show up that you can talk to. He'll give you the Defend formula.

1 Clay, 1 Ash

This will temporarily increase your defense, so level it up!



Go back through the jungle area south of the village. Cut down the underbrush whenever you see it. Not only will you find some more monsters and alchemy ingredients (as well as a free Shell Hat in a gourd), you'll also find Strong Heart's hut. Go in and he'll give you another spell: Cure. Equip this, it acts as a Alchemy version of the Essence item.

2 Roots, 1 Oil

You can also purchase some ingredients from him, too.

If you talk to Strong Heart as The Dog, you'll get a free Leather Collar.

Friday, November 15, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 8 of 88

In this episode, we learn about the worst peril of being a blue, high-speed well as take on Thraxx, the first boss! Fun fact: some people (who were older than me) gave up on the game because the first boss was "too hard," when it really wasn't.

All maps by Grizzly.

Middle of the Bug

Once you make it to the other side of the maze, you'll be able to traverse this jumble of simple corridors. Take the side doors first, they have important items that you'll need for the incoming boss fight.

Yes. That's right. You're about to fight a boss.

Boss - Thraxx

Well, here we are.

To beat this thing, you'll have to wait for the chest cavity of this big red bug to open up. From there, go in and smack the heart around with spells and powered-up Bone Crusher shots.

If you have The Dog at Attack Level 3, switch to him, hold B to power your attack all the way up, and let the heart have it. Keep track of the Kid's health all the while. If you can somehow manage to pull that off, you can shell out quite a bit of damage.

Thraxx has a stomp attack as well as an Acid Rain spell. Both can do some damage, especially the Acid Rain attack. The stomp attack also causes both characters to be knocked back, which makes staying near Thraxx's Heart a bit of a pain at times.

There will be maggots all over the floor. Let the Dog go after them while you stick it to Thraxx's Heart with the kid. If you need experience points, go for the arms. They can be destroyed...just remember to stay away from them as they can deal a good amount of damage, too.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 7 of 88

In this episode, we finally find out what causes the sounds to act all weird on the video and finally get further into the Bugmuck! Yay!

All maps by Grizzly.

Bug Maze

After all that farming for experience and gold, we make it to the bug maze. You'll eventually find a large cave further into the Bugmuck. Go in.

Here, you'll have to follow a specific path in order to make it into the doorway on the other side. Some of the bridges, however, will fall apart before you can cross them, and some of them wait until after you've crossed them to keep you from conveninently going back.

If you get trapped and are unable to move any farther, go to the nearest side wall of the maze. You'll slide all the way back down to the beginning and you'll be able to start over.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 6 of 88

Click here for London Underground mosquitos, naked dogs and two grown men saving up like little kids for a dog collar.

All maps by Grizzly.



When you enter this cave, the man inside will talk to you. He isn't Strong Heart, but he does know him and says that he saw him go towards the big bug a few days ago. He gives you another alchemy formula, Hard Ball.

Hard Ball
1 Crystal, 1 Clay

Unless you search near the Tar Skulls, you won't find very much Clay. Since you don't have the maximum of 8 spells for the Spell Ring yet, go ahead and equip it. Just don't expect to find Clay for a little while.

The man will also sell you alchemy ingredients if you need them, and you can save your game here.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 5 of 88

We traverse the quicksand field near the Bugmuck and finally level our characters up. Whee!

All maps by Grizzly.

Quicksand Field


Now that you have the Jaguar Ring, you can use the Jaguar Ring to move past the quicksand holes after they sink back out of existance (and move away from one if it pulls you in). You can only run as long as you have energy. When your strike energy is at 100%, you have the maximum running distance (just like Secret of Mana). The only real difference is instead of running in only one direction like in Secret of Mana, you can fully control where you run.

Take the time to explore the area, pick up any alchemy ingredients that The Dog sniffs out and open up any gourds that you can find. It's worth it.

Sometimes, enemies will leave a pile of dust or goo or bones behind. Go up to it, press the B button and you'll get an item. Sometimes it's a petal, sometimes it's a few extra pieces of money. You never know what you'll find, so pay attention as enemies will randomly drop some extra spoils.



This area is comprised of several screens, but it's not so easy to get lost.

The Maggots are pretty easy to beat up if you strike them at 100%. The Tar Skulls hang out in the tar pits where you can't get close to them, and will lunge at you if you're close enough. If you strike at them at 100%, you'll be able to reach them better. If you kill one, have the dog sniff around nearby. You'll be able to find Oil and Clay doing this.

There is a cave near the beginning. Go inside.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 4 of 88

We finally get our first of many alchemy spells and our first quest.

Fire Eyes's Hut

All maps by Grizzly.

Fire Eyes will give you Flash before you leave to fulfill your first mission: find Strong Heart in the Bugmuck, east of the village. Equip it before you leave.

1 Wax, 2 Oil

This is a purely offensive spell that lets you do some more damage than you usually could at this point. The alchemy ingredients store will now be able to sell you ingredients for this and future spells...provided you have enough Talons, of course.

Fire Eyes's Village

Before you go, talk to the guy in the house near the armory. He'll give you a free Grass Vest.

Village Exit to Bugmuck

You'll meet a new enemy here: the Skelesnails. These things will try to leap towards you and hide in their shells on the way down for their tackles to have maximum impact.

Use this area to power up the Flash spell, get experience for both characters, and get money. You'll still run out Skelesnails eventually, but at least you'll have some money to recharge at the Inn when necessary, get armor for both characters and maybe...just maybe...get a good stockpile for Flash.

Quicksand Field

One of the holes takes you to the cave that is seperated from the rest of the level. If you go in and buy an item, you'll get the Jaguar Tooth, which allows you to run by holding the A button. It also comes with a nifty royal purple pouch, which lets you carry other Charms as well as Trading Items (those won't come into play until much later).

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 3 of 88

Well, apparently the hack is a little buggy, as now the game wants to make The Dog the center of attention. How strange.

All maps by Grizzly.

Fire Eyes' Village


Once you're in the village, you'll be able to save your game at the inn (in the northeast corner of the village), and also look through the houses and open whatever pots and gourds you can find. Open them all, you'll need what's in them. Also, check the fire pits for Ash.

If you take control of The Dog and talk to people, they'll react differently than they would with the kid. This is pretty interesting, and in some cases it's a bit helpful.

There is an opening into another area to the west, but don't take anything over there. You'll see why later.

There's a store a bit to the left of the inn. You'll be able to find some items that you need here. Just remember that you can only carry six of any specific item.

Further northwest is the armor seller. The armor here is very weak - it's all made of grass - but it's still better than the armor you have right now. Which is nothing. Hey, at least you have an excuse to farm experience and talons a little later on.

The hut just south of the inn will be the first place in the game that sells alchemy ingredients. Don't worry about that just yet. For now, just take the stuff that's in the gourds inside and head back out.

The hut in the center of the village is Fire Eyes' residence. You'll find out that she is Professor Ruffleburg's niece, Elizabeth, as well as the project that has everyone involved - including you - stranded in what appears to be an alternate world.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 2 of 88

We take care of some more flowers and fight a pack of raptors. This is not Jurassic Park, Square.

All maps by Grizzly.

Jungle (continued)


If you see any overgrowth on the ground, just ignore it. It's nothing more than an obstacle that you won't be able to get past at this point.

If you ever see the dog stand somewhere and sniff continuously, head down there and press the B button. You'll pick up an alchemy ingredient. You'll need these for later, so grab as many as you can.

It should be mentioned that if The Kid dies, the game is over. (This is true in the original 1-player version.) Even if The Dog is still alive, you [b]must[/b] keep The Kid's health above 0 at all times.

Press and hold the L or R button to let The Dog sniff around. If he walks somewhere when he does this, keep holding it. Walk up to where he stops, hold the Control Pad near the wall and press B to find an alchemy ingredients. Don't worry, these things will come into play later.

The Raptors

You'll only see this part of the jungle once. When you make it to the north exit of the jungle, you'll come across four bushes. Touch the leaf that falls in the center of this area and you'll trigger the boss battle.

Stay out of the center. That way, you won't be attacked when the Raptors jump out at you. When they come towards you, be ready to swing. If your attack is at 100%, you'll be able to do some double-digit damage.

The raptors have a good amount of HP, but they are beatable. When you defeat the first three, the music gets faster and so does the last Raptor. Thankfully, if you stand in one of the corners, you can see him coming and smack him whenever possible.

If you beat them, you'll get 50 Talons and a Petal. The Petals heal 40 HP, while Talons act as the currency of the land you're currently in.

If you die before you can do it, no worries. This is the only battle in which you can die and still continue on. You'll end up at the inn afterwards. Just don't make a habit of it.

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 1 of 88

Guess what? It's another RPG! This time around, it's a hack of the game. It's unchanged, except for one interesting thing...there's two-player mode available, which wasn't available when the game first came out!

Thankfully, you can find a link to said patch in the video description, in case you and a friend want to try it out.

Also, I apologize for the sound in the game being extremely fuzzy.

At over 150 KB and 96 parts (including intermissions and epilogue), this is my biggest one yet. You'd better enjoy watching this as much as I did making this, because this is one of the most hilarious ones I've done in a while.

All maps by Grizzly.


Fall, 1965

Podunk, USA

A major experiment is about to conclude...however, it goes awry...

Thirty years later...

A boy and his dog happen to come across the abandoned laboratory where the experiment took place. They are transported to a strange place...

The boy tries to find his dog after it chases a cat, but he loses track of the dog. Thinking that it went into the abandoned house nearby, he heads inside only to find a bunch of crates and a teleporter. He also find his dog, who chews on some wires. The teleporter zaps him into another area...

A robot butler sends the boy into a room...and our adventure begins...

Robot Battle

All right, once you're in the room and The Kid's HP appears (I'll refer to the heroes as The Kid and The Dog, since you'll want to name them something different), you finally have control of the game.

Go up to the pod near the stairs and you'll get the Bazooka. When you grab it, two Guardbots will pop out of the portholes below. Wait for your attack meter to hit 100%, then let 'em have it!

When you beat them, you'll enter the porthole for an escape pad of some sort, and you'll find your dog in the cockpit. Unfortunately, you won't be able to control it, and you'll crash-land somewhere...


When you crash land, you'll end up in a jungle. The escape pod is shot and the bazooka is lost to you, but you find your dog...or at least, you assume it's your dog. You throw a stick to prove it's your dog, but he comes back with a dinosaur bone. This is the Bone Crusher, and it's not only your first sword but also your first weapon.

The Dog has only one attack, and it's a lunge attack. It can be powered up to Level 3, but once it's powered up, it can do some immense damage, especially later in the game.

Walk around the jungle and attack the Wimpy Flowers and Mosquitos. If you find any gourds, pick up the stuff inside. You'll usually find Petals (for healing) and Essence (for curing status ailments), but it's better than nothing.


Control Pad: Move character
Select: Switch characters
A: Run (you need the Jaguar Ring to do this; hold down to Run)
B: Attack
Y: Your Command Ring
X: Ally's Command Ring
L/R: Dog Sniff (hold down)

CornshaqGaming plays Top Gun: The Second Mission - Part 2 of 2

Only three missions? Well...

Mission 3

Hunt down and destroy the enemy's new military space shuttle.

Once again, get some of the more powerful missiles. Having them will do you a good favor here. Also, the clouds look like snow.

You'll have your first dogfight of the mission shortly after the beginning. You'll be doing some bobbing and weaving to line up with him, but the result is surely worth it. When you beat him, it gets darker. You'll have to move around to avoid the lightning, especially the lightning bolts that change color. Those will insta-kill you like the missiles. It gets bright again when you're out of the lightning storm.

You'll have two more dogfights, then you'll have a meteor storm to avoid. Yes, a meteor shower. I don't even. Treat this one like you did the lightning storm.

After yet another dogfight, you'll finally see the space shuttle.  This time around, it's flying and has lasers. Take out the laser weapon that opens up on the top of the plane and avoid the laser fire, then take out the afterburners. There. You're done. Now you just have one more landing sequence.

Enjoy your ending. Hey, at least this one shows a little more effort.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

CornshaqGaming plays Top Gun: The Second Mission - Part 1 of 2

Didn't think I'd cover this, or another two-parter so soon, did you?

Well, guess what? I am, just to nick this sucker in the bud.

The game was released in Japan as Top Gun: Dual Fighters.

Also, if you expected this to be like the original thought wrong. This one is faster paced and definitely has its moments.

Mission 1

Hunt down and destroy the enemy's new hi-tech bomber.

Once again, you have three choices of missiles. The difference between the three is just like that in the original. They just have different names now.

When you get the message "Enemy at 12 o'clock! Use combat skills!" on the message screen, use your radar to find out where your dogfight opponent is, and hit him when he's in front of you. Be sure to move around to keep him from hitting you. Sounds simple enough, right? This guy's pretty easy, but later dogfight opponents become harder.

After two dogfights, you'll get the message "Black Jack is in reach! Blast it out of the sky!" This is the boss. Take down the four thrusters and avoid the missiles. Whenever you see a red arrow pointing to it, it's a weak spot that you're in range of. Take it out. When all four thrusters are destroyed, you're good to go...after a landing sequence.

Thankfully, the landing sequences are painfully easier. It's not as nail-biting and doesn't take as long. Also, fine-tuning the planes position isn't as difficult.

Mission 2

Seek and destroy the enemy's new assault helicopter.

Anything more powerful than the Sidewinder will help against the second boss. Also, the ground now looks like brown water. Heck, it's just the water re-colored. At least you can easily imagine it's ground and you can easily tell it's moving.

When you see a whole bunch of trees on the ground, you're in the forest. Avoid the trees so you won't run into them. After you get through the first forest, you'll finally be taking on tanks, and boy, do they shoot out a bunch of missiles. You'll be shooting down a bit of their ammunition before you finally take the tanks themselves out.

After a dogfight in which you'll have to get a bit of a jump on your opponent, you'll be in the second forest section. Once again, avoid the trees and you should be fine. You'll have another dogfight soon afterward. Then..."Helicopter approaching! Destroy it immediately!"

There are two areas on the front of the helicopter that will be pointed out by the weak point arrows. These are the areas where you should lock on with the missiles and fire. When you take it down, it's landing sequence time once again.




Control Pad: move (Down to ascend, Up to descend, Left and Right to lean to the side. Left and Right do barrel rolls when held and Up and Down also do loop-de-loops when held)
A: fire (hold to use machine gun, hold and tap again to fire homing missile)

Landing Sequence

Control Pad: position plane
A: speed up
B: speed down

CornshaqGaming plays Top Gun - Part 4 of 4

Well, here it is. You'll get to see what your reward is for actually completing this game.

Mission 4


The space shuttle is a pretty easy target. Once again, if you have the T-22 or T-44 missiles chosen before you reached the boss, you'll be in for an easier time.

You'll do the landing sequence one more time, then...well, you get a one-screen ending. Yeah, it's kinda disappointing.

Friday, November 8, 2013

CornshaqGaming plays Top Gun - Part 3 of 4

Well, whaddya know? This playthrough was actually useful.

Mission 4

Destroy An Enemy Space Shuttle

Equipping the T-22 or T-44 missiles will the boss here a lot easier.

The sky is darker, and so is the terrain. Awesome.

You'll be flying above the clouds for a while, then you'll switch to air-to-sea combat in the most annoying way possible. It's like the refueling sequence, only without the refueling plane and you're just switching terrain.

This level is basically a "boss rush" of sorts, or in this case, a "game rush." You'll go from from air-to-air to air-to-sea to air-to-ground before you finally see the space shuttle.

When you go to the air-to-ground segment, you'll finally be able to trigger the refueling sequence. Get the refueling pump on the X on the radar screen, and you won't have to deal with this ever again. Unless, of course, you decide to try to play through this game again.

If you don't trigger it immediately and you're unable to because of a bogey on your tail, you're in luck. The second air-to-ground section shows up. Yes, there's a second. You'll be able to press Start again and do the whole "get the pump on the X" thing one more time.

The fourth section has a night sky and grey ground. What, is the space shuttle located on a giant steel platform that's as big as an entire continent? Shoot down helicopters, avoid the missiles, and when "Final Target!" appears on the radar screen, you're finally there.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

CornshaqGaming plays Top Gun - Part 2 of 4

Well, so far, so good. Now what about the rest of the playthrough?

Mission 2


When the radar screen says "1st Target!," you've reached the boss battle.

The boss's health is that green gauge in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. To take out the enemy aircraft carrier, lock on to it with the missiles and fire the missiles at it. Avoid the enemy missiles and planes, and try not to get too close before you kill it. Otherwise, your plane will make a U-turn and the boss's health will refill.

When you beat the boss, you'll do the landing sequence. You know what to do by now.

Mission 3

Destroy An Enemy Base

Instead of sky and water, you have sky and desert. Nice change of pace, there.

You have what look like tanks shooting anti-air missiles at you from the desert. Thankfully, you can still pick them off with your main gun or your missiles. Just be careful.

When you're near empty and you hear the siren, start the refueling sequence. Once again, get that fuel pump on the X and you'll refill. Hopefully, you'll be able to get this downpat.

After you clear the refueling sequence, you'll see machine guns and trucks with rocket launchers on the ground. These things can be trouble, so take them out whenever possible.

When the radar screen says "2nd Target!," you've reached the boss. Lock on to it and fire the missiles at it. This isn't any different from the last boss battle, you're just doing it on different-looking terrain. Now all you have to worry about is the landing sequence.

CornshaqGaming plays Top Gun - Part 1 of 4

Guess what? It's not as annoying as one would think.

Mission 1

Training For the Next Mission

The missiles are usually meant for boss fights. The bigger ones are more powerful, but you have less of them to launch. The smaller ones aren't as powerful, but you have more ammunition for them.

This one is pretty simple. Just stay alive and shoot down planes. You'll need the target practice for the levels ahead. (You could be like the AVGN and stay at 40,000 feet where planes can't get you, but where's the fun in that?) Avoid missiles or shoot them down whenever you see them on screen, and if the radar screen tells you that a bogey is on your tail, move to the sides in a S-pattern to get free. When you consume enough fuel, you'll immediately go to the landing sequence.

You'll have to match the speed and altitude on the radar screen in order to get this right. Otherwise, you'll be pulling your best AVGN impersonation (and you'll also lose a life). Guess what? It's easy compared to the next challenge.

Mission 2

Destroy An Enemy Aircraft Carrier

Not only do you have the planes to deal with, you'll also have enemy ships shooting you from below. Juke and jive, my friend. Juke and jive.

When you hear the siren and see the message saying "Fuel Empty! Press Start," press Start to enter the refueling sequence. And guess what? I finally figured out how to do the refueling sequence! About time!

You have to get it on the X on the picture of the plane on the radar screen in the refueling sequence. If you get it right, you'll get the message "Connected!" on the radar screen and you'll be able to refuel. If you miss, the refueling plane flies away, and it doesn't come back. The game will also be pretty cruel and let you fly until you run completely out of fuel. Yeah, that's evil.



A: machine gun
B: missile (press once to lock on, twice to fire)
Control Pad: move plane (Down to ascend, Up to descend)

Landing/Refueling Sequences

A: speed up
B: speed down
Control Pad: position plane