
Friday, November 30, 2012

FFL2and3rocks plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Game Boy) - Part 1 of 3

In this game, you can choose between the Gray Ranger, the Gray Ranger, the Gray Ranger, the Gray Ranger, and the Gray Ranger. Don't you just love Game Boy?

Level 1 - Ranger

Wait...did the Putties trash the wrong side of town because Rita told them to? I don't get it.

Anyway, this level's really straightforward. Putties will run towards you and you just press the B button at the right time to bitch-slap them. No, that's not a punch. That's a bitch-slap.

A little later into the stage, you'll see bombs drop from open windows when you get too close. It's kinda hard to dodge them the first play-through but as you replay it and replay it, you'll figure out where it happens.

A few of the Putties will even jump. You'll have to go airborne to hit them.

When you reach the end, the Megazord forms and the boss battle begins. Yeah, there's only one section...unlike the rest of these levels...

Level 1 - Megazord

Oh, great. It's Squatt.

Hit him when he comes towards you. He flashes and stops moving for a few seconds, then stops flashing and starts moving again.

When he starts flashing white and hiding his face, run to the other end of the screen and jump over the fireballs.

He's pretty easy.

Level 1 - Bonus

Hit all the fireballs for points. The more you hit, the more points you get. You won't get anything for hitting them all except for bragging rights.

Level 2 - Ranger

You have more power, so you can take more hits in this level than in the last. As you complete more levels, you'll gain more maximum power.

After the first three putties, a Putty will stomp the ground and cause rocks to fall down from right in front of you before he runs away. Stand still to avoid the rocks. Shortly afterwards, one will appear from behind you. Run away to avoid the rocks this time.

You'll also see dirt moving around sometimes. Run away from it and hit the Putty that comes out of the ground when he jumps out.

Also, some of the Putties will throw bombs and turn tail.

Level 2 - Megazord

The boss here is King Sphinx.

Two pillars of dirt will appear - one in front of you, one behind. Jump over them both, then hit him. He'll keep doing this over and over, but hopefully you should be close enough to hit him in-between his attacks.

When he's at half health, run away. Jump over him when he runs to the other side of the screen, and hit him while jumping over the rocks he throws.

Level 2 - Bonus

Hit the rocks!

They'll come at two different speeds (slow and fast) while coming in at two different levels of the screen (high and low), sometimes two at a time. Stay at the very left of the screen to minimize damage.

The Super Back to the Future II Epilogue - Happy Family II


See where my "fanaticism" with this game all began...

1. Opening Theme

2. Boss Theme
3. Round 2-1

4. Round 3-1
5. Round 4-1
6. Round 4-2

7. Round 4-3

8. Round 5-1

9. Round 5-3
10. Round 6-1

Amazingly, there isn't a video for Round 3-4...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

ultimachocobo86 plays Super Back to the Fut - Oh, Fuck It. Here's A Long Play.

Well, since he gave up, let's just do this and consider the game beaten.

Round 5-2

Password: EYES

We're in the sewers now? This is interesting.

You'll see three spike walls that protrude in and out that you'll have to carefully move past before you finally start seeing enemies. After that, you'll have a few more to deal with. Just like the first set, take them slow.

You'll encounter a huge drop (in which you may have to watch out for spikes) before reaching the floor as well as a pit to go down if you want to continue. Take the time to use any springs you might find to get some coins.

The doors that are ahead spit out more of those karate guys. After this, you'll see those kids from Round 1-1 again. This time, you'll have to deal with them. Strangely, these kids drink soda out of a regular soda can, but when they toss it, the can inexplicably becomes as big as they are. Now that's weird.

Not long afterward, you'll enter an area that has no ceiling...and a lot of kid-sized soda cans falling from the sky. Once again, you'll have to spin jump off of these to move on.

After four karate kids and a couple of springs, it's more of those darned brown platforms, some of which vanish in and out...again.

Well, the good news is that once you get past this part, you're above ground again.

Just make your way to the top of the building and you'll be at the goal!

You'll find out that the book you were looking for is really a girly mag. Looks like the trail is cold...or is it?

Round 5-3

Password: ROCK

This stage goes a mile a minute when you know how to get through it.

At the beginning of the stage is a 1-Up, which costs 100 coins. If you keep getting enough coins and dying, it's like infinite chances to beat Round 6-3. Yeah, I know, you have continues, but's less annoying than watching that Game Over animation over and over again.

The only real thing I can say about this stage is to have patience with the spikes. Thankfully, this round is mercifully easier than the last two.

Once you finish this stage, 1955 George beats 1955 Biff up! Biff will drop the almanac, and you'll get it back.

Round 5-4

Password: ZERO

Instead of one or two guys, you've got three.

3-D glasses guy: This guy flies back and forth at the top of the room. Thankfully, you can easily get several spin jump on him in a row and he can easily be defeated.

Party guy: He's in the middle and he has two attacks - the stream of confetti and that 3-way attack with his party favors. He does the first attack more often when you're close to him, so use that to your advantage when you spin jump him to oblivion.

Wine bottle guy: He's at the bottom. Obviously, because of the platforms that follow you as you jump, he's the hardest. He shoots corks out of the wine bottle and also starts running faster for a second when you're nearby. The best way to take care of him is to get up close and jump and spin at the same time. That way, you'll crash into him without taking damage.

When you've made it past this boss battle, Biff gets ticked off and knocks you down, taking the almanac back with him.

Round 6-1

Password: WINK

Love the music in here. It's really adrenalizing and it kinda puts the whole "race against time" message in perspective.

As soon as you start this stage, large brown balls (either giant oranges, meatballs or balls of manure...I can't tell) start falling from the sky. You'll be spin jumping your way through the stage for a bit while avoiding bikers and other enemies.

Once you see the ceiling, you'll be jumping from platform to platform while trying not to get hit by cannonballs from below.

After the two springs, you'll be dealing with balloons again, followed by more platform with a few rotten apples among them that repeatedly perform their little vanishing act. Cute.

After a rather short easy section, you'll see those giant brown balls again. You'll have to use those to spin jump your way forward, then you'll have to spin jump into some bikers, go down a long hill, then jump over (or defeat) some homeless guy throwing things into a flame barrel to summon fireballs.

Hey, guess what? You'll have to do [b]that[/b] thing one last time.

Go all the way down and make your way to the right. You'll have to do the "spin jump off stuff to make your way up" trick to get past this part.

If you can somehow manage to pull that off, it's just a short run to the goal.

Round 6-2

Password: BIFF

This is just way too easy.

Just spin jump on Biff's head a couple of times. That's it. He'll give up the almanac after a few hits. It's just you, him, a car with a tractor trailor and a truck in front of him shooting objects everywhere. The only thing to be really careful about here is Biff getting up from the car seat and jumping out at you...even though ultima attacks him so fast he doesn't give Biff a chance to breathe.

Once you beat him, you'll see Biff crash right into a manure truck. Then the credits roll. What? No one last scene where you meet Jennifer and Doc before heading back to 1985?

Well, at least this was somewhat of an enjoyable game. It's not without its faults, but at least it's better than the stuff we got back in America from LJN...

ultimachocobo86 plays Super Back to the Future II - Part 4

...and this is where ultima finally puts the controller down and says "Screw it."

Well, at least I have a good idea as to why we didn't get this game in the States...simple stuff is just so damn hard! Even a slight amount of speed can lead to a big tragedy, and flying all the way to the right after a hill sometimes really works against you since the game gets spike-happy in the second half of the game. You're basically forced to slow down, as the game is like the classic Sonic games...if movement was made more cumbersome.

- PrinceWatercress, 11/29/2012

Round 4-3

Password: KING


Jack, Queen, King. Get it?

Looks like you're in some sort of supply shed or enemy hideout or something. I can't tell.

There's a new commando here - one with a knife. He's pretty lame and his attack has no distance. You can defeat him rather easily.

There's an invincibility power-up not far from the start. Hit the vending machine and go nuts for a minute! Pick up speed and get through as much of the level as you can with it! Nothing can stop you! (Okay, I'm probably going overboard now...)

The wooden doors spit out commandos when they open, so don't hang out around them for long.

A short while later, there'll be a big room with two spikes moving around and a bunch of fans on the floor! Once again, be careful as you move all the way to the right to continue on.

You'll then meet Biff Tannen, who has a gun pointed straight after you. He is now a rich man, and he reveals that an old man gave him an almanac in 1955. He also reveals that he killed your father in this alternate timeline (even though his killer was never found) and that he's about to kill you!

Round 4-4

Password: BEAR

You'll fight Biff Tannen this time.

The switches in this room cause electricity to flow from the wires in the foreground. Don't touch the voltage. The two top switches are almost useless unless you get lucky, but if you can reach the two at the bottom, you can shock him if he gets too close to the sides.

This is pretty straightforward. Just spin jump on the top of his head. He'll go down after a few hits. He'll shoot his gun every once in a while, so be careful if you're going for the bottom switches.

Don't stand next to him unless you want to get his with a billy club.

After this, Doc Brown comes in with the DeLorean and that you'll have to return to 1955 to retrieve the almanac, also taking care not to mess anything up from the first trip back.

Round 5-1

Password: PINK


Welcome to 1955, and not some trashed-up alternate world.

There is a shield to your left at the start. If you have 60 coins, it'll be well worth taking the extra second to break it open.

There will be spikes moving up and down dead ahead. There are also kung fu fighters that jump up and try to hit you with their nunchaku on the way down when you get too close. Always defeat them with a spin jump.

Be careful in this section, as there are spikes moving around in a few points. Thankfully, they have a definite pattern. And don't go right hoping to find a shortcut, either, because you're just going to die.

Once you make it through that vertical section, you'll have to stand on a platform and dodge whatever spikes come your way while still keeping yourself on the platform by any means necessary. Thankfully, this part is far easier than the vertical section.

Go right after that long drop, and you'll have to take spring-loaded jumps over walls of spikes. If you're not sure how to time your jumps, don't move the D-Pad and just continue to jump on the spring.

You'll then reach a part where balloons fly around above a bunch of fans. This part is easy if you keep spinning while you're in the air.

After this, you'll see a bunch of springs and platform. Take the time to get some coins here if you can.

When you reach the pit, drop straight down and hug the wall. Don't want to run into any spikes, do you? When you reach the other end, you'll finally see a platform drop down. Take it and you'll take a ride right over the won't even see them. After that, there's the goal! Congratulations, you just made it through one of the most frustrating levels in the game.

You'll then see a cutscene where George McFly slugs 1955 Biff in the stomach! He also has the book! Better go and find him!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Super Back to the Future Part II Intermission - Happy Family I

From the first showing of the original ultimachocobo86 LP.

I only used this one as an intermission as I wasn't writing stuff in advance...yet. Plus, somebody found a link to Kotaku that showed this off, which was the first time I had ever heard of THAT site.

From the second showing of the original ultimachocobo86 LP...because the Angry Video Game Nerd makes for some good instant entertainment. Not surprisingly, it was all my intermissions and epilogues on the GameTrailers blog that got more views on the first day and overall compared to the FAQ entries, and this one was no exception.

 The Back to the Future Part II Pizza Hut commercial. I just now noticed that the policewoman is ticketing a brand-new (at the time) Chevrolet Lumina mini-van when I watched this again before posting it here.

Pizza Hut: Making it great in 1985, 1989, 2015, and every year both in between...and beyond!

ultimachocobo86 plays Super Back to the Future II - Part 3

Died in March 1973...what...?

Oh, lord. This is where the game really kicks your ass.

Here, we have new tactics from the Round 3-5 Boss, a repeat of the jump that requires speed at the beginning of Round 4-2. At this point, ultima just got frustrated with the game.

- PrinceWatercress, 11/28/2012

Round 3-5

Password: LION

Why is this the only "related" password for the Round 3 bosses? Hmmmm...

Anyway, these two bosses are easy. The little guy with the tambourines is pretty easy, and he shoots an angled shot forwards and upwards. Thankfully, he falls easily after you spin jump on his head a couple of times.

The big gut with the hammer is a little harder. Spin jump on him as well, but avoid that hammer!

Also, don't let these two guys touch each other! The little guy will get on top of the big guy and throw four shots at various angles!

After you defeat them, you meet the future version of Jennifer (who is your wife in this time period). Then you go back to Hill Valley...only to find that the world has changed...big time!

Round 4-1

Password: JACK

A lot of enemies are from Round 3-1. The first new one you'll see is pretty easy...some bald guy who looks like his head is on fire. Also worth noting is that the birds have been replaced with bats. Holy crap...welcome to alternate 1985!

The second one is a commando with a machine gun. The blast has some distance and is onscreen for a second before traveling forward, so spin jump on him earlier than usual when you see him. One of the platforms after your first encounter with that new enemy appears and disappears at random. Just letting you know.

A little later, you'll have a choice. Either you can jump over the fence and avoid the harder low road, or you can go down there anyway and get a bunch of coins and face a bunch of bikers. Be sure to spin jump when you go downwards if you take the low road.

If you take the high road, you'll deal with four platforms that vanish in and out for the first spike pit and a moving platform for the second. There's two extra hit points before the spikes and an extra hit point after the second spike pit if you need it.

Once you reach the goal, you'll find out that in this altered timeline, Marty's father George was murdered on March 15, 1973. You'll then meet Doc Brown again.

Round 4-2

Password: QEEN

Go right to hit the switch, then go back to the left and jump on the platform then jump to the ledge you couldn't reach at first.

A short while later, you'll have to deal with a spike pit with individual spikes moving up and down above it that will block your progress between the platforms. In the first half of this part, the platforms vanish in and out.

Drop down instead of leaping off the top of the hill after this, and hit the switch to move the spikes. You'll then see more fans followed by what look like falling mushrooms. You'll have to spin jump from platform to platform to keep from being hit by these things, but makes getting through this part a little more exciting and a bit faster.

After a while, you'll have to do this again...this time, there will be some machine gun commandos on some of the platforms. You'll have springs instead of fans bouncing you up, but thankfully this part is a little easier.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ultimachocobo86 plays Super Back to the Future II - Part 2

Even when he thinks he's got it all planned out, he still dies.

Did I mention that about a month before I started work on this, I finally saw [i]Back to the Future[/i] for the first time? It's every bit of awesome that James Rolfe wants you to believe that it is. I eventually saw the sequels, and they were really good, too. I have a perfect understanding of the storyline in Part II as well, so it makes it even easier for me to enjoy the game.
Turns out there's more to the Round 3-3 boss than I think. There are not only the obvious gold pipes, but also pipes in the background that the black iron balls can fall into and enter the lower level from en route to the gold pipes. Also, a key thing to do against him is to keep the three balls and have them all flow in a to speak.

The five coins in the beginning of Round 3-4 are probably a clue on how to get past the two spikes and three large iron balls above the second and third sets of fans, respectively. It seems this is not as hard as I thought, but it's still a bit too easy to die. I should also mention that those iron balls near the fast-moving platforms are a new one on me, since I don't remember those in the original playthrough.

From watching this, I can tell that the game isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I'm wondering how ultima's going to get through Round 5-2, though...

- PrinceWatercress, 11/27/2012

Round 3-2

Password: BUST

This is the weirdest hotel I've ever seen.

Anyway, avoid the big black balls. Those things and indestructible. Hit the switches on the bookcase to get rid of the walls of spikes. Also, the soldiers' guns here can shoot farther and faster, and some of them can send shock waves through the ground with their tasers, so be careful. To get through the field of bombs, spin jump through the bombs to blow them up without doing any harm to yourself.

You have to land dead center on the white platforms...or else you'll fall through the sides. And if you're not careful, you could fall all the way back to the beginning of the level!

Also, losing your lives and seeing Marty fly to heaven on little angel wings sounds really annoying. Yeah, I know.

Round 3-3

Password: WOLF

This boss is pretty simple. Just spin jump on the blocks to break them, and move to one of the sides when you bounce off them. The iron balls that fall from out of the pipes should hit him.

The blocks will come back one at a time from hooks that hang from the ceiling, so keep on breakin'!

Every once in a while, he'll turn around and fire three musical notes. You can get rid of any of them with a simple spin jump.

If for some reason you end up at the bottom, head back up by climbing into the opening to one of the pipes on the sides. Don't forget, you can also spin jump off the guy's head and score a free hit whenever possible.

Round 3-4

Password: BLUE

Oh, jeez, I hate this level. Dying here = massive frustration, because of all the puzzling traps involved.

You'll be reaching higher heights with the fans on the floor. The first one is easy. The second one is not.

You'll have to time your movements, including when you float upwards with help from the fans, to avoid the spikes which move back and forth. You'll have to get some speed and time it right.

The third one is even slightly more of a pain, since there are three iron balls moving around at the top. Once again, get some speed and plan accordingly. These things do have a pattern, you know. And if you can stay away from the second one and under the third one, that's great...since you're kinda expected to do that.

You'll go up three platforms. After that, go left and you'll find an extra hit point and a shield. Hope you have 120 coins. Go right, and you'll not only find 30 coins if you go after the guard, but you'll also have to anticipate the movements of two walls of spikes when you drop down. Thankfully, they move vertically, and you can find even more coins in this area.

After the next two springs, go left, jumping the pits as you go (unless you want some more secrets...or an giant iron ball to the jumping onto the moving ledges) and wait. These spikes have a new trick: appearing and disappearing randomly. If you have three hits, hitting one, catching a lot of speed and going through it as fast as you can is feasible.

The iron balls after this are easy. After that, you have the goal.

ultimachocobo86 plays Super Back to the Future II - Part 1

Well, thanks to stuff beyond my control, I'm covering this game again...again.

This time around, everything's in widescreen and there isn't as much crapping around, since ultima is better at this game than he was last time (the video of which is lost to time and space forever).

Since I'm basically covering a game for the third straight time (for GameTrailers, anyway), I'm basically going to make this blog longer by throwing in more of my thoughts on the game in addition to the FAQ portion.

As I mentioned earlier, moving around in the game is like moving around in the original Sonic the Hedgehog, and when you get hit, the mechanics to that are like the original Castlevania.

Since I did a lot more watching than I did writing this time around, and had to make only a few edits since I was linking to certain times in the old (and now removed) LP, I paid more attention to the level design, which ultimachocobo86 described as "a sheer nightmare." What's interesting about that statement is that it's actually correct - kinda. You have to get some speed going in order to make some basic platform jumps that you wouldn't have problems with in other platformers, and parts of the game are harder than they should be simply because of the controls. It's also not an unusual occurrence to be catching big air and going as far to the right as possible only to run into a wall of spikes, especially in the later rounds where there's spikes a-plenty!

ultimachocobo86 gets into the game quickly as he runs through the first two worlds faster than he did last time, but even when you have a good grasp of the game, you're still gonna see some serious fried chicken by the time you reach Round 3-1. Also, I finally have a grasp on how those platforms that lower you in that lower path in Round 3-1 finally work. You don't have to go back and get some speed, but it does help if you know how to slow down and know the level design well enough. They're still a pain in the ass.

Also, invincibility trumps the shield. What the hell.

- PrinceWatercress, 11/27/2012

Anyway, "Lesson" starts you at 0-1, while "Start" takes you to 1-1.

I kinda mentioned in the link that this Japan-only game controls like Sonic to some degree...but it's kinda evil. You'll need to collect coins to get power-ups from the vending machines, and the learning curve is a bit high. But it's still better than the LJN games, I'll tell you that.

Anyway, in the tutorial level, you start out automatically with the hoverboard in well as Marty Jr.'s clothes. (Why? I don't know. The Japanese are weird like that, I guess.) Like in Sonic, it takes a while to get going, but once you do...oh, how fast you go!

Make it a habit to keep on spinning while you're in mid-air. It'll be a habit that will save your life and keep you from experiencing unnecessary deaths. At least you have unlimited continues...but still, I'm gonna put it out there. Doing that helps. A lot.

Round 0-1

Password: BACK


This level is pretty straightforward. Grab as many coins as you can as you make your way through the level. Don't forget: when you finish a level, you get 100 coins just for making it to the exit!

To break boxes, just run through them. Sometimes you'll find coins in them, sometimes you won't.

To activate switches, just run through them as well.

To activate a power-up, just run through the vending machine. If you have enough coins, you'll exchange those for the power-up.

At the end of this level, you'll get a cutscene where you meet your girlfriend Jennifer, and Doc Brown takes you to the year 2015. You'll also see a short cinematic that takes place with a Mode 7 DeLorean, as well.


Round 1-1

Password: OPEN

To defeat enemies, jump on top them while spinning, just like in Sonic. You'll have to be in an actual jump. Again, like Sonic. Once again, if you're not, you'll take damage. And with three hits, there are opportunities where if you're not careful, you'll die...and die...and die.

Whenever you defeat an enemy, you'll get one coin. The more you defeat, the more help you'll have at getting power-ups out of the vending machines.

The police officers' bullets can be destroyed with a spin jump. They don't give you coins, though.

Get used to seeing areas where you're climbing through vertical areas with platforms you can jump through at the end to reach the next "floor" (as well as the enemies in them) in the levels that take place outside. This won't be the last time you'll see a building like this. It's easy here, but later on...

To jump on the springs, you don't necessarily have to jump on them. Instead, you can run over them and they'll take you pretty high.

You'll see some kids throwing those soda cans later in the game. Right now, don't worry about defeating them. Just run right past them and you'll do just fine.

Round 1-2

Password: BOSS

Here's your first meeting with Griff Tannen. The buttons at the lower corners will hit him with the flat-screen TVs (ah, the rounded screens!), but they only work once. You'll have to spin jump on top of him when he's not spinning those baseball bats around.

He'll hit the ground with the bats and cause things to fall down, but that attack is easy to avoid.

After you defeat him (which doesn't take very long), you'll see a cutscene where he sends three of his goons after you. You'll have to fight them in the next stage.

Round 2-1

Password: HEAD

Love the music in this one.

Anyway, it looks like you're in the 2015 version of the Downtown area, according to the background. I guess.

This is where you'll see the spikes for the first time. Sometimes they'll move around, sometimes they'll be in a line keeping you from entering an area, sometimes they guard something until you hit a switch or perform a certain action such as defeat an enemy (you'll see a bit of that last one here). Regardless, they're really small, they're cheap half the time and they're really obnoxious. So be on your guard.

If you're fast enough after triggering the switch that moves the wall of spikes upward, you can spin jump high enough to defeat the first goon in an instant.

The wall behind him can be climbed on. Just keep jumping towards it and you'll climb up to the top of the wall. You may have to jump off the floating robot to reach the top here, as it's harder to jump to the very top of the wall at times until you get used to it. Be careful not to take damage when you reach the end of the climbable wall.

The flying cars act as platforms. You may experience some slowdown here (hey, the game isn't perfect, but it's still pretty good), but that's about all you'll have to deal with. You'll have to jump over the spikes after they are to the left of the path forward after the cars.

Jump down the pit, and you'll fight the blond girl with the ponytails. Keep spinning while you jump, and you'll keep bouncing on her and spinning until you land on her when she's on the ground. (She stands there for about two seconds before continuing her attack.) Once you defeat her, you'll be able to jump on some platforms and continue on.

The guys on the hoverboards will only come down if you run over the switch that lets them down. Taking it slow here helps.

The third goon does nothing but shoot sonic waves out of his guitar. After that long drop, speed up and take a huge spin jump. You'll come down right on the guy's head and knock him out.

After that, you'll be able to jump onto a platform, jump over the dead end and head to the exit!

Round 2-2

Password: FROG


It's Griff again. This time, you'll have to press the two switches at the center of the screen, timing it so that when the big geyser of water comes out, Griff is in the center of the screen. This will send him flying into the roof of the mansion in the background. After doing this about five or six times, he's done.

He'll stop in one of the corners and throw those baseball bats at you again. If you stay under him, you won't have to worry about that.

If you can somehow sneak up behind him and do a spin jump on him when he lowers himself to flatten you with his hoverboard (which he does every so often), you'll land a free hit.

You'll then get a cutscene. Old Man Biff Tannen will climb into the DeLorean and travel into time...but why?

Monday, November 26, 2012

American Masters: The Doors

I made this epilogue for the original show-off of the 6 Days A Sacrifice LP back in January 2011, back when I was just getting started on the original GameTrailers blog. If it's just meh at best, that's probably why. You were warned.

Well, I've finished up my first "playthrough" only to find something good and not related to video games at all to talk about.

I just so happened to be flipping channels until I hit PBS...and guess what I immediately see? The beginning to "American Masters." And they're covering...of all bands...the Doors.

Now, if you've seen me on other pockets of the Internet, you know I'm more into electronic music such as Freestyle, Hi-NRG and Synth-pop, particularly from the 80s. Something told me to watch this...and I'm glad I did. For the whole 90 minutes, Johnny Depp (who narrated the whole episode) mentioned all the key points while backstage, concert, studio, and private footage of the group plays while awash in the Doors' music. And it was wonderful.

We finally get to see a little bit of the mystique behind Jim Morrison in this one. He managed the image of the Doors, as well as that of himself. Heck, he even carefully chose his leather pants so that he could emphasize the shape of his crotch. Everything he did was either brilliant or brilliantly calculated. The alcohol and acid trips added to the whole thing while it led to Morrison's demise at the same time.

Would I recommend anyone seeing this? Yes. It's the best 90 minutes I've seen in television in a long time.

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 14 of 14

Everything finally comes full circle!

Use the Hands on the Darkness, and you'll wake up in a box. You'll then be in a dungeon, and the Prince will appear for a second before disappearing. Click on the Tarpaulin, and you'll get one last document. Pay attention to what's in this document...the ending will make more sense.

Use the Hands on the Tarpaulin again, and you'll find a bomb that's powerful enough to atomize the county. If you use the hands on the bomb, you'll find out it's been defused.

Walk up the stairs and into the doorway, and you'll be forced off the stairs and onto the floor by fire. This is the petrol that the Trilby clone poured on the bomb. The Prince didn't defuse the bomb. Trilby did. The fire will hit the bomb, causing it to explode and take you with it.

You'll see a news report, followed by the Caretaker wondering what the Prophecy was really supposed to do before he waits for the timeline of 7 Days a Skeptic to begin.

Theo Dacabe will be inside Chzo, and as the Prince approaches him, the eye of Chzo opens and pins him to the wall with a laser beam. This laser beam sucks out his powers and gives them to Theo, making him the new Prince. He floats into the air and knocks the old Prince (now the Arrogant Man) all the way back and into a pit. If you use the hands on Chzo, it says "protect him always," and if you use the eye on Chzo, it says "my king."

Move towards the pit and you'll see both the Arrogant Man hanging off the edge as well as the last Trilby clone. Using the eye on Trilby says "the guide." If you use the eye on the Arrogant Man, you'll get "take his place."

Use the Hands on him and you'll cause him to fall to the ground, as you, the New Prince, finally get a staff and knock him into the blackness. Theo Dacabe is now Chzo's new chosen one.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 13 of 14

You must face your destiny.

When the Caretaker disappears, a note will be where he was once standing. It will tell you about Frehorn's Blade (the blade you just carried in the last section).

When you enter the hallway, it has finally bled through completely to look like a dungeon with a dirt floor.

Go back into the Hub. You'll have three Trilbys to work with, but if you're down to one, you can go back to the entrance to DeFoe Manor to get more. Do not get caught without a Trilby unless you want to die.

Go to the room on the right. When you enter any room other than the entrance, a Trilby dies at the hands of the Prince. Grab the Machete above the fireplace, and go back to the entrance.

Stock up on Trilbys by going back into the main entrance, then go up the stairs. Go into the first door, and pick up the Welding Mask on the bed. Go back down the stairs, click on the double doors and get Three Trilbys again. Go up the stairs, then go to the door at the end. Pick up the apron at the bathtub. You will now have the Outfit in your inventory.

Go through the left door, go through the next door, and you'll be at the room with the hole again. Use the Outfit on it, and you'll put it on, allowing you to enter. Your last Trilby will die, and you'll fall into a seemingly bottomless pit.

The Caretaker will tell the Trilby clone what he'll have to do, and then you'll be lying down somewhere.

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 12 of 14

The history of the man in red...revealed!

Go down the stairs. As you go further down, you'll see more blood on the stairwell and you'll see visions of people in welder masks getting killed by Malcolm Somerset. All the while, Malcolm loses his hair, he gets older and his robes start getting ragged and red.

When you reach the bottom of the stairwell, you'll be in a very fleshy-looking underworld. If you talk to the man trapped in the wall, you'll see it's a zombified Trilby. You'll be able to ask him it! You'll find out this is the body of Chzo that you're in, and you'll have to kill him to see him free from Chzo. Use the Blade on him after asking all the questions, then a flashing Trilby body will appear nearby. Use the Energy you got from the tortured Trilby on the body, and it'll disappear. Chzo will be angry, and when you make a run for it, you'll see a bandaged-up man in an apron and welding mask where you entered from. You'll fall down the pit, and the next thing you see is two guards from the asylum surveying the dead body of Malcolm Somerset in his cell.

As Malcolm falls into blackness, he is free of physical form, yet he is still in control of himself. He is now...The Caretaker. And he can be anywhere...any time.

Day Six


That's right.

There's no Day Five.

Deal with it.

You'll be back where you left off, and the Caretaker will now appear before you. He'll tell you to go to the basement of DeFoe Manor.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 11 of 14

it hurts

When you leave the sleeping quarters, the hall looks even more like a dungeon. Go back to the holding cell and you will see that Canning is indeed dead.

When you come back into the hall, Janine will be walking around with a knife in her hand and a welding mask around her face. Avoid making any conversation with her. When you go back to the right side of the hall, you'll notice one of the doors looks different now. Go through it and you'll be in a room from the old DeFoe manor. Grab the pickaxe that is flashing. Run into Janine, and you'll be back in the sleeping quarters. Again. But there will be light flashing from the door on the right. When you go through it, you'll be in another DeFoe manor room. If you look at anything in this room, you'll get the message "it hurts" and nothing else. Use the pickaxe on the hole on the left side of the room when Janine is near. It'll stop flashing, and when Janine stops, the Prince grabs her and pulls her in. You'll be back in the room with the cushion and the Order symbol. Blood will splurt out of the left wall. Janine is dead. You're on your own now, buddy!

Well, Day Four was rather quick, wasn't it?

Day Five


Notice the date for Day Five. It's 197 years into the future. Malcolm Somerset (aka "Johnathan Somerset") is now in a padded cell. Apparently, this part takes place after the events of 7 Days a Skeptic, the plotline sequel to 6 Days a Sacrifice.

Once the conversation outside the door is over, move around a little bit and you'll meet the man in red again. You'll both have a conversation, then he'll disappear. Somebody will then drop food in the dropper. Use the Hands on it, and you'll get a parcel. Use it, and you'll find some sort of knife. Use your hands on the wall, and you'll find a door. Use the Blade on it. You'll now be outside the building...

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 10 of 14

The thrills just keep on coming!

When you head back to the Hub, Janine will already be in there! You'll then come towards a door guarded by two other Trilbys. Fail doormen sure are fail. The Trilby that followed you will find out he is indeed a clone. Now you know why I posted the second intermission.

When you go in, you'll be in what appears to be a mansion. The walls appear to be moving as if the place in unstable. Janine joins you, and Trilby tells you that the ruins are indeed DeFoe Manor. Before he can explain everything, the Prince (the tall white guy) appears behind him  and kills him. A man in black dressed in a leather apron and a welding mask will appear. When he walks into you, you'll both appear back in the hallway near the Hub door. Janine runs away. The man in red appears again, and after a brief conversation where he explains what you more or less already know, he asks why the Trilby clones have been manufactured. Guess what? If you've been reading the notes, you should very well know that John DeFoe is scared of the man.

When you head back to the hall to find Janine, the Prince appears. Janine opens the door before he can walk up to you. Then you'll see why I posted the first scene!

And so ends Day Three!

Day Four

When the day begins, you'll be at the holding cell where Canning is still sitting. Theo opens the door...and kills Canning with his bare hands.

Of course, it's another nightmare, and you wake up in the bunk of the sleeping quarters yet again. Janine is gone yet again.

Friday, November 23, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 9 of 14

Well, we're down one ally. Now what?

Go back to the room you woke up in, and use the Hands on Samantha's body. You'll find that her ID Badge is gone. Also, if you go to the sleeping quarters, you'll find the door is locked. You'll have to talk to her through the cellphone, but even then she won't help you.

Go back to the security room, switch to Camera 5 and input the password again, and then go to the touchscreen and choose "Download current image." Now you can show her what's inside the Hub, and she'll be able to come out. She'll then wait for you outside the Hub. Talk to her and ask for the ID, then take it to the lab and show it to Trilby. The way Samantha died will trigger more of his memories.

You'll be at the Hub, and after some hesitation Janine and Trilby will open the door only to find out it won't budge. You'll have to go back to the security room and open the fuse box to fix this. Open the fuse box door, then use the staple on it. Problem solved!

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 8 of 14

Trilby clones? Trilby clones.

If you haven't noticed already, the door at the very right end is now open. Go inside and you'll see some test tubes. The computer has an article that you can add to the Journal. At the other end of the room is a book with an article you can add to the Journal, as well as Trilby...if that's who he is, anyway. If you talk to him, you'll find out that this is where he woke up.

You'll have some more questions for Canning, and if you can figure out what Samantha was doing in the Hub, he'll help you. The correct answer here is...she's a cloner! Canning will then tell you about the DeFoe Manor Incident and the Clanbronwyn Hotel Incident from "5 Days A Stranger" and "Trilby's Notes," other games in the series.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ironic intermission is ironic.

From the original version. You'll see why later on.

From the newer, FAQ-included version. Like the other video, this foreshadows something in the game. This one got quite the viewcount on GameTrailers, and it's pretty easy to see why.

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 7 of 14

Is there any way out of this underground lair?

When you leave the room, the room changes even more. A clone of Theo DaCabe before he was thrown down the elevator shaft appears, and almost as soon as you face him, the real Theo grabs him by the throat and turns into the Prince. You are then back in the room with the man in red by your side. This is the end of Day Two.

Day Three


When you go back to the phone, you'll find out that Samantha's phone is still on. If you call, you'll get a really garbled message. Sounds like "two, seven, four, one." Hmmmmm...

When you go back into the hall, you'll find that more of the stuff you saw when the hall acted all weird shows up even further. Go back into the storage closet, which is two doors to the right. The Trilby guard is - unexplainably - back...and with no memory of what's happened. He's not even against you this time. Now the game is getting weird...

Talk to him, and ask him questions. He remembers a few things, but not very much. He'll leave when you ask him everything. Go back to the security room and switch to Camera 5. Input "2741." You'll see the remains of an old building on the monitor.

Go back to the holding cell and talk to Canning. You now have new questions to ask him.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 6 of 14

I think we've got more questions than answers here...

Once you're done asking questions, go back to Canning's office and take the documents off the filing cabinet. Look at it in your inventory, and you'll take the staple out and toss the papers. If you look in the filing cabinet, you'll find a document about how to enter the Ethereal Realm.

Go to the computer, and you'll be able to release the Level 1 security and reset the thermostat.

The second to last room on the right side is the security room. Here, you'll be able to see more of the place. Use the touchscreen to change the camera to Camera 4, then choose "Review Input." You'll get old footage of Canning at his desk. Use the lens on the monitor to get a passcode: 7759.

Head to the big orange door and you'll see Samantha in front of it. Tell her you've found the passcode, as well as the keycard that you picked up earlier. Put the keycard in the left panel and input 7759 on the right. Two wheels will pop up on both sides of the door. You'll have to get Janine to turn one of the wheels, though, since they both require two hands and you're messed up. Contact her on the cellphone, and ask her you'll need her help to open the Hub.

They'll both turn the wheels to open the Hub, only to find it's no elevator. Samantha goes in...and then comes back out holding her throat. She then vomits blood and dies.

You'll be back in the room you woke up in. Samantha's body is covered by a blanket, and Janine freaks out. When she leaves, the man in red pops back up before you can chase after her.

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 5 of 14

The jig is up for Canning.

To use the phone, move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen and click "Phone" when the drop-down menu pops up. Clicking on it in your inventory does nothing. If you have any question to ask, click on the questions in the dialogue box. When you're ready, tell her you've gotten the guard away from the door, and she'll tell you to meet her outside the office door.

Talk to her, and you'll take Canning hostage again. This time, he'll be put in the holding cell. He'll tell you about the Hub, which is the only other way out that you can use. Samantha will walk away, leaving you free to question Canning. If you read the memo, you'll see a note from Canning saying to hold the prisoners for six days, and after that, 'it will no longer matter.' I wonder what that means...?

Anyway, you'll learn about the Blessed Agonies of the Body, the Mind and the Soul. I think we've got the Agony of the Body down-pat.

Monday, November 19, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 4 of 14

More creepiness ensues!

Go to the room on the right. You'll see Janine, but you'll also see a symbol in the corner. This is the symbol of the Order of Blessed Agonies. Talk to Janine, and ask her any questions you may have. She's not as much of a risk taker as Dr. Harty, it seems. There is also a note on the cabinet next to her. More Blessed Agonies literature.

Head out, go through the left door, and walk through the hall from the left side. You'll find a pair of spectacles on the ground. The guard will head towards you and capture you, then put you in a holding cell. Walk to the left side of the cell and the man in the red robe appears again. He'll return you to the room in the north door, and on the right is a dead body with flies around it.

Head out through the door on the left, get the guard's attention, and go back through the door you just walked out of. The collection of flies above the corpse is the strange man you saw kill the guard. He kills this guard as well, and once again for no reasonable explanation.

When you enter the hallway, it will change in appearance quite a bit. Blood appears faintly on the walls, and there are messages on the walls as well. Oh, boy...what's gonna happen next? Stay tuned!

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 3 of 14

Time to answer some questions.

Ask all the questions. You'll find out that Janine is a celebrity journalist, and Canning is little more than a low-level acolyte.

After asking everything on the list, Day Two will start.

Day Two

You'll awaken in the sleeping quarters. Janine and Samantha will not be inside. Enter the room on the right, and you'll find some sort of strange monster hiding in a corner. It's a child, and it's face will turn into a mask, turning yours into one too! Thankfully, it's just a nightmare, and Samantha is waiting in the corner as soon as you wake up. She'll mention the plan of getting Canning to release you. You'll also be able to contact Samantha and Janine with the cellphone now.

Before you leave, use the Hands on the book on the bunk. You'll get a journal entry of sorts from the Order of Blessed Agonies. Go to the locker. The password is "OPEN." You'll find a keycard inside...take it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 2 of 14

How are we going to get past this guard, I wonder...?

Talk to Samantha, and point to the door at the north wall. A strange man will come out of the door and put his hand on the guard's face. Samantha puts up the privacy screen. The guard is now officially dead.

Samantha will now tell you where you are, and what Optimology really is...a cult known as the Order of Blessed Agonies. She'll tell you to speak to Janine, who happens to be another prisoner in the complex.

Once Samantha leaves the room, you're free to move around once again. The door to the north leads to a closet which leads into a hallway. Walk all the way to the right, and follow the girl. You'll be back in the hallway you were just in as the complex circles around like a doughnut. Open the door that's all the way to the left, and you'll find the girl. This is Janine.

Janine will give you some guns. Go a little bit to the right, and you'll see Dr. Harty. Give her the guns, and you'll both enter a door. Samantha will point a gun at Canning, one of the cultists. It seems that Dr. Harty isn't a prisoner after all, and that she was "employed." When you both enter the room, the guard you just saw get killed comes back out of the blue with a weapon of his own. Before he can send you to the holding cell, a mysterious man in a red robe will suddenly appear and knock both the guard and Canning unconscious.

You'll return to the sleeping quarters where Janine is still standing, and you'll soon be able to answer some questions about where you are and what's going on.

DeceasedCrab plays 6 Days a Sacrifice - Part 1 of 14

Wait...PrinceWatercress reposted this?

Man, I forgot what Theo DaCabe looked like before you actually start playing the game. That's probably because he isn't 100% healthy for long...

Anyway, the introduction mentions the events of 5 Days a Stranger and 7 Days a Skeptic.

Go to the inventory, select the hands, then click on the pamphlet. You'll meet Mr. Garriot. You'll talk...then he pushes you down an elevator shaft.

Day One

When you come to, you'll meet the doctor Samantha Harty and a shady looking guard. Once they stop talking, converse with Samantha. You'll be able to learn some things, especially the fact that the console requires a password to be used. Talk to the guard and choose "Urrgh..." The guard will check on you, and when he leans towards you, select the hands and click on him. You'll swipe a piece of paper away from him.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

PrinceWatercress fails at Raphael AGAIN

You'll love how this all ends...and everything before that!

Once again, I'm the one on the right.

PrinceWatercress fails at Raphael

I'm the one on the right, for anyone who cares.

Tune in next entry for the sequel!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Super Mario Bros. - Overworld (Remixed by Jay Reichard aka silentzorah)

Seriously, how else can I start a blog off with a bang?

A remix of the overworld theme from Super Mario Bros., done by Jay Reichard of VG Music (aka silentzorah). Synthesized in NWC, recorded with various soundfonts.

Higher quality MP3

Guide Index

This page has now changed. If you're looking for something now, you'll have to look it up by year first.

The reason for this? Blogger's interface has made it so that if I had everything all in one page at this rate, it would have taken five minutes just to put the newest blogs up every time I went to edit this page just because of how everything was set up. The site slowed to that much of a crawl. Plus, it would have gotten worse. I wish I was kidding.

Other than that, all the sections are just as they were before this page got a huge overhaul. Enjoy!